feat(缺陷管理): 缺陷管理详情编辑报错优化

This commit is contained in:
xinxin.wu 2024-09-12 14:46:37 +08:00 committed by Craftsman
parent db0c14f723
commit 97741d4b33
3 changed files with 107 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -575,13 +575,6 @@
} else {
activeTab.value = 'detail';
} else {
if (!props.pagination && !props.tableData) return;
const query = { ...route.query };
delete query.id;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,13 @@
<div class="h-[calc(100vh-168px)] w-full">
<BugDetail ref="bugDetailRef" v-model:template-id="bugTemplateId" :bug-id="bugId" @save-params="saveParams" />

View File

@ -215,7 +215,6 @@
import { EditorPreviewFileUrl } from '@/api/requrls/bug-management';
import { useI18n } from '@/hooks/useI18n';
import { useAppStore } from '@/store';
import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user';
import { downloadByteFile } from '@/utils';
import { scrollIntoView } from '@/utils/dom';
import { findParents, Option } from '@/utils/recursion';
@ -239,6 +238,7 @@
const props = defineProps<{
templateId: string; // id
isCopyBug?: boolean; //
bugId?: string; // id
isDrawer?: boolean; //
caseType?: CaseLinkEnum; //
@ -262,7 +262,6 @@
const { t } = useI18n();
const appStore = useAppStore();
const route = useRoute();
const form = ref<BugEditFormObject>({
projectId: appStore.currentProjectId,
title: '',
@ -297,11 +296,9 @@
const associatedDrawer = ref(false);
const loading = ref(false);
const acceptType = ref('none'); // -
const userStore = useUserStore();
const isEdit = computed(() => !!route.query.id && route.params.mode === 'edit');
const isEdit = computed(() => props.bugId && !props.isCopyBug);
const bugId = ref<string | undefined>(props.bugId);
const isEditOrCopy = computed(() => !!bugId.value);
const isCopy = computed(() => route.params.mode === 'copy');
const isPlatformDefaultTemplate = ref(false);
const imageUrl = ref('');
const previewVisible = ref<boolean>(false);
@ -310,7 +307,7 @@
// -/ID
const descriptionFileIdMap = ref<Record<string, string[]>>({});
const isLoading = ref<boolean>(true);
const isLoading = ref<boolean>(false);
const rowLength = ref<number>(0);
@ -593,7 +590,7 @@
richTextTmpFileIds: isPlatformDefaultTemplate.value ? getDescriptionFileId() : descriptionFileIds.value,
if (isCopy.value) {
if (props.isCopyBug) {
delete tmpObj.id;
delete tmpObj.richTextTmpFileIds;
@ -644,51 +641,61 @@
return [];
const getDetailInfo = async () => {
loading.value = true;
const id = route.query.id as string;
if (!id) return;
const res = await getBugDetail(id);
const { customFields, templateId, attachments } = res;
// ID
if (isCopy.value) {
// ,
await templateChange(templateId);
} else {
await templateChange(templateId, { fromStatusId: res.status, platformBugKey: res.platformBugId });
if (attachments && attachments.length) {
if (!isCopy.value) {
// Copy,
attachmentsList.value = attachments;
async function setTemplateValue(bugDetail: BugEditFormObject) {
const { status, templateId, platformBugId } = bugDetail;
try {
if (props.isCopyBug) {
// ,
await templateChange(templateId);
} else {
await templateChange(templateId, { fromStatusId: status, platformBugKey: platformBugId });
const checkUpdateFileIds = await checkFileIsUpdateRequest(attachments.map((item: any) => item.fileId));
fileList.value = attachments
.map((fileInfo: any) => {
return {
name: fileInfo.fileName,
isUpdateFlag: checkUpdateFileIds.includes(fileInfo.fileId),
isCopyFlag: isCopy.value,
.map((fileInfo: any) => {
return convertToFileByBug(fileInfo);
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
async function handleFile(attachments: AttachFileInfo[]) {
if (!attachments.length) {
// Copy,
if (!props.isCopyBug) {
attachmentsList.value = attachments;
const checkUpdateFileIds = await checkFileIsUpdateRequest(attachments.map((item: any) => item.fileId));
fileList.value = attachments
.map((fileInfo: any) => {
return {
name: fileInfo.fileName,
isUpdateFlag: checkUpdateFileIds.includes(fileInfo.fileId),
isCopyFlag: props.isCopyBug,
.map((fileInfo: any) => {
return convertToFileByBug(fileInfo);
function makeCustomValue(bugDetail: BugEditFormObject) {
const { customFields, status } = bugDetail;
let tmpObj: Record<string, any> = {};
if (isEdit.value) {
tmpObj = { status };
let tmpObj: Record<string, any> = {};
if (isEdit.value) {
tmpObj = { status: res.status };
if (customFields && Array.isArray(customFields)) {
customFields.forEach((item) => {
if (item.id === 'status' && isCopy.value) {
if (item.id === 'status' && props.isCopyBug) {
// ,
tmpObj[item.id] = '';
@ -730,34 +737,57 @@
if (isPlatformDefaultTemplate.value && form.value.platformSystemFields) {
Object.keys(form.value.platformSystemFields).forEach((key) => {
form.value.platformSystemFields[key] = tmpObj[key];
const { platformSystemFields } = form.value;
return tmpObj;
let copyName = '';
if (isCopy.value) {
copyName = `copy_${res.title}`;
if (copyName.length > 255) {
form.value.title = copyName.slice(0, 255);
const getDetailInfo = async () => {
try {
loading.value = true;
const res = await getBugDetail(bugId.value as string);
const { templateId, attachments } = res;
if (templateId) {
await setTemplateValue(res);
const tmpObj = await makeCustomValue(res);
if (isPlatformDefaultTemplate.value && form.value.platformSystemFields) {
Object.keys(form.value.platformSystemFields).forEach((key) => {
form.value.platformSystemFields[key] = tmpObj[key];
const { platformSystemFields } = form.value;
let copyName = '';
if (props.isCopyBug) {
copyName = `copy_${res.title}`;
if (copyName.length > 255) {
form.value.title = copyName.slice(0, 255);
form.value = {
id: res.id,
title: props.isCopyBug ? copyName : res.title,
description: res.description,
templateId: res.templateId,
tags: res.tags || [],
projectId: res.projectId,
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
} finally {
loading.value = false;
form.value = {
id: res.id,
title: isCopy.value ? copyName : res.title,
description: res.description,
templateId: res.templateId,
tags: res.tags || [],
projectId: res.projectId,
loading.value = false;
// formCreate