diff --git a/backend/pom.xml b/backend/pom.xml
index e7d1284963..2ef946c1b6 100644
--- a/backend/pom.xml
+++ b/backend/pom.xml
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
- 20.1.0
@@ -298,34 +297,9 @@
- org.graalvm.sdk
- graal-sdk
- ${graalvm.version}
- compile
- org.graalvm.js
- js
- ${graalvm.version}
- runtime
- org.graalvm.js
- js-scriptengine
- ${graalvm.version}
- runtime
- org.graalvm.tools
- profiler
- ${graalvm.version}
- runtime
- org.graalvm.tools
- chromeinspector
- ${graalvm.version}
- runtime
+ org.mozilla
+ rhino-engine
+ 1.7.13
diff --git a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/MsJSR223Processor.java b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/MsJSR223Processor.java
index dcd6ad4815..f3665a7d09 100644
--- a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/MsJSR223Processor.java
+++ b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/MsJSR223Processor.java
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class MsJSR223Processor extends MsTestElement {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("nashornScript")) {
processor.setProperty("scriptLanguage", "nashorn");
- if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("graalVMScript")) {
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("rhinoScript")) {
processor.setProperty("scriptLanguage", "javascript");
processor.setProperty("script", this.getScript());
diff --git a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/post/MsJSR223PostProcessor.java b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/post/MsJSR223PostProcessor.java
index 80945a6473..8ee9656bb4 100644
--- a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/post/MsJSR223PostProcessor.java
+++ b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/post/MsJSR223PostProcessor.java
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class MsJSR223PostProcessor extends MsTestElement {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("nashornScript")) {
processor.setProperty("scriptLanguage", "nashorn");
- if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("graalVMScript")) {
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("rhinoScript")) {
processor.setProperty("scriptLanguage", "javascript");
processor.setProperty("script", this.getScript());
diff --git a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/pre/MsJSR223PreProcessor.java b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/pre/MsJSR223PreProcessor.java
index de2ca3e704..e3499b698b 100644
--- a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/pre/MsJSR223PreProcessor.java
+++ b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/api/dto/definition/request/processors/pre/MsJSR223PreProcessor.java
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import org.apache.jmeter.modifiers.JSR223PreProcessor;
import org.apache.jmeter.save.SaveService;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement;
import org.apache.jorphan.collections.HashTree;
-import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import java.util.List;
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ public class MsJSR223PreProcessor extends MsTestElement {
public JSR223PreProcessor getJSR223PreProcessor() {
- Context.newBuilder().allowNativeAccess(true).build();
JSR223PreProcessor processor = new JSR223PreProcessor();
@@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ public class MsJSR223PreProcessor extends MsTestElement {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("nashornScript")) {
processor.setProperty("scriptLanguage", "nashorn");
- if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("graalVMScript")) {
+ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getScriptLanguage()) && this.getScriptLanguage().equals("rhinoScript")) {
processor.setProperty("scriptLanguage", "javascript");
diff --git a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/commons/utils/ScriptEngineUtils.java b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/commons/utils/ScriptEngineUtils.java
index 2e2431d32d..4e18d1ac76 100644
--- a/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/commons/utils/ScriptEngineUtils.java
+++ b/backend/src/main/java/io/metersphere/commons/utils/ScriptEngineUtils.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import javax.script.ScriptException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
public class ScriptEngineUtils {
- private static final String ENGINE_NAME = "graal.js";
+ private static final String ENGINE_NAME = "rhino";
private static ScriptEngine engine;
static {
diff --git a/backend/src/main/resources/javascript/func.js b/backend/src/main/resources/javascript/func.js
index 552a981b1e..613842c5d3 100644
--- a/backend/src/main/resources/javascript/func.js
+++ b/backend/src/main/resources/javascript/func.js
@@ -1,7040 +1,24 @@
-!function (t) {
- var e = {};
- function n(r) {
- if (e[r]) return e[r].exports;
- var i = e[r] = {i: r, l: !1, exports: {}};
- return t[r].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, n), i.l = !0, i.exports
- }
- n.m = t, n.c = e, n.d = function (t, e, r) {
- n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, {enumerable: !0, get: r})
- }, n.r = function (t) {
- "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, {value: "Module"}), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {value: !0})
- }, n.t = function (t, e) {
- if (1 & e && (t = n(t)), 8 & e) return t;
- if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
- var r = Object.create(null);
- if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", {
- enumerable: !0,
- value: t
- }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t) for (var i in t) n.d(r, i, function (e) {
- return t[e]
- }.bind(null, i));
- return r
- }, n.n = function (t) {
- var e = t && t.__esModule ? function () {
- return t.default
- } : function () {
- return t
- };
- return n.d(e, "a", e), e
- }, n.o = function (t, e) {
- return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)
- }, n.p = "", n(n.s = 6)
-}([function (t, e, n) {
+!function(t){var e={};function n(r){if(e[r])return e[r].exports;var i=e[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[r].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,n),i.l=!0,i.exports}n.m=t,n.c=e,n.d=function(t,e,r){n.o(t,e)||Object.defineProperty(t,e,{enumerable:!0,get:r})},n.r=function(t){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})},n.t=function(t,e){if(1&e&&(t=n(t)),8&e)return t;if(4&e&&"object"==typeof t&&t&&t.__esModule)return t;var r=Object.create(null);if(n.r(r),Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t}),2&e&&"string"!=typeof t)for(var i in t)n.d(r,i,function(e){return t[e]}.bind(null,i));return r},n.n=function(t){var e=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return n.d(e,"a",e),e},n.o=function(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)},n.p="",n(n.s=63)}([function(t,e,n){var r=n(23)("wks"),i=n(19),o=n(4).Symbol,a="function"==typeof o;(t.exports=function(t){return r[t]||(r[t]=a&&o[t]||(a?o:i)("Symbol."+t))}).store=r},function(t,e,n){var r=n(4),i=n(17),o=n(9),a=n(8),u=n(25),s=function(t,e,n){var c,l,f,h,p=t&s.F,d=t&s.G,g=t&s.S,v=t&s.P,m=t&s.B,y=d?r:g?r[e]||(r[e]={}):(r[e]||{}).prototype,b=d?i:i[e]||(i[e]={}),_=b.prototype||(b.prototype={});for(c in d&&(n=e),n)f=((l=!p&&y&&void 0!==y[c])?y:n)[c],h=m&&l?u(f,r):v&&"function"==typeof f?u(Function.call,f):f,y&&a(y,c,f,t&s.U),b[c]!=f&&o(b,c,h),v&&_[c]!=f&&(_[c]=f)};r.core=i,s.F=1,s.G=2,s.S=4,s.P=8,s.B=16,s.W=32,s.U=64,s.R=128,t.exports=s},function(t,e,n){var r=n(5),i=n(41),o=n(30),a=Object.defineProperty;e.f=n(3)?Object.defineProperty:function(t,e,n){if(r(t),e=o(e,!0),r(n),i)try{return a(t,e,n)}catch(t){}if("get"in n||"set"in n)throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");return"value"in n&&(t[e]=n.value),t}},function(t,e,n){t.exports=!n(6)((function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty({},"a",{get:function(){return 7}}).a}))},function(t,e){var n=t.exports="undefined"!=typeof window&&window.Math==Math?window:"undefined"!=typeof self&&self.Math==Math?self:Function("return this")();"number"==typeof __g&&(__g=n)},function(t,e,n){var r=n(7);t.exports=function(t){if(!r(t))throw TypeError(t+" is not an object!");return t}},function(t,e){t.exports=function(t){try{return!!t()}catch(t){return!0}}},function(t,e){t.exports=function(t){return"object"==typeof t?null!==t:"function"==typeof t}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(4),i=n(9),o=n(10),a=n(19)("src"),u=n(65),s=(""+u).split("toString");n(17).inspectSource=function(t){return u.call(t)},(t.exports=function(t,e,n,u){var c="function"==typeof n;c&&(o(n,"name")||i(n,"name",e)),t[e]!==n&&(c&&(o(n,a)||i(n,a,t[e]?""+t[e]:s.join(String(e)))),t===r?t[e]=n:u?t[e]?t[e]=n:i(t,e,n):(delete t[e],i(t,e,n)))})(Function.prototype,"toString",(function(){return"function"==typeof this&&this[a]||u.call(this)}))},function(t,e,n){var r=n(2),i=n(18);t.exports=n(3)?function(t,e,n){return r.f(t,e,i(1,n))}:function(t,e,n){return t[e]=n,t}},function(t,e){var n={}.hasOwnProperty;t.exports=function(t,e){return n.call(t,e)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(26),i=Math.min;t.exports=function(t){return t>0?i(r(t),9007199254740991):0}},function(t,e,n){
/*! safe-buffer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */
- var r = n(12), i = r.Buffer;
- function o(t, e) {
- for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]
- }
- function a(t, e, n) {
- return i(t, e, n)
- }
- i.from && i.alloc && i.allocUnsafe && i.allocUnsafeSlow ? t.exports = r : (o(r, e), e.Buffer = a), a.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype), o(i, a), a.from = function (t, e, n) {
- if ("number" == typeof t) throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number");
- return i(t, e, n)
- }, a.alloc = function (t, e, n) {
- if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
- var r = i(t);
- return void 0 !== e ? "string" == typeof n ? r.fill(e, n) : r.fill(e) : r.fill(0), r
- }, a.allocUnsafe = function (t) {
- if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
- return i(t)
- }, a.allocUnsafeSlow = function (t) {
- if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
- return r.SlowBuffer(t)
- }
-}, function (t, e) {
- "function" == typeof Object.create ? t.exports = function (t, e) {
- e && (t.super_ = e, t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype, {constructor: {value: t, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0}}))
- } : t.exports = function (t, e) {
- if (e) {
- t.super_ = e;
- var n = function () {
- };
- n.prototype = e.prototype, t.prototype = new n, t.prototype.constructor = t
- }
- }
-}, function (t, e, n) {
- var r = n(0).Buffer;
- function i(t, e) {
- this._block = r.alloc(t), this._finalSize = e, this._blockSize = t, this._len = 0
- }
- i.prototype.update = function (t, e) {
- "string" == typeof t && (e = e || "utf8", t = r.from(t, e));
- for (var n = this._block, i = this._blockSize, o = t.length, a = this._len, u = 0; u < o;) {
- for (var s = a % i, l = Math.min(o - u, i - s), c = 0; c < l; c++) n[s + c] = t[u + c];
- u += l, (a += l) % i == 0 && this._update(n)
- }
- return this._len += o, this
- }, i.prototype.digest = function (t) {
- var e = this._len % this._blockSize;
- this._block[e] = 128, this._block.fill(0, e + 1), e >= this._finalSize && (this._update(this._block), this._block.fill(0));
- var n = 8 * this._len;
- if (n <= 4294967295) this._block.writeUInt32BE(n, this._blockSize - 4); else {
- var r = (4294967295 & n) >>> 0, i = (n - r) / 4294967296;
- this._block.writeUInt32BE(i, this._blockSize - 8), this._block.writeUInt32BE(r, this._blockSize - 4)
- }
- this._update(this._block);
- var o = this._hash();
- return t ? o.toString(t) : o
- }, i.prototype._update = function () {
- throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass")
- }, t.exports = i
-}, function (t, e) {
- var n = {
- utf8: {
- stringToBytes: function (t) {
- return n.bin.stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)))
- }, bytesToString: function (t) {
- return decodeURIComponent(escape(n.bin.bytesToString(t)))
- }
- }, bin: {
- stringToBytes: function (t) {
- for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) e.push(255 & t.charCodeAt(n));
- return e
- }, bytesToString: function (t) {
- for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) e.push(String.fromCharCode(t[n]));
- return e.join("")
- }
- }
- };
- t.exports = n
-}, function (t, e, n) {
- var r = n(1), i = n(2), o = n(0).Buffer,
- a = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298],
- u = new Array(64);
- function s() {
- this.init(), this._w = u, i.call(this, 64, 56)
- }
- function l(t, e, n) {
- return n ^ t & (e ^ n)
- }
- function c(t, e, n) {
- return t & e | n & (t | e)
- }
- function h(t) {
- return (t >>> 2 | t << 30) ^ (t >>> 13 | t << 19) ^ (t >>> 22 | t << 10)
- }
- function f(t) {
- return (t >>> 6 | t << 26) ^ (t >>> 11 | t << 21) ^ (t >>> 25 | t << 7)
- }
- function p(t) {
- return (t >>> 7 | t << 25) ^ (t >>> 18 | t << 14) ^ t >>> 3
- }
- r(s, i), s.prototype.init = function () {
- return this._a = 1779033703, this._b = 3144134277, this._c = 1013904242, this._d = 2773480762, this._e = 1359893119, this._f = 2600822924, this._g = 528734635, this._h = 1541459225, this
- }, s.prototype._update = function (t) {
- for (var e, n = this._w, r = 0 | this._a, i = 0 | this._b, o = 0 | this._c, u = 0 | this._d, s = 0 | this._e, d = 0 | this._f, g = 0 | this._g, m = 0 | this._h, v = 0; v < 16; ++v) n[v] = t.readInt32BE(4 * v);
- for (; v < 64; ++v) n[v] = 0 | (((e = n[v - 2]) >>> 17 | e << 15) ^ (e >>> 19 | e << 13) ^ e >>> 10) + n[v - 7] + p(n[v - 15]) + n[v - 16];
- for (var y = 0; y < 64; ++y) {
- var b = m + f(s) + l(s, d, g) + a[y] + n[y] | 0, _ = h(r) + c(r, i, o) | 0;
- m = g, g = d, d = s, s = u + b | 0, u = o, o = i, i = r, r = b + _ | 0
- }
- this._a = r + this._a | 0, this._b = i + this._b | 0, this._c = o + this._c | 0, this._d = u + this._d | 0, this._e = s + this._e | 0, this._f = d + this._f | 0, this._g = g + this._g | 0, this._h = m + this._h | 0
- }, s.prototype._hash = function () {
- var t = o.allocUnsafe(32);
- return t.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), t.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), t.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), t.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), t.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), t.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), t.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), t.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28), t
- }, t.exports = s
-}, function (t, e, n) {
- var r = n(1), i = n(2), o = n(0).Buffer,
- a = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591],
- u = new Array(160);
- function s() {
- this.init(), this._w = u, i.call(this, 128, 112)
- }
- function l(t, e, n) {
- return n ^ t & (e ^ n)
- }
- function c(t, e, n) {
- return t & e | n & (t | e)
- }
- function h(t, e) {
- return (t >>> 28 | e << 4) ^ (e >>> 2 | t << 30) ^ (e >>> 7 | t << 25)
- }
- function f(t, e) {
- return (t >>> 14 | e << 18) ^ (t >>> 18 | e << 14) ^ (e >>> 9 | t << 23)
- }
- function p(t, e) {
- return (t >>> 1 | e << 31) ^ (t >>> 8 | e << 24) ^ t >>> 7
- }
- function d(t, e) {
- return (t >>> 1 | e << 31) ^ (t >>> 8 | e << 24) ^ (t >>> 7 | e << 25)
- }
- function g(t, e) {
- return (t >>> 19 | e << 13) ^ (e >>> 29 | t << 3) ^ t >>> 6
- }
- function m(t, e) {
- return (t >>> 19 | e << 13) ^ (e >>> 29 | t << 3) ^ (t >>> 6 | e << 26)
- }
- function v(t, e) {
- return t >>> 0 < e >>> 0 ? 1 : 0
- }
- r(s, i), s.prototype.init = function () {
- return this._ah = 1779033703, this._bh = 3144134277, this._ch = 1013904242, this._dh = 2773480762, this._eh = 1359893119, this._fh = 2600822924, this._gh = 528734635, this._hh = 1541459225, this._al = 4089235720, this._bl = 2227873595, this._cl = 4271175723, this._dl = 1595750129, this._el = 2917565137, this._fl = 725511199, this._gl = 4215389547, this._hl = 327033209, this
- }, s.prototype._update = function (t) {
- for (var e = this._w, n = 0 | this._ah, r = 0 | this._bh, i = 0 | this._ch, o = 0 | this._dh, u = 0 | this._eh, s = 0 | this._fh, y = 0 | this._gh, b = 0 | this._hh, _ = 0 | this._al, w = 0 | this._bl, x = 0 | this._cl, E = 0 | this._dl, A = 0 | this._el, R = 0 | this._fl, C = 0 | this._gl, k = 0 | this._hl, B = 0; B < 32; B += 2) e[B] = t.readInt32BE(4 * B), e[B + 1] = t.readInt32BE(4 * B + 4);
- for (; B < 160; B += 2) {
- var S = e[B - 30], T = e[B - 30 + 1], P = p(S, T), I = d(T, S), M = g(S = e[B - 4], T = e[B - 4 + 1]), U = m(T, S), O = e[B - 14],
- D = e[B - 14 + 1], L = e[B - 32], H = e[B - 32 + 1], j = I + D | 0, F = P + O + v(j, I) | 0;
- F = (F = F + M + v(j = j + U | 0, U) | 0) + L + v(j = j + H | 0, H) | 0, e[B] = F, e[B + 1] = j
- }
- for (var q = 0; q < 160; q += 2) {
- F = e[q], j = e[q + 1];
- var Y = c(n, r, i), z = c(_, w, x), N = h(n, _), G = h(_, n), X = f(u, A), W = f(A, u), K = a[q], J = a[q + 1], V = l(u, s, y),
- $ = l(A, R, C), Z = k + W | 0, Q = b + X + v(Z, k) | 0;
- Q = (Q = (Q = Q + V + v(Z = Z + $ | 0, $) | 0) + K + v(Z = Z + J | 0, J) | 0) + F + v(Z = Z + j | 0, j) | 0;
- var tt = G + z | 0, et = N + Y + v(tt, G) | 0;
- b = y, k = C, y = s, C = R, s = u, R = A, u = o + Q + v(A = E + Z | 0, E) | 0, o = i, E = x, i = r, x = w, r = n, w = _, n = Q + et + v(_ = Z + tt | 0, Z) | 0
- }
- this._al = this._al + _ | 0, this._bl = this._bl + w | 0, this._cl = this._cl + x | 0, this._dl = this._dl + E | 0, this._el = this._el + A | 0, this._fl = this._fl + R | 0, this._gl = this._gl + C | 0, this._hl = this._hl + k | 0, this._ah = this._ah + n + v(this._al, _) | 0, this._bh = this._bh + r + v(this._bl, w) | 0, this._ch = this._ch + i + v(this._cl, x) | 0, this._dh = this._dh + o + v(this._dl, E) | 0, this._eh = this._eh + u + v(this._el, A) | 0, this._fh = this._fh + s + v(this._fl, R) | 0, this._gh = this._gh + y + v(this._gl, C) | 0, this._hh = this._hh + b + v(this._hl, k) | 0
- }, s.prototype._hash = function () {
- var t = o.allocUnsafe(64);
- function e(e, n, r) {
- t.writeInt32BE(e, r), t.writeInt32BE(n, r + 4)
- }
- return e(this._ah, this._al, 0), e(this._bh, this._bl, 8), e(this._ch, this._cl, 16), e(this._dh, this._dl, 24), e(this._eh, this._el, 32), e(this._fh, this._fl, 40), e(this._gh, this._gl, 48), e(this._hh, this._hl, 56), t
- }, t.exports = s
-}, function (t, e, n) {
- const r = n(7), i = n(10), o = n(20).Base64, a = {
- md5: function (t) {
- return r(t)
- }, sha: function (t, e) {
- return i(e).update(t).digest("hex")
- }, sha1: function (t) {
- return i("sha1").update(t).digest("hex")
- }, sha224: function (t) {
- return i("sha224").update(t).digest("hex")
- }, sha256: function (t) {
- return i("sha256").update(t).digest("hex")
- }, sha384: function (t) {
- return i("sha384").update(t).digest("hex")
- }, sha512: function (t) {
- return i("sha512").update(t).digest("hex")
- }, base64: function (t) {
- return o.encode(t)
- }, unbase64: function (t) {
- return o.decode(t)
- }, substr: function (t, ...e) {
- return t.substr(...e)
- }, concat: function (t, ...e) {
- return e.forEach(e => {
- t += e
- }), t
- }, lconcat: function (t, ...e) {
- return e.forEach(e => {
- t = e + this._string
- }), t
- }, lower: function (t) {
- return t.toLowerCase()
- }, upper: function (t) {
- return t.toUpperCase()
- }, length: function (t) {
- return t.length
- }, number: function (t) {
- return isNaN(t) ? t : +t
- }
- };
- class u {
- constructor(t) {
- this._string = t
- }
- toString() {
- return this._string
- }
- }
- function s(t, e) {
- u.prototype[t] = function (...t) {
- return t.unshift(this._string + ""), this._string = e.apply(this, t), this
- }
- }
- !function (t) {
- for (let e in t) s(e, t[e])
- }(a);
- const l = n(21);
- calculate = function (t) {
- if (!t) return;
- let e = t.split("|"), n = l.mock(e[0].trim());
- if (1 === e.length) return n;
- for (let t = 1; t < e.length; t++) {
- let r = e[t].trim().split(":"), i = [];
- r[1] && (i = r[1].split(",")), n = a[r[0].trim()](n, ...i)
- }
- return n
- }
-}, function (t, e, n) {
- var r, i, o, a, u;
- r = n(8), i = n(3).utf8, o = n(9), a = n(3).bin, (u = function (t, e) {
- t.constructor == String ? t = e && "binary" === e.encoding ? a.stringToBytes(t) : i.stringToBytes(t) : o(t) ? t = Array.prototype.slice.call(t, 0) : Array.isArray(t) || t.constructor === Uint8Array || (t = t.toString());
- for (var n = r.bytesToWords(t), s = 8 * t.length, l = 1732584193, c = -271733879, h = -1732584194, f = 271733878, p = 0; p < n.length; p++) n[p] = 16711935 & (n[p] << 8 | n[p] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (n[p] << 24 | n[p] >>> 8);
- n[s >>> 5] |= 128 << s % 32, n[14 + (s + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = s;
- var d = u._ff, g = u._gg, m = u._hh, v = u._ii;
- for (p = 0; p < n.length; p += 16) {
- var y = l, b = c, _ = h, w = f;
- l = d(l, c, h, f, n[p + 0], 7, -680876936), f = d(f, l, c, h, n[p + 1], 12, -389564586), h = d(h, f, l, c, n[p + 2], 17, 606105819), c = d(c, h, f, l, n[p + 3], 22, -1044525330), l = d(l, c, h, f, n[p + 4], 7, -176418897), f = d(f, l, c, h, n[p + 5], 12, 1200080426), h = d(h, f, l, c, n[p + 6], 17, -1473231341), c = d(c, h, f, l, n[p + 7], 22, -45705983), l = d(l, c, h, f, n[p + 8], 7, 1770035416), f = d(f, l, c, h, n[p + 9], 12, -1958414417), h = d(h, f, l, c, n[p + 10], 17, -42063), c = d(c, h, f, l, n[p + 11], 22, -1990404162), l = d(l, c, h, f, n[p + 12], 7, 1804603682), f = d(f, l, c, h, n[p + 13], 12, -40341101), h = d(h, f, l, c, n[p + 14], 17, -1502002290), l = g(l, c = d(c, h, f, l, n[p + 15], 22, 1236535329), h, f, n[p + 1], 5, -165796510), f = g(f, l, c, h, n[p + 6], 9, -1069501632), h = g(h, f, l, c, n[p + 11], 14, 643717713), c = g(c, h, f, l, n[p + 0], 20, -373897302), l = g(l, c, h, f, n[p + 5], 5, -701558691), f = g(f, l, c, h, n[p + 10], 9, 38016083), h = g(h, f, l, c, n[p + 15], 14, -660478335), c = g(c, h, f, l, n[p + 4], 20, -405537848), l = g(l, c, h, f, n[p + 9], 5, 568446438), f = g(f, l, c, h, n[p + 14], 9, -1019803690), h = g(h, f, l, c, n[p + 3], 14, -187363961), c = g(c, h, f, l, n[p + 8], 20, 1163531501), l = g(l, c, h, f, n[p + 13], 5, -1444681467), f = g(f, l, c, h, n[p + 2], 9, -51403784), h = g(h, f, l, c, n[p + 7], 14, 1735328473), l = m(l, c = g(c, h, f, l, n[p + 12], 20, -1926607734), h, f, n[p + 5], 4, -378558), f = m(f, l, c, h, n[p + 8], 11, -2022574463), h = m(h, f, l, c, n[p + 11], 16, 1839030562), c = m(c, h, f, l, n[p + 14], 23, -35309556), l = m(l, c, h, f, n[p + 1], 4, -1530992060), f = m(f, l, c, h, n[p + 4], 11, 1272893353), h = m(h, f, l, c, n[p + 7], 16, -155497632), c = m(c, h, f, l, n[p + 10], 23, -1094730640), l = m(l, c, h, f, n[p + 13], 4, 681279174), f = m(f, l, c, h, n[p + 0], 11, -358537222), h = m(h, f, l, c, n[p + 3], 16, -722521979), c = m(c, h, f, l, n[p + 6], 23, 76029189), l = m(l, c, h, f, n[p + 9], 4, -640364487), f = m(f, l, c, h, n[p + 12], 11, -421815835), h = m(h, f, l, c, n[p + 15], 16, 530742520), l = v(l, c = m(c, h, f, l, n[p + 2], 23, -995338651), h, f, n[p + 0], 6, -198630844), f = v(f, l, c, h, n[p + 7], 10, 1126891415), h = v(h, f, l, c, n[p + 14], 15, -1416354905), c = v(c, h, f, l, n[p + 5], 21, -57434055), l = v(l, c, h, f, n[p + 12], 6, 1700485571), f = v(f, l, c, h, n[p + 3], 10, -1894986606), h = v(h, f, l, c, n[p + 10], 15, -1051523), c = v(c, h, f, l, n[p + 1], 21, -2054922799), l = v(l, c, h, f, n[p + 8], 6, 1873313359), f = v(f, l, c, h, n[p + 15], 10, -30611744), h = v(h, f, l, c, n[p + 6], 15, -1560198380), c = v(c, h, f, l, n[p + 13], 21, 1309151649), l = v(l, c, h, f, n[p + 4], 6, -145523070), f = v(f, l, c, h, n[p + 11], 10, -1120210379), h = v(h, f, l, c, n[p + 2], 15, 718787259), c = v(c, h, f, l, n[p + 9], 21, -343485551), l = l + y >>> 0, c = c + b >>> 0, h = h + _ >>> 0, f = f + w >>> 0
- }
- return r.endian([l, c, h, f])
- })._ff = function (t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
- var u = t + (e & n | ~e & r) + (i >>> 0) + a;
- return (u << o | u >>> 32 - o) + e
- }, u._gg = function (t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
- var u = t + (e & r | n & ~r) + (i >>> 0) + a;
- return (u << o | u >>> 32 - o) + e
- }, u._hh = function (t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
- var u = t + (e ^ n ^ r) + (i >>> 0) + a;
- return (u << o | u >>> 32 - o) + e
- }, u._ii = function (t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
- var u = t + (n ^ (e | ~r)) + (i >>> 0) + a;
- return (u << o | u >>> 32 - o) + e
- }, u._blocksize = 16, u._digestsize = 16, t.exports = function (t, e) {
- if (null == t) throw new Error("Illegal argument " + t);
- var n = r.wordsToBytes(u(t, e));
- return e && e.asBytes ? n : e && e.asString ? a.bytesToString(n) : r.bytesToHex(n)
- }
-}, function (t, e) {
- var n, r;
- n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", r = {
- rotl: function (t, e) {
- return t << e | t >>> 32 - e
- }, rotr: function (t, e) {
- return t << 32 - e | t >>> e
- }, endian: function (t) {
- if (t.constructor == Number) return 16711935 & r.rotl(t, 8) | 4278255360 & r.rotl(t, 24);
- for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) t[e] = r.endian(t[e]);
- return t
- }, randomBytes: function (t) {
- for (var e = []; t > 0; t--) e.push(Math.floor(256 * Math.random()));
- return e
- }, bytesToWords: function (t) {
- for (var e = [], n = 0, r = 0; n < t.length; n++, r += 8) e[r >>> 5] |= t[n] << 24 - r % 32;
- return e
- }, wordsToBytes: function (t) {
- for (var e = [], n = 0; n < 32 * t.length; n += 8) e.push(t[n >>> 5] >>> 24 - n % 32 & 255);
- return e
- }, bytesToHex: function (t) {
- for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) e.push((t[n] >>> 4).toString(16)), e.push((15 & t[n]).toString(16));
- return e.join("")
- }, hexToBytes: function (t) {
- for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n += 2) e.push(parseInt(t.substr(n, 2), 16));
- return e
- }, bytesToBase64: function (t) {
- for (var e = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r += 3) for (var i = t[r] << 16 | t[r + 1] << 8 | t[r + 2], o = 0; o < 4; o++) 8 * r + 6 * o <= 8 * t.length ? e.push(n.charAt(i >>> 6 * (3 - o) & 63)) : e.push("=");
- return e.join("")
- }, base64ToBytes: function (t) {
- t = t.replace(/[^A-Z0-9+\/]/gi, "");
- for (var e = [], r = 0, i = 0; r < t.length; i = ++r % 4) 0 != i && e.push((n.indexOf(t.charAt(r - 1)) & Math.pow(2, -2 * i + 8) - 1) << 2 * i | n.indexOf(t.charAt(r)) >>> 6 - 2 * i);
- return e
- }
- }, t.exports = r
-}, function (t, e) {
- function n(t) {
- return !!t.constructor && "function" == typeof t.constructor.isBuffer && t.constructor.isBuffer(t)
- }
+ var r=n(114),i=r.Buffer;function o(t,e){for(var n in t)e[n]=t[n]}function a(t,e,n){return i(t,e,n)}i.from&&i.alloc&&i.allocUnsafe&&i.allocUnsafeSlow?t.exports=r:(o(r,e),e.Buffer=a),a.prototype=Object.create(i.prototype),o(i,a),a.from=function(t,e,n){if("number"==typeof t)throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number");return i(t,e,n)},a.alloc=function(t,e,n){if("number"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");var r=i(t);return void 0!==e?"string"==typeof n?r.fill(e,n):r.fill(e):r.fill(0),r},a.allocUnsafe=function(t){if("number"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");return i(t)},a.allocUnsafeSlow=function(t){if("number"!=typeof t)throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");return r.SlowBuffer(t)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(21);t.exports=function(t){return Object(r(t))}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(32),i=n(21);t.exports=function(t){return r(i(t))}},function(t,e){"function"==typeof Object.create?t.exports=function(t,e){e&&(t.super_=e,t.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}))}:t.exports=function(t,e){if(e){t.super_=e;var n=function(){};n.prototype=e.prototype,t.prototype=new n,t.prototype.constructor=t}}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(12).Buffer;function i(t,e){this._block=r.alloc(t),this._finalSize=e,this._blockSize=t,this._len=0}i.prototype.update=function(t,e){"string"==typeof t&&(e=e||"utf8",t=r.from(t,e));for(var n=this._block,i=this._blockSize,o=t.length,a=this._len,u=0;u=this._finalSize&&(this._update(this._block),this._block.fill(0));var n=8*this._len;if(n<=4294967295)this._block.writeUInt32BE(n,this._blockSize-4);else{var r=(4294967295&n)>>>0,i=(n-r)/4294967296;this._block.writeUInt32BE(i,this._blockSize-8),this._block.writeUInt32BE(r,this._blockSize-4)}this._update(this._block);var o=this._hash();return t?o.toString(t):o},i.prototype._update=function(){throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass")},t.exports=i},function(t,e){var n=t.exports={version:"2.6.12"};"number"==typeof __e&&(__e=n)},function(t,e){t.exports=function(t,e){return{enumerable:!(1&t),configurable:!(2&t),writable:!(4&t),value:e}}},function(t,e){var n=0,r=Math.random();t.exports=function(t){return"Symbol(".concat(void 0===t?"":t,")_",(++n+r).toString(36))}},function(t,e){var n={}.toString;t.exports=function(t){return n.call(t).slice(8,-1)}},function(t,e){t.exports=function(t){if(null==t)throw TypeError("Can't call method on "+t);return t}},function(t,e){t.exports={}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(17),i=n(4),o=i["__core-js_shared__"]||(i["__core-js_shared__"]={});(t.exports=function(t,e){return o[t]||(o[t]=void 0!==e?e:{})})("versions",[]).push({version:r.version,mode:n(24)?"pure":"global",copyright:"© 2020 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)"})},function(t,e){t.exports=!1},function(t,e,n){var r=n(31);t.exports=function(t,e,n){if(r(t),void 0===e)return t;switch(n){case 1:return function(n){return t.call(e,n)};case 2:return function(n,r){return t.call(e,n,r)};case 3:return function(n,r,i){return t.call(e,n,r,i)}}return function(){return t.apply(e,arguments)}}},function(t,e){var n=Math.ceil,r=Math.floor;t.exports=function(t){return isNaN(t=+t)?0:(t>0?r:n)(t)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(6);t.exports=function(t,e){return!!t&&r((function(){e?t.call(null,(function(){}),1):t.call(null)}))}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(5);t.exports=function(){var t=r(this),e="";return t.global&&(e+="g"),t.ignoreCase&&(e+="i"),t.multiline&&(e+="m"),t.unicode&&(e+="u"),t.sticky&&(e+="y"),e}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(49),i=n(39);t.exports=Object.keys||function(t){return r(t,i)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(7);t.exports=function(t,e){if(!r(t))return t;var n,i;if(e&&"function"==typeof(n=t.toString)&&!r(i=n.call(t)))return i;if("function"==typeof(n=t.valueOf)&&!r(i=n.call(t)))return i;if(!e&&"function"==typeof(n=t.toString)&&!r(i=n.call(t)))return i;throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value")}},function(t,e){t.exports=function(t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw TypeError(t+" is not a function!");return t}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(20);t.exports=Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0)?Object:function(t){return"String"==r(t)?t.split(""):Object(t)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(20);t.exports=Array.isArray||function(t){return"Array"==r(t)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(20),i=n(0)("toStringTag"),o="Arguments"==r(function(){return arguments}());t.exports=function(t){var e,n,a;return void 0===t?"Undefined":null===t?"Null":"string"==typeof(n=function(t,e){try{return t[e]}catch(t){}}(e=Object(t),i))?n:o?r(e):"Object"==(a=r(e))&&"function"==typeof e.callee?"Arguments":a}},function(t,e,n){var r,i,o=n(28),a=RegExp.prototype.exec,u=String.prototype.replace,s=a,c=(r=/a/,i=/b*/g,a.call(r,"a"),a.call(i,"a"),0!==r.lastIndex||0!==i.lastIndex),l=void 0!==/()??/.exec("")[1];(c||l)&&(s=function(t){var e,n,r,i,s=this;return l&&(n=new RegExp("^"+s.source+"$(?!\\s)",o.call(s))),c&&(e=s.lastIndex),r=a.call(s,t),c&&r&&(s.lastIndex=s.global?r.index+r[0].length:e),l&&r&&r.length>1&&u.call(r[0],n,(function(){for(i=1;ix;x++)if((h||x in y)&&(v=b(g=y[x],x,m),t))if(n)w[x]=v;else if(v)switch(t){case 3:return!0;case 5:return g;case 6:return x;case 2:w.push(g)}else if(l)return!1;return f?-1:c||l?l:w}}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(45)(!0);t.exports=function(t,e,n){return e+(n?r(t,e).length:1)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(26),i=n(21);t.exports=function(t){return function(e,n){var o,a,u=String(i(e)),s=r(n),c=u.length;return s<0||s>=c?t?"":void 0:(o=u.charCodeAt(s))<55296||o>56319||s+1===c||(a=u.charCodeAt(s+1))<56320||a>57343?t?u.charAt(s):o:t?u.slice(s,s+2):a-56320+(o-55296<<10)+65536}}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(34),i=RegExp.prototype.exec;t.exports=function(t,e){var n=t.exec;if("function"==typeof n){var o=n.call(t,e);if("object"!=typeof o)throw new TypeError("RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or null");return o}if("RegExp"!==r(t))throw new TypeError("RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver");return i.call(t,e)}},function(t,e,n){n(69);var r=n(8),i=n(9),o=n(6),a=n(21),u=n(0),s=n(35),c=u("species"),l=!o((function(){var t=/./;return t.exec=function(){var t=[];return t.groups={a:"7"},t},"7"!=="".replace(t,"$")})),f=function(){var t=/(?:)/,e=t.exec;t.exec=function(){return e.apply(this,arguments)};var n="ab".split(t);return 2===n.length&&"a"===n[0]&&"b"===n[1]}();t.exports=function(t,e,n){var h=u(t),p=!o((function(){var e={};return e[h]=function(){return 7},7!=""[t](e)})),d=p?!o((function(){var e=!1,n=/a/;return n.exec=function(){return e=!0,null},"split"===t&&(n.constructor={},n.constructor[c]=function(){return n}),n[h](""),!e})):void 0;if(!p||!d||"replace"===t&&!l||"split"===t&&!f){var g=/./[h],v=n(a,h,""[t],(function(t,e,n,r,i){return e.exec===s?p&&!i?{done:!0,value:g.call(e,n,r)}:{done:!0,value:t.call(n,e,r)}:{done:!1}})),m=v[0],y=v[1];r(String.prototype,t,m),i(RegExp.prototype,h,2==e?function(t,e){return y.call(t,this,e)}:function(t){return y.call(t,this)})}}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(36),i=n(18),o=n(14),a=n(30),u=n(10),s=n(41),c=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;e.f=n(3)?c:function(t,e){if(t=o(t),e=a(e,!0),s)try{return c(t,e)}catch(t){}if(u(t,e))return i(!r.f.call(t,e),t[e])}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(10),i=n(14),o=n(50)(!1),a=n(38)("IE_PROTO");t.exports=function(t,e){var n,u=i(t),s=0,c=[];for(n in u)n!=a&&r(u,n)&&c.push(n);for(;e.length>s;)r(u,n=e[s++])&&(~o(c,n)||c.push(n));return c}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(14),i=n(11),o=n(51);t.exports=function(t){return function(e,n,a){var u,s=r(e),c=i(s.length),l=o(a,c);if(t&&n!=n){for(;c>l;)if((u=s[l++])!=u)return!0}else for(;c>l;l++)if((t||l in s)&&s[l]===n)return t||l||0;return!t&&-1}}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(26),i=Math.max,o=Math.min;t.exports=function(t,e){return(t=r(t))<0?i(t+e,0):o(t,e)}},function(t,e,n){var r=n(7),i=n(20),o=n(0)("match");t.exports=function(t){var e;return r(t)&&(void 0!==(e=t[o])?!!e:"RegExp"==i(t))}},function(t,e,n){e.f=n(0)},function(t,e){e.f=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols},function(t,e,n){var r=n(5),i=n(93),o=n(39),a=n(38)("IE_PROTO"),u=function(){},s=function(){var t,e=n(42)("iframe"),r=o.length;for(e.style.display="none",n(56).appendChild(e),e.src="javascript:",(t=e.contentWindow.document).open(),t.write("