refactor(接口测试): 上传文件大小不超过50MB
--bug=1032755 --user=王孝刚 【接口测试】上传文件大小不能超过50MB
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ export default {
uploadValidate(file) {
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 500) {
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 50) {
return false;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ export default {
return false;
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 500) {
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 50) {
return false;
@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ export default {
batch_delete_completely_confirm: "Confirm delete {0} case completely?",
"It cannot be recovered after delete, please delete carefully",
"It will be removed from public case, Carefully.",
public_batch_delete_tip: "It will be removed from public case, Carefully.",
public_remove: "Remove",
batch_delete_soft_tip: "The test case will be put into trash",
save_create_continue: "Save and create continue",
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ export default {
"Disassociating the project will also cancel the associated test cases under the project",
img_loading_fail: "Image failed to load",
pdf_loading_fail: "PDF loading failed",
upload_tip: "file size limit[0-500MB]",
upload_tip: "file size limit[0-50MB]",
add_attachment: "Add",
attachment: "Attachment",
dump_module: "Please select dump directory",
@ -199,7 +198,8 @@ export default {
upload_limit_count: "Only one file can be uploaded at a time",
upload_limit_format: "Upload files can only be XLS, XLSX format!",
upload_limit_size: "Upload file size cannot exceed 100MB!",
upload_refresh_tips: "Content has been updated, please upload the file again!",
"Content has been updated, please upload the file again!",
upload_limit_other_size: "Upload file size cannot exceed",
success: "Import success",
error: "Import error",
@ -584,7 +584,8 @@ export default {
import_bugs: "Import Issue",
export_bugs: "Export Issue",
save_before_open_comment: "Please save issue before comment",
delete_third_part_tip: "This operation will delete third-party platform defects synchronously",
"This operation will delete third-party platform defects synchronously",
delete_tip: "Confirm Delete Issue:",
batch_delete_tip: "Confirm Batch Delete Issue",
check_id_exist: "Check",
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export default {
cancel_relevance_project: "取消项目关联会同时取消该项目下已关联的测试用例",
img_loading_fail: "图片加载失败",
pdf_loading_fail: "PDF加载失败",
upload_tip: "文件大小限制[0-500MB]",
upload_tip: "文件大小限制[0-50MB]",
add_attachment: "添加",
attachment: "附件",
dump_module: "请选择转存目录",
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ export default {
fail_case: "失败用例",
issue_list: "缺陷列表",
all_case: "所有用例",
report_summary_length_tips: "报告总结不能超过60000个字符"
report_summary_length_tips: "报告总结不能超过60000个字符",
reporter: "报告人",
lastmodify: "最后更改",
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export default {
cancel_relevance_project: "取消項目關聯會同時取消該項目下已關聯的測試用例",
img_loading_fail: "圖片加載失敗",
pdf_loading_fail: "PDF加載失敗",
upload_tip: "文件大小限制[0-500MB]",
upload_tip: "文件大小限制[0-50MB]",
add_attachment: "添加",
attachment: "附件",
dump_module: "請選擇轉存目錄",
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ export default {
fail_case: "失敗用例",
issue_list: "缺陷列錶",
all_case: "所有用例",
report_summary_length_tips: "報告總結不能超過60000個字符"
report_summary_length_tips: "報告總結不能超過60000個字符",
reporter: "報告人",
lastmodify: "最後更改",
@ -1782,7 +1782,7 @@ const message = {
follow_redirects: "跟随重定向",
cert_alias: "证书别名",
do_multipart_post: "对 POST 使用 multipart/form-data",
body_upload_limit_size: "上传文件大小不能超过 500 MB!",
body_upload_limit_size: "上传文件大小不能超过 50 MB!",
condition: "条件",
condition_variable: "变量,例如: ${var}",
wait: "等待",
@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ const message = {
follow_redirects: "跟隨重定向",
cert_alias: "證書別名",
do_multipart_post: "對 POST 使用 multipart/form-data",
body_upload_limit_size: "上傳文件大小不能超過 500 MB!",
body_upload_limit_size: "上傳文件大小不能超過 50 MB!",
condition: "條件",
condition_variable: "變量,例如: ${var}",
wait: "等待",
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public interface KafkaTopicConstants {
// 原接口执行结果TOPIC
String API_REPORT_TOPIC = "ms-api-exec-topic";
String API_REPORT_TOPIC = "ms-api-exec-topic-4321";
// 测试计划接收执行结果TOPIC
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ export default {
if (!this.fileValidator(file)) {
return false;
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 500) {
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 50) {
return false;
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ export default {
if (!this.fileValidator(file)) {
return false;
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 500) {
if (file.size / 1024 / 1024 > 50) {
return false;
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ export default {
this.tabActiveName = "remark";
fileValidator(file) {
return file.size < 500 * 1024 * 1024;
return file.size < 50 * 1024 * 1024;
beforeUpload(file) {
if (!this.fileValidator(file)) {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import el from "metersphere-frontend/src/i18n/lang/ele-en-US";
import fu from "fit2cloud-ui/src/locale/lang/en_US"; // 加载fit2cloud的内容
import mf from "metersphere-frontend/src/i18n/lang/en-US"
import mf from "metersphere-frontend/src/i18n/lang/en-US";
const message = {
home: {
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ const message = {
this_week: "Week ",
load_error: "Loading failure",
no_data: "No data",
no_search_data: 'No search data',
no_search_data: "No search data",
case_finished_review_pass_tip: "Reviewed cases/All reviewed cases *100%"
case_finished_review_pass_tip: "Reviewed cases/All reviewed cases *100%",
case_review_dashboard: {
case_count: "Case",
@ -60,23 +60,26 @@ const message = {
un_closed_count: "Unclosed bug",
total_count: "All related bug",
case_count: "Case count",
plan: {
error_samples: 'Error samples',
all_samples: 'All samples',
response_3_samples: 'The first three pieces of data',
error_samples: "Error samples",
all_samples: "All samples",
response_3_samples: "The first three pieces of data",
batch_delete_tip: "Do you want to continue deleting the test plan?",
relevance_case_success: "Relevance success"
relevance_case_success: "Relevance success",
review: {
result_distribution: "Result Distribution",
review_pass_rule: 'Review Pass Criteria',
review_pass_rule_all: 'All Pass',
review_pass_rule_single: 'Single Pass',
update_review_reviewer_tip: "Note: Modifying the reviewer will overwrite the reviewers associated with the use case, and update the review status of the use case, Please exercise caution!",
review_rule_tip: "All pass: Pass only if all reviewers pass <\/br> Single pass: Pass if any reviewers pass",
update_review_rule_tip: "Note: Modifying the standard will affect the reviewed use cases, please exercise caution!",
review_pass_rule: "Review Pass Criteria",
review_pass_rule_all: "All Pass",
review_pass_rule_single: "Single Pass",
"Note: Modifying the reviewer will overwrite the reviewers associated with the use case, and update the review status of the use case, Please exercise caution!",
"All pass: Pass only if all reviewers pass </br> Single pass: Pass if any reviewers pass",
"Note: Modifying the standard will affect the reviewed use cases, please exercise caution!",
review_history: "Review History",
no_review_history: "There is no review history",
added_comment: "Added comment",
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ const message = {
pass_review_confirm: "Are you sure to pass this review",
comment_require: "(require)",
comment_not_require: "(not_require)",
search_by_id_or_name_or_tag: "Search by ID/Name/Tag"
search_by_id_or_name_or_tag: "Search by ID/Name/Tag",
case: {
all_case_content: "All case",
@ -102,8 +105,9 @@ const message = {
none: "None",
commented: "Commented",
add_attachment: "Add Attachment",
file_size_limit: "Any type of file is supported, and the file size does not exceed 500MB",
file_size_out_of_bounds: "File size does not exceed 500MB",
"Any type of file is supported, and the file size does not exceed 50MB",
file_size_out_of_bounds: "File size does not exceed 50MB",
upload_at: "upload",
relate_at: "relate",
add_steps: "Add Steps",
@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ const message = {
all_case: "All case",
all_scenes: "All scenes",
all_api: "All interfaces",
associated_files: "Associated",
empty_file: "No files",
upload_file: "Upload files",
selected: "Selected",
@ -153,14 +157,17 @@ const message = {
version_id_cannot_be_empty: "Version id cannot be empty",
enter_comments_and_click_send: "Enter comments and click Send",
cancel_relate_case_tips_title: "Confirm cancel?",
cancel_relate_case_tips_content: "Cancel it will affect the test plan statistics. Sure?",
"Cancel it will affect the test plan statistics. Sure?",
back_tips: "TestCase is not saved, Are you sure to quit?",
dependency_remove_confirm: "Is dependency release confirmed?",
minder_paste_tip: "The pasted node has modules with unloaded use cases, copying unloaded use cases is not currently supported!",
minder_move_confirm_tip: "There is currently field sorting, and the use case order cannot be set. Please switch to the use case list and cancel the field sorting!",
"The pasted node has modules with unloaded use cases, copying unloaded use cases is not currently supported!",
"There is currently field sorting, and the use case order cannot be set. Please switch to the use case list and cancel the field sorting!",
minder_module_move_confirm_tip: "Module does not support setting order!",
public: {
remove: 'Whether to remove the use case ',
remove: "Whether to remove the use case ",
batch_remove_confirm: "Confirm remove {0} item use case?",
enter_issues_content: "Please enter the defect content...",
@ -177,12 +184,11 @@ const message = {
not_exits: "File not exits",
waiting_upload: "Waiting upload",
waiting_relate: "Waiting relate",
export default {
@ -63,20 +63,23 @@ const message = {
plan: {
error_samples: '错误请求',
all_samples: '所有请求',
response_3_samples: '默认抽样前3个请求的响应数据',
error_samples: "错误请求",
all_samples: "所有请求",
response_3_samples: "默认抽样前3个请求的响应数据",
batch_delete_tip: "批量删除测试计划,是否继续?",
relevance_case_success: "已添加至测试计划"
relevance_case_success: "已添加至测试计划",
review: {
result_distribution: "结果分布",
review_pass_rule: "评审通过标准",
review_pass_rule_all: "全部通过",
review_pass_rule_single: "单人通过",
update_review_reviewer_tip: "注:修改评审人,会覆盖已关联用例的评审人,并且更新用例的评审状态,请谨慎操作!",
review_rule_tip: "全部通过:所有评审人都通过才通过<\/br>单人通过:任意评审人通过则通过",
update_review_rule_tip: "注:修改通过标准会影响已评审过的用例,请谨慎操作!",
review_history: "评审历史",
no_review_history: "暂无评审历史",
added_comment: "添加了评论",
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ const message = {
pass_review_confirm: "确定通过此评审吗",
comment_require: "(必填)",
comment_not_require: "(选填)",
search_by_id_or_name_or_tag: "通过ID/名称/标签搜索"
search_by_id_or_name_or_tag: "通过ID/名称/标签搜索",
case: {
all_case_content: "全部用例",
@ -102,8 +105,8 @@ const message = {
none: "暂无",
commented: "发布了评论",
add_attachment: "添加附件",
file_size_limit: "支持任意类型文件,文件大小不超过 500MB",
file_size_out_of_bounds: "文件大小不超过 500MB",
file_size_limit: "支持任意类型文件,文件大小不超过 50MB",
file_size_out_of_bounds: "文件大小不超过 50MB",
upload_at: "上传于",
relate_at: "关联于",
add_steps: "添加步骤",
@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ const message = {
all_case: "全部用例",
all_scenes: "全部场景",
all_api: "全部接口",
associated_files: "关联文件",
empty_file: "暂无文件",
upload_file: "上传文件",
selected: "已选择",
@ -153,14 +156,17 @@ const message = {
version_id_cannot_be_empty: "版本号不能为空",
enter_comments_and_click_send: "输入评论,点击发送",
cancel_relate_case_tips_title: "确定取消关联关系吗?",
cancel_relate_case_tips_content: "取消关联会影响测试计划相关统计, 确定取消吗?",
"取消关联会影响测试计划相关统计, 确定取消吗?",
back_tips: "你填写的信息未保存, 确定退出吗?",
dependency_remove_confirm: "确定解除依赖吗?",
minder_paste_tip: "粘贴的节点中有未加载用例的模块,目前不支持复制未加载的用例!",
minder_move_confirm_tip: "当前存在字段排序,无法设置用例顺序,请切换至用例列表,取消字段排序!",
minder_module_move_confirm_tip: "模块不支持设置顺序!",
public: {
remove: '是否移除用例',
remove: "是否移除用例",
batch_remove_confirm: "确定移除{0}项用例?",
enter_issues_content: "请输入缺陷内容...",
@ -177,7 +183,7 @@ const message = {
not_exits: "该文件不存在",
waiting_upload: "等待上传",
waiting_relate: "等待关联",
export default {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import el from "metersphere-frontend/src/i18n/lang/ele-zh-TW";
import fu from "fit2cloud-ui/src/locale/lang/zh-TW"; // 加载fit2cloud的内容
import mf from "metersphere-frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-TW"
import mf from "metersphere-frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-TW";
const message = {
home: {
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ const message = {
this_week: "本週",
load_error: "加載失敗",
no_data: "暫無數據",
no_search_data: '沒有找到相關內容',
no_search_data: "沒有找到相關內容",
case_finished_review_pass_tip: "已評審通過的案例/所有完成評審的案例*100%"
case_finished_review_pass_tip: "已評審通過的案例/所有完成評審的案例*100%",
case_review_dashboard: {
case_count: "用例數量",
@ -60,23 +60,26 @@ const message = {
un_closed_count: "遺留缺陷數",
total_count: "缺陷總數",
case_count: "用例總數",
plan: {
error_samples: '錯誤請求',
all_samples: '所有請求',
response_3_samples: '默認抽樣前3個請求的響應數據',
error_samples: "錯誤請求",
all_samples: "所有請求",
response_3_samples: "默認抽樣前3個請求的響應數據",
batch_delete_tip: "批量刪除測試計劃,是否繼續?",
relevance_case_success: "已添加至測試計劃"
relevance_case_success: "已添加至測試計劃",
review: {
result_distribution: "結果分布",
review_pass_rule: '評審通過標準',
review_pass_rule_all: '全部通過',
review_pass_rule_single: '單人通過',
update_review_reviewer_tip: "註:修改評審人,會覆蓋已關聯用例的評審人,並且更新用例的評審狀態,請謹慎操作!",
review_rule_tip: "全部通過:所有評審人都通過才通過<\/br>單人通過:任意評審人通過則通過",
update_review_rule_tip: "註:修改通過標準會影響已評審過的用例,請謹慎操作!",
review_pass_rule: "評審通過標準",
review_pass_rule_all: "全部通過",
review_pass_rule_single: "單人通過",
review_history: "評審歷史",
no_review_history: "暫無評審歷史",
added_comment: "添加了評論",
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ const message = {
pass_review_confirm: "確定通過此評審嗎",
comment_require: "(必填)",
comment_not_require: "(選填)",
search_by_id_or_name_or_tag: "通過ID/名稱/標籤搜索"
search_by_id_or_name_or_tag: "通過ID/名稱/標籤搜索",
case: {
all_case_content: "全部用例",
@ -102,8 +105,8 @@ const message = {
none: "暫無",
commented: "髮佈了評論",
add_attachment: "添加附件",
file_size_limit: "支持任意類型文件,文件大小不超過 500MB",
file_size_out_of_bounds: "文件大小不超過 500MB",
file_size_limit: "支持任意類型文件,文件大小不超過 50MB",
file_size_out_of_bounds: "文件大小不超過 50MB",
upload_at: "上傳於",
relate_at: "關聯於",
add_steps: "添加步骤",
@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ const message = {
all_case: "全部用例",
all_scenes: "全部場景",
all_api: "全部接口",
associated_files: "關聯文件",
empty_file: "暫無文件",
upload_file: "上傳文件",
selected: "已選擇",
@ -153,14 +156,17 @@ const message = {
version_id_cannot_be_empty: "版本號不能為空",
enter_comments_and_click_send: "輸入評論,點擊發送",
cancel_relate_case_tips_title: "確定取消關聯關係嗎?",
cancel_relate_case_tips_content: "取消關聯會影響測試計劃相關統計, 確定取消嗎?",
"取消關聯會影響測試計劃相關統計, 確定取消嗎?",
back_tips: "你填寫的信息未保存, 確定退出嗎?",
dependency_remove_confirm: "確定解除依賴嗎?",
minder_paste_tip: "粘貼的節點中有未加載用例的模塊,目前不支持復製未加載的用例!",
minder_move_confirm_tip: "當前存在字段排序,無法設置用例順序,請切換至用例列表,取消字段排序!",
minder_module_move_confirm_tip: "模塊不支持設置順序!",
public: {
remove: '是否移除用例',
remove: "是否移除用例",
batch_remove_confirm: "確定移除{0}項用例?",
enter_issues_content: "輸入缺陷內容...",
@ -177,12 +183,12 @@ const message = {
not_exits: "該文件不存在",
waiting_upload: "等待上傳",
waiting_relate: "等待關聯",
export default {
Reference in New Issue