feat: 系统_插件管理_页面调整_功能联调_完善

This commit is contained in:
xinxin.wu 2023-07-21 18:44:18 +08:00 committed by fit2-zhao
parent 64274427a9
commit 806556f711
20 changed files with 742 additions and 852 deletions

frontend/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ dist-ssr

View File

@ -1,9 +1,25 @@
import MSR from '@/api/http/index';
import { GetPluginListUrl } from '@/api/requrls/setting/plugin';
import type { PluginList } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
import type { TableQueryParams } from '@/models/common';
import {
} from '@/api/requrls/setting/plugin';
import type { PluginList, PluginItem, AddReqData, UpdatePluginModel, UploadFile } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function getPluginList(data: TableQueryParams) {
return MSR.post<PluginList>({ url: GetPluginListUrl, data });
export function getPluginList() {
return MSR.get<PluginList>({ url: GetPluginListUrl });
export function addPlugin(data: UploadFile) {
return MSR.uploadFile<AddReqData>({ url: UploadPluginUrl }, data);
export function updatePlugin(data: UpdatePluginModel) {
return MSR.post<PluginItem>({ url: UpdatePluginUrl, data });
export function deletePluginReq(id: string) {
return MSR.get<PluginItem>({ url: DeletePluginUrl, params: id });
export function getScriptDetail(pluginId: string, scriptId: string) {
return MSR.get({ url: GetScriptUrl, params: `/${pluginId}/${scriptId}` });

View File

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
export const GetPluginListUrl = '/plugin/page';
export const UplodaPluginUrl = '/member/add';
export const GetPluginListUrl = '/plugin/list';
export const UploadPluginUrl = '/plugin/add';
export const UpdatePluginUrl = '/plugin/update';
export const DeletePluginUrl = '/plugin/delete';
export const GetScriptUrl = '/plugin/script/get';

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -7,6 +7,5 @@ import './system/user';
import './system/project';
import './system/resourcePool';
import './system/member';
import './system/pluginManger';

View File

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
import { mock } from '@/utils/setup-mock';
import { RequestEnum } from '@/enums/httpEnum';
const getPluginList = () => {
return [
id: '1-1',
name: '插件一',
describe: '插件一',
enable: true,
createTime: 'number',
updateTime: 'number',
jarPackage: 'string',
version: 'string',
applicationScene: 'string',
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
organizationList: [
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 1',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 2',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 3',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 4',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
steps: [
id: '1-1-1',
name: '步骤一',
id: '1-1-2',
name: '步骤二',
id: '1-1-3',
name: '步骤三',
id: '2-1',
name: '插件一',
describe: '插件一',
enable: true,
createTime: 'number',
updateTime: 'number',
jarPackage: 'string',
version: 'string',
applicationScene: 'string',
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
organizationList: [
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 1',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 2',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 3',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: '组织 4',
description: 'blabla',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 0,
createUser: 'string',
updateUser: 'string',
deleted: true,
deleteUser: 'string',
deleteTime: 0,
enable: true,
steps: [
id: '2-1-1',
name: '步骤2-一',
id: '2-1-2',
name: '步骤2-二',
id: '2-1-3',
name: '步骤3-三',
mock(RequestEnum.POST, '/plugin/page', getPluginList(), 200, true);

View File

@ -14,41 +14,82 @@ export interface organizationItem {
export type organizationList = organizationItem[];
export interface PluginItem {
// 上传文件
export type UploadFile = {
fileList?: FormData[]; // 上传文件
[key: string]: any; // 表单收集字段字符串
export interface PluginForms {
id: string;
name: string;
describe: string;
enable: boolean;
export interface OrganizationsItem {
id: string;
num: number;
name: string;
export type OrganizationsItemList = OrganizationsItem[];
// 插件管理列表项
export type PluginItem = Partial<{
id: string;
name: string;
pluginId: string;
fileName: string; // 文件名称
createTime: number;
updateTime: number;
jarPackage: string;
version: string;
applicationScene: string;
createUser: string;
updateUser: string;
organizationList: organizationList;
steps?: string[];
export type PluginList = PluginItem[];
export interface StepItem {
name: string;
title: string;
status: boolean;
export type StepList = StepItem[];
export interface SceneItem {
name: string;
enable: boolean;
global: boolean;
xpack: boolean; // 授权类型
description: string;
isSelected: boolean;
svg: string;
scenario: string; // 应用场景
organizations: OrganizationsItemList; // 组织列表
pluginForms: PluginForms[]; // 插件步骤
expand?: any;
// 插件管理列表
export type PluginList = PluginItem[];
// 更新插件参数定义
export interface UpdatePluginModel {
id?: string;
name?: string;
global?: boolean | string; // 是否选择全部组织
description?: string;
enable?: boolean;
organizationIds?: Array<string | number>; // 指定组织
[key: string]: any;
export type SceneList = SceneItem[];
export type PluginForm = {
pluginName: string;
organize: string | number;
describe: string;
organizeGroup: Array<string | number>;
// 添加返回的接口
export interface AddReqData {
id?: string;
name: string;
pluginId: string; // 插件id
fileName: string;
createTime: number;
updateTime: number;
createUser: string;
enable: boolean;
global: boolean;
xpack: boolean; // 授权类型
description: string;
scenario: string;
export type Options = {
title: string;
visible: boolean;
onClose?: () => void;
// 抽屉配置
export interface DrawerConfig {
title: string;
pluginId: string; // 插件id
export interface DrawerReqParams {
pluginId: string; // 插件id
scriptId: string; // 脚本id
export interface PluginState {
doNotShowAgain: boolean;

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
<div class="mt-6 flex flex-col">
v-for="(item, index) in sceneList"
class="ms-ls-row my-2"
:class="{ 'ms-ls-row--active': item.isSelected }"
<div class="ms-icon-list ml-4 mr-5">
<svg-icon :width="'64px'" :height="'46px'" :name="item.svg" />
<div class="flex flex-col justify-center">
<div class="mb-1 font-medium">{{ t(item.name) }}</div>
<div class="text-sm">{{ t(item.description) }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import type { SceneItem, SceneList } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
const { t } = useI18n();
const props = defineProps<{
setCurrent: (step: number) => void;
const sceneList = ref<SceneList>([
name: 'system.plugin.interfaceTest',
description: 'system.plugin.interfaceTestDescribe',
isSelected: true,
svg: 'apitest',
name: 'system.plugin.projectManger',
description: 'system.plugin.projectMangerDescribe',
isSelected: false,
svg: 'promanger',
const selectHandler = (currentItem: SceneItem) => {
sceneList.value.forEach((item: SceneItem) => {
item.isSelected = false;
currentItem.isSelected = true;
<style scoped lang="less">
.ms-ls-row {
border-width: 1px;
@apply flex flex-row items-center rounded border-solid py-2;
&--active {
/* stylelint-disable-next-line color-function-notation */
background-color: rgb(var(--primary-1));
&:hover {
background-color: rgb(var(--primary-1));

View File

@ -7,119 +7,157 @@
<a-button class="mr-3" type="primary" @click="uploadPlugin">{{ t('system.plugin.uploadPlugin') }}</a-button>
<a-col :span="5" :offset="9">
<a-select v-model="scene" allow-clear>
<a-select v-model="searchKeys.scene" allow-clear>
<a-option v-for="item of sceneList" :key-="item.value" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</a-option>
<a-col :span="5">
<a-input-search :placeholder="t('system.plugin.searchPlugin')" @search="searchPlugin"></a-input-search>
<ms-base-table v-bind="propsRes" v-on="propsEvent">
<template #organization="{ record }">
v-for="org of record.organizationList.slice(0, 2)"
class="mr-[4px] border-[rgb(var(--primary-5))] bg-transparent !text-[rgb(var(--primary-5))]"
{{ org.name }}
v-show="record.organizationList.length > 2"
class="mr-[4px] border-[rgb(var(--primary-5))] bg-transparent !text-[rgb(var(--primary-5))]"
+{{ record.organizationList.length - 2 }}
<template #action="{ record }">
<MsButton @click="update(record)">{{ t('system.plugin.edit') }}</MsButton>
<MsButton @click="changeScene(record)">{{ t('system.plugin.ChangeScene') }}</MsButton>
<MsTableMoreAction :list="tableActions" @select="handleSelect($event, record)"></MsTableMoreAction>
<div class="mt-4 text-sm text-slate-500"
><span class="mx-2">{{ 101 }}</span
:scroll="{ y: 'auto', x: 2400 }"
<UploadModel :visible="uploadVisible" @cancel="uploadVisible = false" @upload="uploadPlugin" @success="okHandler" />
<UpdatePluginModal ref="updateModalRef" :visible="updateVisible" @cancel="updateVisible = false" />
<template #columns>
<a-table-column fixed="left" :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmName')">
<template #cell="{ record }">
{{ record.name }} <span class="text-[--color-text-4]">({{ record.pluginForms.length }})</span>
<a-table-column :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmDescription')" data-index="description" />
<a-table-column :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmStatus')">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<div v-if="record.enable" class="flex items-center">
<icon-check-circle-fill class="mr-[2px] text-[rgb(var(--success-6))]" />
{{ t('system.user.tableEnable') }}
<div v-else class="flex items-center text-[var(--color-text-4)]">
<icon-stop class="mr-[2px]" />
{{ t('system.user.tableDisable') }}
<a-table-column :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmApplicationScene')" data-index="scenario">
<template #cell="{ record }">{{
record.scenario === 'API' ? t('system.plugin.secneApi') : t('system.plugin.secneProManger')
<a-table-column :width="300" :title="t('system.user.tableColunmOrg')">
<template #cell="{ record }">
v-for="org of record.organizations"
class="mr-[4px] border-[rgb(var(--primary-5))] bg-transparent !text-[rgb(var(--primary-5))]"
{{ org.name }}
v-show="record.organizations.length > 2"
class="mr-[4px] border-[rgb(var(--primary-5))] bg-transparent !text-[rgb(var(--primary-5))]"
+{{ record.organizations.length - 2 }}
<a-table-column :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmDescription')" data-index="fileName" />
<a-table-column :width="350" :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmVersion')" data-index="pluginId" />
<a-table-column :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmAuthorization')">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<span>{{ record.xpack ? t('system.plugin.uploadOpenSource') : t('system.plugin.uploadCompSource') }}</span>
<a-table-column :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmCreatedBy')" data-index="createUser" />
<a-table-column :title="t('system.plugin.tableColunmUpdateTime')">
<template #cell="{ record }">
<span>{{ getTime(record.updateTime) }}</span>
<a-table-column :width="200" fixed="right" align="center" :bordered="false">
<template #title>
{{ t('system.plugin.tableColunmActions') }}
<template #cell="{ record }">
<MsButton @click="update(record)">{{ t('system.plugin.edit') }}</MsButton>
<MsButton v-if="record.enable" @click="disableHandler(record)">{{
<MsButton v-else>{{ t('system.plugin.tableEnable') }}</MsButton>
<MsTableMoreAction :list="tableActions" @select="handleSelect($event, record)"></MsTableMoreAction>
<!-- <template #expand-icon="{ expanded }">
<span v-if="!expanded"><icon-plus /></span>
<span v-else><icon-minus /></span>
</template> -->
<template #expand-row="{ record }">
<div v-for="(item, index) in record.pluginForms" :key="item.id" class="ms-self"
><span class="circle"> {{ index + 1 }} </span
><span class="cursor-pointer text-[rgb(var(--primary-6))]" @click="detailScript(record, item)">{{
<div class="mt-4 text-sm text-slate-500"
>{{ t('system.plugin.totalNum') }}<span class="mx-2">{{ totalNum }}</span
>{{ t('system.plugin.dataList') }}</div
<UploadModel :visible="uploadVisible" @cancel="uploadVisible = false" @success="okHandler" @brash="loadData()" />
<UpdatePluginModal ref="updateModalRef" v-model:visible="updateVisible" @success="loadData()" />
<scriptDetailDrawer v-model:visible="showDrawer" :value="detailYaml" :config="config" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted, reactive } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import MsBaseTable from '@/components/pure/ms-table/base-table.vue';
import useTable from '@/components/pure/ms-table/useTable';
import MsTableMoreAction from '@/components/pure/ms-table-more-action/index.vue';
import type { MsTableColumn } from '@/components/pure/ms-table/type';
import type { ActionsItem } from '@/components/pure/ms-table-more-action/types';
import { getPluginList } from '@/api/modules/setting/pluginManger';
import { getPluginList, deletePluginReq, updatePlugin, getScriptDetail } from '@/api/modules/setting/pluginManger';
import MsButton from '@/components/pure/ms-button/index.vue';
import UploadModel from './uploadModel.vue';
import UpdatePluginModal from './updatePluginModal.vue';
import uploadSuccessModal from './uploadSuccessModal.vue';
import sceneChangeModal from './sceneChangeModal.vue';
import scriptDetailDrawer from './scriptDetailDrawer.vue';
import { useCommandComponent } from '@/hooks/useCommandComponent';
import useModal from '@/hooks/useModal';
import { Message } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import useVisit from '@/hooks/useVisit';
import type { PluginForms, PluginList, PluginItem, Options, DrawerConfig } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
const { t } = useI18n();
export type Options = {
title: string;
visible: boolean;
onClose?: () => void;
const columns: MsTableColumn = [
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmName',
dataIndex: 'name',
width: 200,
fixed: 'left',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmDescription',
dataIndex: 'describe',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmApplicationScene',
dataIndex: 'applicationScene',
title: 'system.user.tableColunmOrg',
slotName: 'organization',
dataIndex: 'organizationList',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmJarPackage',
dataIndex: 'jarPackage',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmVersion',
dataIndex: 'version',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmAuthorization',
dataIndex: 'authorizationType',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmCreatedBy',
dataIndex: 'createdBy',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmExpirationDate',
dataIndex: 'expirationDate',
title: 'system.plugin.tableColunmActions',
slotName: 'action',
fixed: 'right',
width: 150,
const visitedKey = 'doNotShowAgain';
const { getIsVisited } = useVisit(visitedKey);
const data = ref<PluginList>([]);
const loading = ref<boolean>(false);
const expandable = reactive({
title: '',
width: 54,
const expandedRowKeys = reactive([]);
const config = ref<DrawerConfig>({
title: '',
pluginId: '',
const tableActions: ActionsItem[] = [
label: 'system.plugin.delete',
@ -127,34 +165,109 @@
danger: true,
const { propsRes, propsEvent, loadList, setKeyword } = useTable(getPluginList, {
'scroll': { y: 'auto', x: 1800 },
'selectable': false,
'showSelectAll': false,
'pagination': false,
'virtual-list-props': { height: 380 },
const searchKeys = reactive({
scene: '',
name: '',
const totalNum = ref<number>(0);
const showDrawer = ref<boolean>(false);
const detailYaml = ref('');
const { openModal } = useModal();
const keyword = ref('');
const scene = ref('1');
const sceneList = ref([
label: '全部应用场景',
value: '1',
label: '全部',
value: '',
label: '接口测试',
value: 'API',
label: '项目管理',
value: 'PLATFORM',
const uploadVisible = ref<boolean>(false);
const updateVisible = ref<boolean>(false);
const updateModalRef = ref();
onMounted(async () => {
await loadList();
const getTime = (time: string): string => {
return dayjs(time).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
const loadData = async () => {
loading.value = true;
try {
const result = await getPluginList();
data.value = result;
totalNum.value = result.length;
} catch (error) {
data.value = [];
} finally {
loading.value = false;
const handleExpand = (rowKey: string | number) => {
Object.assign(expandedRowKeys, [rowKey]);
const searchHanlder = () => {};
onMounted(() => {
data.value = [
id: 'string1',
name: '插件一',
pluginId: 'string',
fileName: 'string',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 3084234,
createUser: '创建人',
enable: true,
global: true,
xpack: true,
description: 'string',
scenario: 'string',
pluginForms: [
id: '111',
name: '步骤一',
id: '222',
name: '步骤二',
organizations: [
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: 'string',
id: 'string2',
name: '插件二',
pluginId: 'string',
fileName: 'string',
createTime: 0,
updateTime: 3084234,
createUser: '创建人',
enable: true,
global: true,
xpack: true,
description: 'string',
scenario: 'string',
pluginForms: [],
organizations: [
id: 'string',
num: 0,
name: 'string',
// loadData();
async function searchPlugin() {
await loadList();
function deletePlugin(record: any) {
type: 'warning',
@ -167,7 +280,9 @@
onBeforeOk: async () => {
try {
return true;
} catch (error) {
@ -177,10 +292,6 @@
hideCancel: false,
* 处理表格更多按钮事件
* @param item
function handleSelect(item: ActionsItem, record: any) {
switch (item.eventTag) {
case 'delete':
@ -193,39 +304,85 @@
function uploadPlugin() {
uploadVisible.value = true;
function update(record: any) {
function update(record: PluginItem) {
updateVisible.value = true;
updateModalRef.value.title = record.name;
const myUploadSuccessDialog = useCommandComponent(uploadSuccessModal);
const mySceneChangeDialog = useCommandComponent(sceneChangeModal);
const uploadSuccessOptions = reactive({
title: '上传插件',
title: 'system.plugin.uploadPlugin',
visible: false,
onOpen: () => uploadPlugin(),
onClose: () => {
const sceneChangeOptions = reactive({
title: '场景变更-(插件名称)',
visible: false,
onClose: () => {
const dialogOpen = (options: Options) => {
options.visible = true;
const okHandler = () => {
const isOpen = getIsVisited();
if (!isOpen) {
const changeScene = (record: any) => {
sceneChangeOptions.visible = true;
const disableHandler = (record: PluginItem) => {
type: 'info',
title: t('system.plugin.disablePluginTip', { name: record.name }),
content: t('system.plugin.disablePluginContent'),
okText: t('system.plugin.disablePluginConfirm'),
cancelText: t('system.plugin.pluginCancel'),
okButtonProps: {
status: 'normal',
onBeforeOk: async () => {
try {
await updatePlugin({ enable: !record.enable });
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
hideCancel: false,
const detailScript = async (record: PluginItem, item: PluginForms) => {
showDrawer.value = true;
config.value = {
pluginId: record.pluginId as string,
title: item.name,
try {
const result = await getScriptDetail(record.pluginId as string, item.id);
detailYaml.value = result || '';
} catch (error) {
<style scoped></style>
<style scoped lang="less">
.circle {
color: var(--color-text-3);
background: var(--color-fill-3);
@apply ml-6 mr-10 inline-block h-4 w-4 text-center text-xs leading-4;
:deep(.arco-table-tr-expand .arco-table-td) {
background: none;
:deep(.arco-table-tr-expand .arco-table-cell) {
padding: 0 !important;
.ms-self {
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-text-n8);
@apply flex items-center align-middle leading-6;

View File

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
<a-modal v-model:visible="dialogVisible" class="ms-modal-form ms-modal-medium" title-align="start">
<template #title> {{ title }} </template>
<a-alert type="warning" :closable="true">
<div>{{ t('system.plugin.changeSceneTips') }}</div>
<div class="mt-6 flex flex-col">
v-for="(item, index) in sceneList"
class="ms-ls-row my-2"
:class="{ 'ms-ls-row--active': item.isSelected }"
<div class="ms-icon-list ml-4 mr-5">
<svg-icon :width="'64px'" :height="'46px'" :name="item.svg" />
<div class="flex flex-col justify-center">
<div class="mb-1 font-medium">
<span>{{ t(item.name) }}</span>
class="ml-[4px] border-[rgb(var(--primary-4))] bg-transparent px-1 text-xs !text-[rgb(var(--primary-4))]"
>{{ t('system.plugin.currentScene') }}</a-tag
<div class="text-sm">{{ t(item.description) }}</div>
<template #footer>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="emits('close')">{{ t('system.plugin.pluginCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="handelOk">
{{ t('system.plugin.pluginConfirm') }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useDialog } from '@/hooks/useDialog';
import type { SceneItem, SceneList } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
const { t } = useI18n();
const props = defineProps<{
visible: boolean;
title?: string;
const emits = defineEmits<{
(event: 'update:visible', visible: boolean): void;
(event: 'close'): void;
const sceneList = ref<SceneList>([
name: 'system.plugin.interfaceTest',
description: 'system.plugin.interfaceTestDescribe',
isSelected: true,
svg: 'apitest',
name: 'system.plugin.projectManger',
description: 'system.plugin.projectMangerDescribe',
isSelected: false,
svg: 'promanger',
const { dialogVisible } = useDialog(props, emits);
const selectHandler = (currentItem: SceneItem) => {
sceneList.value.forEach((item: SceneItem) => {
item.isSelected = false;
currentItem.isSelected = true;
const handelOk = () => {
<style scoped lang="less">
.ms-ls-row {
border-width: 1px;
@apply flex flex-row items-center rounded border-solid py-2;
&--active {
background-color: rgb(var(--primary-1));
&:hover {
background-color: rgb(var(--primary-1));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
:title="t('system.plugin.showScriptTitle', { name: props.config.title })"
height="calc(100vh - 205px)"
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import MsDrawer from '@/components/pure/ms-drawer/index.vue';
import MsCodeEditor from '@/components/pure/ms-code-editor/index.vue';
import type { DrawerConfig } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
const props = defineProps<{
visible: boolean;
value: string;
config: DrawerConfig;
const emit = defineEmits(['update:value', 'update:visible']);
const { t } = useI18n();
const showScriptDrawer = ref(props.visible);
const jobDefinition = ref(props.value);
() => props.visible,
(val) => {
showScriptDrawer.value = val;
() => showScriptDrawer.value,
(val) => {
emit('update:visible', val);
<style lang="less" scoped></style>

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
<a-steps :current="currentStep" @change="changeCurrent">
<a-step v-for="item of stepList" :key="item.title">{{ t(item.title) }}</a-step>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import type { StepList } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
const { t } = useI18n();
const props = defineProps<{
current: number;
stepList: StepList;
setCurrent: (step: number) => void;
const currentStep = ref(1);
const changeCurrent = (step: number) => {
watchEffect(() => {
currentStep.value = props.current;
<style scoped lang="less">
:deep(.arco-steps-icon) {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
line-height: 19px;
:deep(.arco-modal-body) {
padding: 10px;

View File

@ -1,38 +1,41 @@
<a-modal v-model:visible="updateVisible" width="680px" title-align="start" class="ms-modal-form ms-modal-medium">
<template #title> {{ t('system.plugin.updateTitle', { name: title }) }}</template>
<template #title> {{ t('system.plugin.updateTitle', { name: form.name }) }}</template>
<div class="form">
<a-form :model="form" layout="vertical">
<!-- <a-col :span="24"> -->
<a-form-item field="pluginName" :label="t('system.plugin.name')" asterisk-position="end">
<a-input v-model="form.pluginName" :placeholder="t('system.plugin.defaultJarNameTip')" allow-clear />
<a-form ref="UpdateFormRef" :model="form" layout="vertical">
<a-form-item field="name" :label="t('system.plugin.name')" asterisk-position="end">
<a-input v-model="form.name" :placeholder="t('system.plugin.defaultJarNameTip')" allow-clear />
<!-- </a-col> -->
<a-form-item field="organize" :label="t('system.plugin.appOrganize')" asterisk-position="end">
<a-radio-group v-model="form.organize">
<a-radio value="1">全部组织</a-radio>
<a-radio value="2">指定组织</a-radio>
<a-form-item field="global" :label="t('system.plugin.appOrganize')" asterisk-position="end">
<a-radio-group v-model="form.global">
<a-radio :value="true">{{ t('system.plugin.allOrganize') }}</a-radio>
<a-radio :value="false">{{ t('system.plugin.theOrganize') }}</a-radio>
v-if="form.organize === '2'"
:rules="[{ required: true, message: t('system.plugin.selectOriginize') }]"
<a-select v-model="form.organizeGroup" multiple :placeholder="t('system.plugin.selectOriginize')" allow-clear>
<a-option v-for="item of originizeList" :key="item.value">{{ item.label }}</a-option>
<a-option v-for="item of originizeList" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</a-option>
<a-form-item field="describe" :label="t('system.plugin.description')" asterisk-position="end">
<a-textarea v-model="form.describe" :placeholder="t('system.plugin.pluginDescription')" allow-clear />
<a-form-item field="description" :label="t('system.plugin.description')" asterisk-position="end">
<a-textarea v-model="form.description" :placeholder="t('system.plugin.pluginDescription')" allow-clear />
<template #footer>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="emit('cancel')">{{ t('system.plugin.pluginCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="handleOk">
<a-button type="secondary" @click="handleCancel">{{ t('system.plugin.pluginCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" :loading="confirmLoading" @click="handleOk">
{{ t('system.plugin.pluginConfirm') }}
@ -40,18 +43,22 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watchEffect, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { ref, watchEffect, watch, nextTick, reactive } from 'vue';
import { FormInstance, Message, ValidatedError } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import type { PluginForm } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
import type { UpdatePluginModel, PluginItem } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
import { updatePlugin } from '@/api/modules/setting/pluginManger';
const { t } = useI18n();
const props = defineProps<{
visible: boolean;
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'cancel'): void;
const emits = defineEmits<{
(e: 'success'): void;
(e: 'update:visible', val: boolean): void;
const title = ref<string>();
const confirmLoading = ref<boolean>(false);
const UpdateFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
const originizeList = ref([
label: '组织一',
@ -62,34 +69,62 @@
value: '2',
const form = reactive<PluginForm>({
pluginName: '',
organize: '',
describe: '',
organizeGroup: [],
const form = ref<UpdatePluginModel>({
name: '',
global: '',
organizationIds: [],
description: '',
const updateVisible = ref<boolean>(false);
watchEffect(() => {
updateVisible.value = props.visible;
() => updateVisible.value,
(val) => {
emits('update:visible', val);
const handleCancel = () => {
updateVisible.value = false;
const open = (record: PluginItem) => {
form.value = { ...record };
const handleOk = () => {
UpdateFormRef.value?.validate(async (errors: undefined | Record<string, ValidatedError>) => {
if (!errors) {
confirmLoading.value = true;
try {
const { id, name, organizationIds, global, description } = form.value;
const params = {
await updatePlugin(params);
} catch (error) {
} finally {
confirmLoading.value = false;
} else {
return false;
const initData = () => {
form.pluginName = title.value as string;
onMounted(() => {
<style scoped></style>

View File

@ -1,26 +1,97 @@
class="ms-modal-form ms-modal-small"
<a-modal v-model:visible="pluginVisible" class="ms-modal-form ms-modal-small" title-align="start">
<template #title> {{ t('system.plugin.uploadPlugin') }} </template>
<StepProgress :step-list="stepList" :current="currentStep" small :set-current="setCurrent" changeable />
<SceneList v-show="currentStep === 1" :set-current="setCurrent" />
<uploadPlugin v-show="currentStep === 2" />
<div class="form grid grid-cols-1">
<a-row class="grid-demo">
<a-form ref="pluginFormRef" :model="form" size="small" :style="{ width: '600px' }" layout="vertical">
<div class="relative">
<a-form-item field="pluginName" :label="t('system.plugin.name')" asterisk-position="end">
<span class="absolute right-0 top-1 flex items-center">
<span class="float-left">{{ t('system.plugin.getPlugin') }}</span>
<a-tooltip :content="t('system.plugin.infoTip')" position="bottom">
<a class="float-left mx-2" href="javascript:;">
<svg-icon width="16px" height="16px" :name="'infotip'"
:rules="[{ required: true, message: 'must select one' }]"
<a-radio-group v-model="form.global" size="small">
<a-radio :value="true">{{ t('system.plugin.allOrganize') }}</a-radio>
<a-radio :value="false">{{ t('system.plugin.theOrganize') }}</a-radio>
:rules="[{ required: true, message: t('system.plugin.selectOriginize') }]"
<a-option v-for="item of originizeList" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</a-option>
<a-form-item field="describe" :label="t('system.plugin.description')" asterisk-position="end">
<template #footer>
<div v-show="currentStep === 2" class="float-right">
<a-button type="secondary" @click="handleCancel">{{ t('system.plugin.pluginCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="preStep">{{ t('system.plugin.pluginPreStep') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="saveAndAddPlugin">{{ t('system.plugin.saveAndAdd') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="saveConfirm('confirm')">{{ t('system.plugin.pluginConfirm') }}</a-button>
<div class="flex justify-between">
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-center">
<a-switch v-model="form.enable" size="small" />
<template #content>
<div class="text-sm">{{ t('system.plugin.statusEnableTip') }}</div>
<div class="text-sm">{{ t('system.plugin.statusDisableTip') }}</div>
<a class="mx-2" href="javascript:;"> <svg-icon width="16px" height="16px" :name="'infotip'" /></a>
<a-button type="secondary" @click="handleCancel">{{ t('system.plugin.pluginCancel') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="secondary" :loading="saveLoading" @click="saveAndAddPlugin">{{
<a-button type="primary" :loading="confirmLoading" @click="saveConfirm">{{
@ -28,63 +99,125 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import MsUpload from '@/components/pure/ms-upload/index.vue';
import type { FormInstance, ValidatedError } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import { addPlugin } from '@/api/modules/setting/pluginManger';
import { Message } from '@arco-design/web-vue';
import { formatFileSize } from '@/utils';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import type { StepList } from '@/models/setting/plugin';
import StepProgress from './stepProgress.vue';
import SceneList from './SceneList.vue';
import uploadPlugin from './uploadPlugin.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const currentStep = ref<number>(1);
const stepList = ref<StepList>([
name: '选择应用场景',
title: 'system.plugin.SelectApplicationScene',
status: true,
name: '上传插件',
title: 'system.plugin.uploadPlugin',
status: true,
const pluginVisible = ref(false);
const emits = defineEmits<{
(e: 'cancel'): void;
(e: 'upload'): void;
(e: 'success'): void;
(e: 'brash'): void;
const props = defineProps<{
visible: boolean;
const pluginVisible = ref(false);
const fileName = ref<string>('');
const fileList = ref<File[]>([]);
const saveLoading = ref<boolean>(false);
const confirmLoading = ref<boolean>(false);
const pluginFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
const initForm = {
name: '',
description: '',
organizationIds: [],
enable: true,
global: true,
const form = ref({ ...initForm });
const originizeList = ref([
label: '组织一',
value: '1',
label: '组织二',
value: '2',
watchEffect(() => {
pluginVisible.value = props.visible;
const handleCancel = () => {
const handleOk = () => {
const setCurrent = (step: number) => {
currentStep.value = step;
const preStep = () => {
currentStep.value = currentStep.value === 2 ? 1 : 2;
const saveConfirm = (flag: string) => {
if (flag === 'confirm') {
const beforeUpload = (file: File) => {
const size = formatFileSize(file.size);
if (size.includes('MB') && Number(size.replace('MB', '')) > 50) {
} else {
fileName.value = file.name;
fileList.value = [...fileList.value, file];
fileList.value = fileList.value.slice(-1);
const removeHandler = () => {
fileList.value = [];
const handleCancel = () => {
const resetForm = () => {
form.value = { ...initForm };
fileList.value = [];
const confirmHandler = async (flag: string) => {
try {
if (fileList.value.length < 1) {
const params: any = {
request: {
name: form.value.name || fileName.value,
fileList: fileList.value,
await addPlugin(params);
if (flag === 'Confirm') {
} catch (error) {
return false;
} finally {
confirmLoading.value = false;
saveLoading.value = false;
const saveConfirm = () => {
pluginFormRef.value?.validate((errors: undefined | Record<string, ValidatedError>) => {
if (!errors) {
confirmLoading.value = true;
} else {
return false;
const saveAndAddPlugin = () => {
pluginFormRef.value?.validate((errors: undefined | Record<string, ValidatedError>) => {
if (!errors) {
saveLoading.value = true;
} else {
return false;
<style scoped lang="less"></style>
<style scoped lang="less">
:deep(.arco-upload) {
width: 100%;

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
<div class="form grid grid-cols-1">
<a-row class="grid-demo">
<a-form :model="form" size="small" :style="{ width: '600px' }" layout="vertical">
<div class="relative">
<a-form-item field="pluginName" :label="t('system.plugin.name')" asterisk-position="end">
<span class="absolute right-0 top-1 flex items-center">
<span class="float-left">{{ t('system.plugin.getPlugin') }}</span>
<a-tooltip :content="t('system.plugin.infoTip')">
<a class="float-left mx-2" href="javascript:;">
<svg-icon :width="'16px'" :height="'16px'" :name="'infotip'"
<a-form-item field="organize" :label="t('system.plugin.appOrganize')" asterisk-position="end">
<a-radio-group v-model="form.organize" size="small">
<a-radio value="1">全部组织</a-radio>
<a-radio value="2">指定组织</a-radio>
v-if="form.organize === '2'"
:rules="[{ required: true, message: t('system.plugin.selectOriginize') }]"
<a-select v-model="form.organizeGroup" multiple :placeholder="t('system.plugin.selectOriginize')" allow-clear>
<a-option v-for="item of originizeList" :key="item.value">{{ item.label }}</a-option>
<a-form-item field="describe" :label="t('system.plugin.description')" asterisk-position="end">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue';
import MsUpload from '@/components/pure/ms-upload/index.vue';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
const { t } = useI18n();
const form = reactive({
pluginName: '',
organize: '1',
describe: '',
organizeGroup: [],
const originizeList = ref([
label: '组织一',
value: '1',
label: '组织二',
value: '2',
<style scoped></style>

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<template #title> {{ title }} </template>
<template #title> {{ t(title as string) }} </template>
<div class="flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center">
<div class="mb-5"><svg-icon :width="'60px'" :height="'60px'" :name="'success'" /></div>
<div class="font-semibold">{{ t('system.plugin.uploadSuccess') }}</div>
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<a-button type="primary">{{ t('system.plugin.continueUpload') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="continueAdd">{{ t('system.plugin.continueUpload') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="outline">{{ t('system.plugin.ServiceIntegration') }}</a-button>
<a-button type="secondary">{{ t('system.plugin.backPluginList') }}</a-button>
@ -34,14 +34,18 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { useDialog } from '@/hooks/useDialog';
import useVisit from '@/hooks/useVisit';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
const { t } = useI18n();
const visitedKey = 'doNotShowAgain';
const { addVisited } = useVisit(visitedKey);
const props = defineProps<{
visible: boolean;
title?: string;
onOpen: (visible: boolean) => void;
const emits = defineEmits<{
(event: 'update:visible', visible: boolean): void;
@ -62,6 +66,18 @@
}, 1000);
const isDoNotShowAgainChecked = () => {
if (isTip.value) {
watch(isTip, () => {
const continueAdd = () => {
<style scoped>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* stylelint-disable order/properties-order */
<a-alert type="info" :closable="true">
<a-alert :closable="true">
{{ t('system.plugin.alertDescribe') }}
<a class="mx-1" href="javascript:;">{{ t('system.plugin.viewTable') }}</a

View File

@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ export default {
'system.plugin.tableColunmCreatedBy': '创建人',
'system.plugin.tableColunmExpirationDate': '到期时间',
'system.plugin.tableColunmActions': '操作',
'system.plugin.tableColunmStatus': '状态',
'system.plugin.ChangeScene': '场景变更',
'system.plugin.ChangeSceneName': '场景变更({name})',
'system.plugin.SelectApplicationScene': '选择应用场景',
'system.plugin.interfaceTest': '接口测试',
'system.plugin.projectManger': '项目管理',
@ -33,9 +35,11 @@ export default {
'system.resourcePool.disablePoolCancel': '取消',
'system.resourcePool.disablePoolSuccess': '禁用成功',
'system.plugin.deletePluginTip': '确认删除 `{name}` 这个插件吗?',
'system.plugin.disablePluginTip': '确认禁用 `{name}` 这个插件吗?',
'system.resourcePool.deletePoolContentUsed': '该资源池已被使用,删除后相关测试会立即停止,请谨慎操作!',
'system.resourcePool.deletePoolContentUnuse': '该资源池未被使用,是否确认删除?',
'system.plugin.deletePluginConfirm': '确认删除',
'system.plugin.disablePluginConfirm': '确认禁用',
'system.plugin.pluginConfirm': '确认',
'system.plugin.pluginCancel': '取消',
'system.plugin.pluginPreStep': '上一步',
@ -56,11 +60,29 @@ export default {
'system.plugin.changeSceneTips': '插件内容与应用场景不一致时插件功能将无法启用,请谨慎操作!',
'system.plugin.currentScene': '当前场景',
'system.plugin.deletePluginSuccess': '删除成功',
'system.plugin.disablePluginSuccess': '禁用成功',
'system.plugin.disablePluginContent': '项目无法与该平台集成且该平台默认模版不可用,谨慎操作!',
'system.plugin.viewTable': '查看表格',
'system.plugin.downAddress': '更多开源插件,请在此下载',
'system.plugin.goDownload': '去下载',
'system.plugin.totalNum': '共',
'system.plugin.dataList': '项数据',
'system.plugin.allOrganize': '全部组织',
'system.plugin.theOrganize': '指定组织',
'system.plugin.statusEnableTip': '开启:项目可以与该平台集成并生成该平台的默认模版',
'system.plugin.statusDisableTip': '关闭:项目无法与该平台集成且该平台默认模版不可用',
'system.plugin.uploadSuccessTip': '上传成功',
'system.plugin.updateSuccessTip': '更新成功',
'system.plugin.uploadDefeatTip': '插件解析失败,请重新上传!',
'system.plugin.uploadFileTip': '请上传文件再提交!',
'system.plugin.uploadOpenSource': '开源版',
'system.plugin.uploadCompSource': '企业版',
'system.plugin.secneApi': '接口测试',
'system.plugin.secneProManger': '项目管理',
'system.plugin.sizeExceedTip': '文件大小超出限制!',
'system.plugin.showScriptTitle': '查看脚本({name})',
'system.resourcePool.detailDesc': '描述',
'system.resourcePool.detailUrl': '当前站点 URL',
'system.resourcePool.detailRange': '可用范围',

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export interface UploadFileParams {
// File parameter interface field name
name?: string;
// file name
file: File | Blob;
file?: File | Blob;
// file name
filename?: string;
[key: string]: any;