docs(缺陷管理): 缺陷管理补充国际化内容
--bug=1036253 --user=宋天阳 【缺陷管理】批量编辑缺陷-必填字段提示信息错误
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
:rules="[{ required: true }]"
:rules="[{ required: true, message:t('bugManagement.batchUpdate.required.attribute') }]"
<a-select v-model:model-value="form.attribute" @change="handleAttributeChange">
<a-optgroup :label="t('bugManagement.batchUpdate.systemFiled')">
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
:rules="[{ required: true }]"
:rules="[{ required: true, message:t('bugManagement.batchUpdate.required.value') }]"
<template v-if="valueMode === 'input'">
<a-input v-model:model-value="form.inputValue" :disabled="!form.attribute" />
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
:rules="[{ required: true }]"
:rules="[{ required: true, message:t('bugManagement.batchUpdate.required.value') }]"
<template v-if="valueMode === 'tags'">
<MsTagsInput v-model:modelValue="form.value" :disabled="!form.attribute"></MsTagsInput>
@ -14,5 +14,109 @@ export default {
updateUser: 'Updater',
createTime: 'Create Time',
updateTime: 'Update Time',
index: 'Bug Management',
addBug: 'Create Bug',
editBug: 'Edit Bug',
sync: 'Sync',
syncBugTipRowOne: 'Sync third plant bug,',
syncBugTipRowTwo: 'Create bug and sync bug?',
bugAutoSync: 'System {name} auto sync',
syncTime: 'Sync time',
deleteLabel: 'Bug witch created by MeterSphere will in recycle bin and third plant bug will be deleted',
nameIsIncorrect: 'Bug name error',
selectedCount: '( {count} selected)',
batchEdit: 'Batch edit',
selectProps: 'select props',
exportBug: 'export bug',
exportBugCount: ' {count} selected',
deleteCount: 'delete {count} bugs?',
deleteTipInternal: ' {count} numbers of bug witch created by MeterSphere will in recycle bin',
deleteTipExternal: '{count} numbers of bug will be deleted',
deleteTip: 'Bug witch created by MeterSphere will in recycle bin and third plant bug will be deleted',
edit: {
defaultSystemTemplate: 'System template is defaulted',
content: 'Bug content',
file: 'Attachment files',
fileExtra: 'Max of file is 500MB',
pleaseInputBugName: 'Please input bug name',
nameIsRequired: 'Bug name cannot be empty',
pleaseInputBugContent: 'Please input bug content',
tagPlaceholder: 'Add label by entry',
handleManPlaceholder: 'Please select handler',
handleManIsRequired: 'Handler cannot be empty',
statusPlaceholder: 'Please select status',
statusIsRequired: 'Status cannot be empty',
severityPlaceholder: 'Please select severity',
uploadFile: 'Add file',
localUpload: 'Local upload',
linkFile: 'Link file',
contentEdit: 'Content edit',
linkCase: 'Link case',
detail: {
title: '【{id}】{name}',
apiCase: 'API Case',
scenarioCase: 'Scenario Case',
uiCase: 'UI Case',
performanceCase: 'Performance Case',
searchCase: 'Search by name',
creator: 'Creator',
createTime: 'Create Time',
basicInfo: 'Basic Info',
handleUser: 'Handler',
tag: 'Label',
detail: 'Detail',
case: 'Case',
changeHistory: 'Change History',
comment: 'Comment',
shareTip: 'Share link has been copied to clipboard',
deleteTitle: 'Delete {name} ?',
deleteContent: 'Bug witch created by MeterSphere will in recycle bin and third plant bug will be deleted',
batchUpdate: {
attribute: 'Select attribute',
update: 'Batch update to',
updatePlaceholder: 'Choose update option',
systemFiled: 'System field',
customFiled: 'Custom field',
append: 'append',
openAppend: 'Open: Append field',
closeAppend: 'Close: Cover original field',
handleUser: 'Handler',
tag: 'Label',
required: {
attribute: 'Attribute cannot be empty',
value: 'Value cannot be empty',
success: {
countDownTip: 'Return to bug list , or manually return to bug list',
bugDetail: 'Bug detail',
addContinueCreate: 'Add continue',
backBugList: 'Return to bug list',
notNextTip: 'Not remind next time',
mightWantTo: 'You might want to',
caseRelated: 'Related cases',
recycle: {
recycleBin: 'Recycle bin',
recover: 'Recover',
recoverSuccess: 'Recover success',
recoverError: 'Recover failed',
permanentlyDelete: 'Permanently delete',
permanentlyDeleteTip: 'Permanently delete {name} ?',
deleteContent: 'Permanently delete bug cannot be recovered, please operate carefully!',
batchDelete: 'Permanently delete {count} ?',
searchPlaceholder: 'Search by ID or name',
deleteTime: 'Delete time',
deleteMan: 'Delete user',
history: {
changeNumber: 'Change number',
operationMan: 'Operator',
updateTime: 'Update time',
restore: 'Restore',
current: 'Current',
@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ export default {
closeAppend: '关闭: 覆盖原有字段',
handleUser: '处理人',
tag: '标签',
required: {
attribute: '属性不能为空',
value: '值不能为空',
success: {
countDownTip: '后回到缺陷列表,也可以手动回到缺陷列表',
Reference in New Issue