refactor: 默认使用svg渲染echart

This commit is contained in:
Captain.B 2020-08-26 16:23:31 +08:00
parent e483748b97
commit b653848594
8 changed files with 452 additions and 397 deletions

View File

@ -5,22 +5,22 @@
<el-row type="flex" justify="center" align="middle">
<div class="metric-time">
<div class="value" style="margin-right: 50px">{{time}}</div>
<div class="value" style="margin-right: 50px">{{ time }}</div>
<chart id="chart" ref="chart" :options="options" :autoresize="true"></chart>
<ms-chart id="chart" ref="chart" :options="options" :autoresize="true"></ms-chart>
<el-row type="flex" justify="center" align="middle">
<i class="circle success"/>
<div class="metric-box">
<div class="value">{{content.success}}</div>
<div class="name">{{$t('api_report.success')}}</div>
<div class="value">{{ content.success }}</div>
<div class="name">{{ $t('api_report.success') }}</div>
<div style="width: 40px"></div>
<i class="circle fail"/>
<div class="metric-box">
<div class="value">{{content.error}}</div>
<div class="name">{{$t('')}}</div>
<div class="value">{{ content.error }}</div>
<div class="name">{{ $t('') }}</div>
@ -30,18 +30,18 @@
<el-row type="flex" justify="space-around" align="middle">
<div class="metric-icon-box">
<i class="el-icon-warning-outline fail"></i>
<div class="value">{{fail}}</div>
<div class="name">{{$t('')}}</div>
<div class="value">{{ fail }}</div>
<div class="name">{{ $t('') }}</div>
<div class="metric-icon-box">
<i class="el-icon-document-checked assertions"></i>
<div class="value">{{assertions}}</div>
<div class="name">{{$t('api_report.assertions_pass')}}</div>
<div class="value">{{ assertions }}</div>
<div class="name">{{ $t('api_report.assertions_pass') }}</div>
<div class="metric-icon-box">
<i class="el-icon-document-copy total"></i>
<div class="value">{{}}</div>
<div class="name">{{$t('api_report.request')}}</div>
<div class="value">{{ }}</div>
<div class="name">{{ $t('api_report.request') }}</div>
@ -50,203 +50,205 @@
export default {
name: "MsMetricChart",
import MsChart from "@/business/components/common/chart/MsChart";
props: {
content: Object,
totalTime: Number
data() {
return {
minutes: 0,
seconds: 0,
time: 0
export default {
name: "MsMetricChart",
components: {MsChart},
props: {
content: Object,
totalTime: Number
data() {
return {
hour: 0,
minutes: 0,
seconds: 0,
time: 0,
created() {
methods: {
initTime() {
this.time = this.totalTime
this.seconds = Math.floor(this.time / 1000)
if (this.seconds >= 1) {
if (this.seconds > 60) {
this.minutes = Math.round(this.time / 60)
this.seconds = Math.round(this.time % 60)
this.time = this.minutes + "min" + this.seconds + "s"
if (this.seconds > 60) {
this.minutes = Math.round(this.time / 60)
this.seconds = Math.round(this.time % 60)
this.time = this.minutes + "min" + this.seconds + "s"
if (this.minutes > 60) {
this.hour = Math.round(this.minutes / 60)
this.minutes = Math.round(this.minutes % 60)
this.time = this.hour + "hour" + this.minutes + "min" + this.seconds + "s"
this.time = (this.seconds) + "s"
} else {
this.time = this.totalTime + "ms"
created() {
methods: {
initTime() {
this.time = this.totalTime
this.seconds = Math.floor(this.time / 1000)
if (this.seconds >= 1) {
if (this.seconds > 60) {
this.minutes = Math.round(this.time / 60)
this.seconds = Math.round(this.time % 60)
this.time = this.minutes + "min" + this.seconds + "s"
if (this.seconds > 60) {
this.minutes = Math.round(this.time / 60)
this.seconds = Math.round(this.time % 60)
this.time = this.minutes + "min" + this.seconds + "s"
if (this.minutes > 60) {
this.hour = Math.round(this.minutes / 60)
this.minutes = Math.round(this.minutes % 60)
this.time = this.hour + "hour" + this.minutes + "min" + this.seconds + "s"
this.time = (this.seconds) + "s"
} else {
this.time = this.totalTime + "ms"
computed: {
options() {
return {
color: ['#67C23A', '#F56C6C'],
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: '{b}: {c} ({d}%)'
title: [{
text: '{value|' + + '}\n{name|' + this.$t('api_report.request') + '}',
top: 'center',
left: 'center',
textStyle: {
rich: {
align: 'center',
value: {
fontSize: 32,
fontWeight: 'bold',
padding: [10, 0]
name: {
fontSize: 14,
fontWeight: 'normal',
color: '#7F7F7F',
computed: {
options() {
return {
color: ['#67C23A', '#F56C6C'],
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: '{b}: {c} ({d}%)'
title: [{
text: '{value|' + + '}\n{name|' + this.$t('api_report.request') + '}',
top: 'center',
left: 'center',
textStyle: {
rich: {
align: 'center',
value: {
fontSize: 32,
fontWeight: 'bold',
padding: [10, 0]
name: {
fontSize: 14,
fontWeight: 'normal',
color: '#7F7F7F',
series: [
type: 'pie',
radius: ['80%', '90%'],
avoidLabelOverlap: false,
hoverAnimation: false,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
borderColor: "#FFF",
shadowColor: '#E1E1E1',
shadowBlur: 10
labelLine: {
show: false
data: [
{value: this.content.success},
{value: this.content.error},
fail() {
return (this.content.error / * 100).toFixed(0) + "%";
assertions() {
return this.content.passAssertions + " / " + this.content.totalAssertions;
series: [
type: 'pie',
radius: ['80%', '90%'],
avoidLabelOverlap: false,
hoverAnimation: false,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
borderColor: "#FFF",
shadowColor: '#E1E1E1',
shadowBlur: 10
labelLine: {
show: false
data: [
{value: this.content.success},
{value: this.content.error},
fail() {
return (this.content.error / * 100).toFixed(0) + "%";
assertions() {
return this.content.passAssertions + " / " + this.content.totalAssertions;
<style scoped>
.metric-container {
padding: 20px;
.metric-container {
padding: 20px;
.metric-container #chart {
width: 140px;
height: 140px;
margin-right: 40px;
.metric-container #chart {
width: 140px;
height: 140px;
margin-right: 40px;
.metric-container .split {
margin: 20px;
height: 100px;
border-left: 1px solid #D8DBE1;
.metric-container .split {
margin: 20px;
height: 100px;
border-left: 1px solid #D8DBE1;
.metric-container .circle {
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px 1px rgba(200, 216, 226, .42);
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;
vertical-align: middle;
.metric-container .circle {
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
border-radius: 50%;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px 1px rgba(200, 216, 226, .42);
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;
vertical-align: middle;
.metric-container .circle.success {
background-color: #67C23A;
.metric-container .circle.success {
background-color: #67C23A;
.metric-container {
background-color: #F56C6C;
.metric-container {
background-color: #F56C6C;
.metric-box {
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
.metric-box {
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
.metric-box .value {
font-size: 32px;
font-weight: 600;
letter-spacing: -.5px;
.metric-box .value {
font-size: 32px;
font-weight: 600;
letter-spacing: -.5px;
.metric-time .value {
font-size: 25px;
font-weight: 400;
letter-spacing: -.5px;
.metric-time .value {
font-size: 25px;
font-weight: 400;
letter-spacing: -.5px;
.metric-box .name {
font-size: 16px;
letter-spacing: -.2px;
color: #404040;
.metric-box .name {
font-size: 16px;
letter-spacing: -.2px;
color: #404040;
.metric-icon-box {
text-align: center;
margin: 0 10px;
.metric-icon-box {
text-align: center;
margin: 0 10px;
.metric-icon-box .value {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 600;
letter-spacing: -.4px;
line-height: 28px;
vertical-align: middle;
.metric-icon-box .value {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 600;
letter-spacing: -.4px;
line-height: 28px;
vertical-align: middle;
.metric-icon-box .name {
font-size: 13px;
letter-spacing: 1px;
color: #BFBFBF;
line-height: 18px;
.metric-icon-box .name {
font-size: 13px;
letter-spacing: 1px;
color: #BFBFBF;
line-height: 18px;
.metric-icon-box .fail {
color: #F56C6C;
font-size: 40px;
.metric-icon-box .fail {
color: #F56C6C;
font-size: 40px;
.metric-icon-box .assertions {
font-size: 40px;
.metric-icon-box .assertions {
font-size: 40px;
.metric-icon-box .total {
font-size: 40px;
.metric-icon-box .total {
font-size: 40px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
export default {
name: "MsChart",
props: {
options: Object,
theme: [String, Object],
initOptions: Object,
group: String,
autoresize: Boolean,
watchShallow: Boolean,
manualUpdate: Boolean
data() {
return {
defaultInitOptions: this.initOptions
mounted() {
this.defaultInitOptions = this.defaultInitOptions || {};
// svg
if (!this.defaultInitOptions.renderer) {
this.defaultInitOptions.renderer = 'svg';
<style scoped>

View File

@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
<chart :options="options">
<ms-chart :options="options">
export default {
name: "MsPieChart",
components: {},
mounted() {
watch: {
data() {
import MsChart from "@/business/components/common/chart/MsChart";
export default {
name: "MsPieChart",
components: {MsChart},
mounted() {
watch: {
data() {
return {
data() {
return {
options: {
title: {
text: this.text,

View File

@ -1,194 +1,196 @@
<chart :options="bar"></chart>
<ms-chart :options="bar"></ms-chart>
import echarts from 'echarts'
import echarts from 'echarts'
import MsChart from "@/business/components/common/chart/MsChart";
export default {
name: "PerformanceChart",
data() {
return {
bar: {
export default {
name: "PerformanceChart",
components: {MsChart},
data() {
return {
bar: {
backgroundColor: '#394056',
title: {
top: 20,
text: 'Requests',
textStyle: {
fontWeight: 'normal',
fontSize: 16,
color: '#F1F1F3'
left: '1%'
backgroundColor: '#394056',
title: {
top: 20,
text: 'Requests',
textStyle: {
fontWeight: 'normal',
fontSize: 16,
color: '#F1F1F3'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
legend: {
top: 20,
icon: 'rect',
itemWidth: 14,
itemHeight: 5,
itemGap: 13,
data: ['CMCC', 'CTCC', 'CUCC'],
right: '4%',
textStyle: {
fontSize: 12,
color: '#F1F1F3'
grid: {
top: 100,
left: '2%',
right: '2%',
bottom: '2%',
containLabel: true
xAxis: [{
type: 'category',
boundaryGap: false,
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
data: ['13:00', '13:05', '13:10', '13:15', '13:20', '13:25', '13:30', '13:35', '13:40', '13:45', '13:50', '13:55']
yAxis: [{
type: 'value',
name: '(%)',
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
axisLabel: {
margin: 10,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 14
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
series: [{
name: 'CMCC',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
showSymbol: false,
lineStyle: {
normal: {
width: 1
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0.3)'
}, {
offset: 0.8,
color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0)'
}], false),
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
shadowBlur: 10
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgb(137,189,27)',
borderColor: 'rgba(137,189,2,0.27)',
borderWidth: 12
data: [220, 182, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122]
}, {
name: 'CTCC',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
showSymbol: false,
lineStyle: {
normal: {
width: 1
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0.3)'
}, {
offset: 0.8,
color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0)'
}], false),
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
shadowBlur: 10
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgb(0,136,212)',
borderColor: 'rgba(0,136,212,0.2)',
borderWidth: 12
data: [120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122, 220, 182, 191, 134, 150]
}, {
name: 'CUCC',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
showSymbol: false,
lineStyle: {
normal: {
width: 1
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0.3)'
}, {
offset: 0.8,
color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0)'
}], false),
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
shadowBlur: 10
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgb(219,50,51)',
borderColor: 'rgba(219,50,51,0.2)',
borderWidth: 12
data: [220, 182, 125, 145, 122, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 165, 122]
left: '1%'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
legend: {
top: 20,
icon: 'rect',
itemWidth: 14,
itemHeight: 5,
itemGap: 13,
data: ['CMCC', 'CTCC', 'CUCC'],
right: '4%',
textStyle: {
fontSize: 12,
color: '#F1F1F3'
grid: {
top: 100,
left: '2%',
right: '2%',
bottom: '2%',
containLabel: true
xAxis: [{
type: 'category',
boundaryGap: false,
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
data: ['13:00', '13:05', '13:10', '13:15', '13:20', '13:25', '13:30', '13:35', '13:40', '13:45', '13:50', '13:55']
yAxis: [{
type: 'value',
name: '(%)',
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
axisLabel: {
margin: 10,
textStyle: {
fontSize: 14
splitLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#57617B'
series: [{
name: 'CMCC',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
showSymbol: false,
lineStyle: {
normal: {
width: 1
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0.3)'
}, {
offset: 0.8,
color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0)'
}], false),
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
shadowBlur: 10
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgb(137,189,27)',
borderColor: 'rgba(137,189,2,0.27)',
borderWidth: 12
data: [220, 182, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122]
}, {
name: 'CTCC',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
showSymbol: false,
lineStyle: {
normal: {
width: 1
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0.3)'
}, {
offset: 0.8,
color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0)'
}], false),
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
shadowBlur: 10
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgb(0,136,212)',
borderColor: 'rgba(0,136,212,0.2)',
borderWidth: 12
data: [120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122, 220, 182, 191, 134, 150]
}, {
name: 'CUCC',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 5,
showSymbol: false,
lineStyle: {
normal: {
width: 1
areaStyle: {
normal: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
offset: 0,
color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0.3)'
}, {
offset: 0.8,
color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0)'
}], false),
shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
shadowBlur: 10
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: 'rgb(219,50,51)',
borderColor: 'rgba(219,50,51,0.2)',
borderWidth: 12
data: [220, 182, 125, 145, 122, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 165, 122]
<style scoped>

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
<el-col :span="14">
<div class="title">{{ $t('load_test.pressure_prediction_chart') }}</div>
<chart class="chart-container" ref="chart1" :options="orgOptions" :autoresize="true"></chart>
<ms-chart class="chart-container" ref="chart1" :options="orgOptions" :autoresize="true"></ms-chart>
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
import echarts from "echarts";
import MsChart from "@/business/components/common/chart/MsChart";
const TARGET_LEVEL = "TargetLevel";
const RAMP_UP = "RampUp";
@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ const RPS_LIMIT_ENABLE = "rpsLimitEnable";
export default {
name: "MsPerformancePressureConfig",
components: {MsChart},
props: ['report'],
data() {
return {

View File

@ -59,28 +59,31 @@
<el-col :span="12">
<chart ref="chart1" :options="loadOption" class="chart-config" :autoresize="true"></chart>
<ms-chart ref="chart1" :options="loadOption" class="chart-config" :autoresize="true"></ms-chart>
<el-col :span="12">
<chart ref="chart2" :options="resOption" class="chart-config" :autoresize="true"></chart>
<ms-chart ref="chart2" :options="resOption" class="chart-config" :autoresize="true"></ms-chart>
export default {
name: "TestOverview",
data() {
return {
maxUsers: "0",
avgThroughput: "0",
errors: "0",
avgResponseTime: "0",
responseTime90: "0",
avgBandwidth: "0",
loadOption: {},
resOption: {},
import MsChart from "@/business/components/common/chart/MsChart";
export default {
name: "TestOverview",
components: {MsChart},
data() {
return {
maxUsers: "0",
avgThroughput: "0",
errors: "0",
avgResponseTime: "0",
responseTime90: "0",
avgBandwidth: "0",
loadOption: {},
resOption: {},
id: ''

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
<el-col :span="14">
<div class="title">{{ $t('load_test.pressure_prediction_chart') }}</div>
<chart class="chart-container" ref="chart1" :options="orgOptions" :autoresize="true"></chart>
<ms-chart class="chart-container" ref="chart1" :options="orgOptions" :autoresize="true"></ms-chart>
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
import echarts from "echarts";
import MsChart from "@/business/components/common/chart/MsChart";
const TARGET_LEVEL = "TargetLevel";
const RAMP_UP = "RampUp";
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ const RPS_LIMIT_ENABLE = "rpsLimitEnable";
export default {
name: "PerformancePressureConfig",
components: {MsChart},
props: {
testPlan: {
type: Object

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import ECharts from 'vue-echarts'
import 'echarts/lib/chart/line'
import 'echarts/lib/chart/bar'
import 'echarts/lib/chart/pie'
import 'zrender/lib/svg/svg'
export default {
install(Vue) {