fix(UI自动化): 指令编辑页面国际化

--bug=1016701 --user=张大海 【UI测试】国际化问题
This commit is contained in:
zhangdahai112 2022-09-28 01:23:03 +08:00 committed by zhangdahai112
parent 73bc91c6d1
commit fc9b1089ab
3 changed files with 423 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ export default {
reference_deleted_info: "Reference scene has been deleted",
follow_people: "Follow",
create_tag: "Create tag",
scenario_step: "Ccenario step",
scenario_step: "Scenario step",
step_total: "Step total",
scenario_total: "Scenario variable",
api_list_import: "Api list import",
@ -3262,6 +3262,161 @@ export default {
step_results: "Step results",
treatment_method: "Treatment method",
scenario_steps: "Scenario steps",
basic_information: "Basic information"
cmdValidation: "Validation",
cmdValidateValue: "ValidateValue",
cmdValidateText: "ValidateText",
cmdValidateDropdown: "ValidateDropdown",
cmdValidateElement: "ValidateElement",
cmdValidateTitle: "ValidateTitle",
cmdOpen: "Open",
cmdSelectWindow: "SelectWindow",
cmdSetWindowSize: "SetWindowSize",
cmdSelectFrame: "SelectFrame",
cmdDialog: "DialogOperation",
cmdDropdownBox: "DropdownBox",
submit: "Submit",
cmdSetItem: "SetItem",
cmdWaitElement: "WaitElement",
cmdInput: "Input",
cmdMouseClick: "MouseClick",
cmdMouseMove: "MouseMove",
cmdMouseDrag: "MouseDrag",
cmdTimes: "Times",
cmdForEach: "ForEach",
cmdWhile: "While",
cmdIf: "If",
cmdElse: "Else",
cmdElseIf: "ElseIf",
close: "Close",
cmdExtraction: "Extraction",
cmdExtractWindow: "ExtractWindow",
cmdExtractElement: "ExtractElement",
valiate_fail: "Validate fail",
basic_information: "Basic information",
step_type: "Step type",
selenium_tip: "Support Selenium-IDE plugin format import",
selenium_export_tip: "Export side file via MeterSphere",
elementObject: "Element Object",
elementLocator: "Element Locator",
elementType: "Category",
not_selected: "(No element selected)",
not_selected_location: "(No selected element location)",
location: "Location",
run: "Run",
locate_type: "Location method",
coord: "coordinate",
enable_or_not: "Enable/Disable",
enable: "Enable",
disable: "Disable",
resolution: "resolution",
ignore_fail: "Ignore exception and continue execution",
not_ignore_fail: "Abort process",
input_or_not: "input",
input_content: "Input content",
insert_content: "Type content",
append_content: "Append input",
append_tip: "Check, append the input after the existing content;<br/>Uncheck, clear the existing content and then input",
pls_input: "Please input content",
opt_type: "mode:",
yes: "Yes",
no: "No",
confirm: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel",
press_button: "Click the popup OK button or Cancel button",
param_null: "Parameter cannot be null",
operation_object: "Operation object",
sub_item: "Sub-item",
value: "value",
select: "Select",
option: "Option ( Option )",
index: "Index ( Index )",
s_value: "Value ( Value )",
text: "Text ( Text )",
set_itera: "Set traversal",
foreach_tip: "Set loop iteration, support array row data, for example: [1,2,3]; you can also enter variables",
intervals: "Interval time",
condition_type: "Condition Type",
please_select: "Please select",
condition_list: "Condition list: set multiple conditions by list",
condition_list_: "Condition List",
condition_exp: "Conditional expression: If the expression is true, then execute the steps inside",
condition_exp_: "Condition expression",
expression: "expression",
if_tip: "Please use ${var} for variables, and single quotes for strings, such as: ${name} === 'Zhangsan'",
input_c_tip: "'The contenteditable attribute of an editable paragraph element must be true to enable input; for example: &lt;p contenteditable=&quot;true&quot;&gt;This is an editable paragraph. Please try editing the text.&lt; /p&gt;'",
input: "input box",
editable_p: "Editable paragraph",
click_type: "Click method",
set_click_point: "Set the mouse click position",
click_tip_1: "Check to control the click position of the mouse on the element",
element_location: "Element Location",
click_point: "Click position",
x: "Abscissa",
y: "ordinate",
click_tip_2: "The upper left corner of the default element is 0, 0; by setting the relative position, control the click position of the mouse on the element",
click: "click",
dclick: "Double click",
press: "press",
standup: "Bounce up",
mouse_start: "Mouse start position",
drag_start: "The position of the starting point of the dragged element",
mouse_end: "Mouse end position",
drag_end: "The final position of the dragged element",
move_type: "Move Type",
mouse_location: "Mouse location",
relative_location: "relative coordinate location",
move_tip: "Relative position, the current position coordinate of the element is 0, 0",
mouse_out_e: "Mouse out of element",
mouse_in_e: "Mouse in element",
mouse_e_to_c: "Mouse mouse from element to coordinate position",
url: "Webpage address",
sf_tip: "If you are switching frames, you need to pass in the index or element positioning before switching",
sf_index: "frame index number",
select_index: "Select the frame of the current page;",
select_f_tip: "Example: For example, if the index value is entered as 1, the effect will switch to the second frame of the current page (the index value starts from 0)",
exit_frame: "Exit the current frame (back to the main page)",
select_frame_index: "Switch to the specified frame according to the frame index",
select_by_location: "Switch frame according to the positioning method",
sw_tip1: "If you switch to the specified window, you need to pass in the handle",
handle_id: "Handle ID",
window_handle: "Window handle ID",
frame_index: "Webpage index number",
window_index: "Window web page index number",
select_open_window: "Select the number of pages that have been opened;",
s_w_t1: "Example: For example, if the index value is entered as 3, then the effect will switch to the third window that has been opened (the index value starts from 1)",
switch_by_id: "Switch to the specified window according to the handle ID",
switch_by_index: "Switch to the specified window according to the page index number",
switch_to_default: "Switch to initial window",
ws_tip1: "Specify the size, set the size of the window according to the input width and height",
size: "Size:",
by_pixel: "in pixels",
width: "width",
height: "Height",
times: "Number of cycles",
set_times: "Set the number of times of the loop, you can enter a variable",
wait_text: "Wait for text",
wait_timeout: "Wait Timeout",
wait_for_text: "Wait for the element to be equal to the given value (Text)",
wait_for_ele_pre: "Wait for element to exist",
wait_for_ele_visible: "Wait for element to show",
wait_for_ele_not_visible: "Wait for element not visible",
wait_for_ele_not_pre: "Wait for element not present",
wait_for_ele_edi: "Wait for element to be editable",
wait_for_ele_not_edi: "Wait for element not editable",
wait_tip: "For the Text attribute of the element, it refers to the text content displayed on the page, and the waiting timeout time is 15000ms",
exe_first: "Execute first and then judge",
while_t_1: "Execute first and then judge similar to doWhile , execute the loop body once and then judge the condition",
while_t_2: "Please use ${var} for variables and single quotes for strings, such as: ${name} === 'Zhangsan'",
loop_time_out: "Loop timeout",
operation: "Operation",
use_pixel: 'use pixel',
fullscreen: 'fullscreen',
swicth_to_default: "switch to origin window",
program_controller: 'Process control',
input_operation: 'input operation',
mouse_operation: 'Mouse operation',
element_operation: 'Element operation',
dialog_operation: 'Pop-up operation',
browser_operation: 'Browser operation',

View File

@ -3315,6 +3315,113 @@ export default {
step_results: "步骤结果",
treatment_method: "处理方式",
scenario_steps: "场景步骤",
basic_information: "基础信息"
basic_information: "基础信息",
step_type: "步骤类型",
input_or_not: "是否输入",
input_content: "输入内容",
insert_content: "键入内容",
append_content: "追加输入",
append_tip: "勾选,在现有内容后面追加输入;<br/>不勾选,清空现有内容后再进行输入",
pls_input: "请输入内容",
opt_type: "操作方式:",
yes: "是",
no: "否",
confirm: "确定",
cancel: "取消",
press_button: "点击弹窗确定按钮或取消按钮",
param_null: "参数不能为空",
operation_object: "操作对象",
sub_item: "子选项",
value: "值",
select: "选择",
option: "选项( Option )",
index: "索引( Index )",
s_value: "值( Value )",
text: "文本( Text )",
set_itera: "设置遍历",
foreach_tip: "设置循环迭代,支持数组行数据,例如: [1,2,3];也可输入变量",
intervals: "间隔时间",
condition_type: "条件类型",
please_select: "请选择",
condition_list: "条件列表:通过列表的方式设置多个条件",
condition_list_: "条件列表",
condition_exp: "条件表达式:表达式判断为真,则执行里面的步骤",
condition_exp_: "条件表达式",
expression: "表达式",
if_tip: "变量请使用${var},字符串请加单引号,如:${name} === '张三'",
input_c_tip: "'可编辑段落的元素 contenteditable 属性必须为 true, 才可实现输入;例:&lt;p contenteditable=&quot;true&quot;&gt;这是一段可编辑的段落。请试着编辑该文本。&lt;/p&gt;'",
input: "输入框",
editable_p: "可编辑段落",
click_type: "点击方式",
set_click_point: "设置鼠标点击位置",
click_tip_1: "勾选,可控制鼠标在元素上的点击位置",
element_location: "元素位置",
click_point: "点击位置",
x: "横坐标",
y: "纵坐标",
click_tip_2: "默认元素的左上角为00通过设置相对位置控制鼠标在元素上的点击位置",
click: "单击",
dclick: "双击",
press: "按下",
standup: "弹起",
mouse_start: "鼠标起始位置",
drag_start: "被拖拽的元素起点的位置",
mouse_end: "鼠标终点位置",
drag_end: "被拖拽的元素最终的位置",
move_type: "移动方式",
mouse_location: "鼠标位置",
relative_location: "相对坐标位置",
move_tip: "相对位置元素当前的位置坐标为00",
mouse_out_e: "鼠标移出元素",
mouse_in_e: "鼠标移入元素",
mouse_e_to_c: "鼠标从元素移到坐标位置",
url: "网页地址",
sf_tip: "如果是切换 frame需要传入索引或者元素定位后再切换",
sf_index: "frame 索引号",
select_index: "选择当前页面的第几个 frame",
select_f_tip: "例:比如索引值输入 1那么效果会切换到当前页面的第 2 个 frame(索引值从 0 开始计算)",
exit_frame: "退出当前 frame(回到主页面)",
select_frame_index: "根据 frame 索引号切换到指定 frame",
select_by_location: "根据定位方式切换 frame",
sw_tip1: "如果是切换到指定窗口,需要传入句柄",
handle_id: "句柄 ID",
window_handle: "窗口句柄 ID",
frame_index: "网页索引号",
window_index: "窗口网页索引号",
select_open_window: "选择打开过的第几个网页;",
s_w_t1: "例:比如索引值输入 3那么效果会切换到已经打开过的第 3 个窗口(索引值从 1 开始计算)",
switch_by_id: "根据句柄 ID 切换到指定窗口",
switch_by_index: "根据网页索引号切换到指定窗口",
swicth_to_default: "切换到初始窗口",
ws_tip1: "指定尺寸,根据输入的宽度和高度,设置窗口的大小",
size: "尺寸:",
by_pixel: "以像素为单位",
width: "宽度",
height: "高度",
times: "循环次数",
set_times: "设置循环的次数,可输入变量",
wait_text: "等待文本",
wait_timeout: "等待超时",
wait_for_text: "等待元素等于给定的定值(Text)",
wait_for_ele_pre: "等待元素存在",
wait_for_ele_visible: "等待元素显示",
wait_for_ele_not_visible: "等待元素不显示",
wait_for_ele_not_pre: "等待元素不存在",
wait_for_ele_edi: "等待元素可编辑",
wait_for_ele_not_edi: "等待元素不可编辑",
wait_tip: "针对元素的Text属性指页面展示出来的文本内容等待超时时间为15000ms",
exe_first: "先执行后判断",
while_t_1: "先执行后判断类似 doWhile ,先执行一次循环体再判断条件",
while_t_2: "变量请使用${var},字符串请加单引号,如:${name} === '张三'",
loop_time_out: "循环超时时间",
operation: '操作',
use_pixel: '指定尺寸(像素为单位)',
fullscreen: '全屏',
program_controller: '流程控制',
input_operation: '输入操作',
mouse_operation: '鼠标操作',
element_operation: '元素操作',
dialog_operation: '弹窗操作',
browser_operation: '浏览器操作',

View File

@ -3246,7 +3246,55 @@ export default {
ui_automation: "UI 自動化",
ui_element: "元素庫",
report: "測試報告",
ui_debug_mode: 'UI自動化調試管道',
scenario_list: "場景列表",
selenium_tip: "支持 Selenium-IDE 插件格式導入",
selenium_export_tip: "通過 MeterSphere 導出 side 文件",
elementObject: "元素對象",
elementLocator: "元素定位",
elementType: "所屬分類",
not_selected: "(未選擇元素)",
not_selected_location: "(未選擇元素定位)",
location: "定位",
run: "運行",
locate_type: "定位方式",
coord: "坐標",
enable_or_not: "啟用/禁用",
enable: "啟用",
disable: "禁用",
resolution: "分辨率",
ignore_fail: "忽略異常並繼續執行",
not_ignore_fail: "終止流程",
cmdValidation: "斷言",
cmdValidateValue: "斷言值",
cmdValidateText: "彈窗文本",
cmdValidateDropdown: "下拉框",
cmdValidateElement: "元素斷言",
cmdValidateTitle: "網頁標題",
cmdOpen: "打開網頁",
cmdSelectWindow: "切換窗口",
cmdSetWindowSize: "設置窗口大小",
cmdSelectFrame: "選擇內嵌網頁",
cmdDialog: "彈窗操作",
cmdDropdownBox: "下拉框操作",
submit: "提交表單",
cmdSetItem: "設置選項",
cmdWaitElement: "等待元素",
cmdInput: "輸入操作",
cmdMouseClick: "鼠標點擊",
cmdMouseMove: "鼠標移動",
cmdMouseDrag: "鼠標拖拽",
cmdTimes: "次數循環",
cmdForEach: "ForEach 循環",
cmdWhile: "While 循環",
cmdIf: "If",
cmdElse: "Else",
cmdElseIf: "ElseIf",
close: "關閉網頁",
cmdExtraction: "數據提取",
cmdExtractWindow: "提取窗口信息",
cmdExtractElement: "提取元素信息",
valiate_fail: "校驗失敗,請檢查必填項",
ui_debug_mode: 'UI自動化調試方式',
ui_local_debug: '本地調試',
ui_server_debug: '後端調試',
all_element: "全部元素",
@ -3257,14 +3305,120 @@ export default {
update_user: "更新人",
create_user: "創建人",
all_scenario: "全部場景",
scenario_list: "場景列表",
log: "日誌",
performance_mode: "性能模式",
error_handling: "錯誤處理",
other_settings: "其他設置",
step_results: "步骤结果",
step_results: "步驟結果",
treatment_method: "處理方式",
scenario_steps: "場景步驟",
basic_information: "基礎信息"
basic_information: "基礎信息",
step_type: "步驟類型",
input_or_not: "是否輸入",
input_content: "輸入內容",
insert_content: "鍵入內容",
append_content: "追加輸入",
append_tip: "勾選,在現有內容後面追加輸入;<br/>不勾選,清空現有內容後再進行輸入",
pls_input: "請輸入內容",
opt_type: "操作方式:",
yes: "是",
no: "否",
confirm: "確定",
cancel: "取消",
press_button: "點擊彈窗確定按鈕或取消按鈕",
param_null: "參數不能為空",
operation_object: "操作對象",
sub_item: "子選項",
value: "值",
select: "選擇",
option: "選項( Option )",
index: "索引( Index )",
s_value: "值( Value )",
text: "文本( Text )",
set_itera: "設置遍歷",
foreach_tip: "設置循環叠代,支持數組行數據,例如: [1,2,3];也可輸入變量",
intervals: "間隔時間",
condition_type: "條件類型",
please_select: "請選擇",
condition_list: "條件列表:通過列表的方式設置多個條件",
condition_list_: "條件列表",
condition_exp: "條件表達式:表達式判斷為真,則執行裏面的步驟",
condition_exp_: "條件表達式",
expression: "表達式",
if_tip: "變量請使用${var},字符串請加單引號,如:${name} === '張三'",
input_c_tip: "'可編輯段落的元素 contenteditable 屬性必須為 true, 才可實現輸入;例:&lt;p contenteditable=&quot;true&quot;&gt;這是一段可編輯的段落。請試著編輯該文本。&lt;/p&gt;'",
input: "輸入框",
editable_p: "可編輯段落",
click_type: "點擊方式",
set_click_point: "設置鼠標點擊位置",
click_tip_1: "勾選,可控製鼠標在元素上的點擊位置",
element_location: "元素位置",
click_point: "點擊位置",
x: "橫坐標",
y: "縱坐標",
click_tip_2: "默認元素的左上角為00通過設置相對位置控製鼠標在元素上的點擊位置",
click: "單擊",
dclick: "雙擊",
press: "按下",
standup: "彈起",
mouse_start: "鼠標起始位置",
drag_start: "被拖拽的元素起點的位置",
mouse_end: "鼠標終點位置",
drag_end: "被拖拽的元素最終的位置",
move_type: "移動方式",
mouse_location: "鼠標位置",
relative_location: "相對坐標位置",
move_tip: "相對位置元素當前的位置坐標為00",
mouse_out_e: "鼠標移出元素",
mouse_in_e: "鼠標移入元素",
mouse_e_to_c: "鼠標從元素移到坐標位置",
url: "網頁地址",
sf_tip: "如果是切換 frame需要傳入索引或者元素定位後再切換",
sf_index: "frame 索引號",
select_index: "選擇當前頁面的第幾個 frame",
select_f_tip: "例:比如索引值輸入 1那麽效果會切換到當前頁面的第 2 個 frame(索引值從 0 開始計算)",
exit_frame: "退出當前 frame(回到主頁面)",
select_frame_index: "根據 frame 索引號切換到指定 frame",
select_by_location: "根據定位方式切換 frame",
sw_tip1: "如果是切換到指定窗口,需要傳入句柄",
handle_id: "句柄 ID",
window_handle: "窗口句柄 ID",
frame_index: "網頁索引號",
window_index: "窗口網頁索引號",
select_open_window: "選擇打開過的第幾個網頁;",
s_w_t1: "例:比如索引值輸入 3那麽效果會切換到已經打開過的第 3 個窗口(索引值從 1 開始計算)",
switch_by_id: "根據句柄 ID 切換到指定窗口",
switch_by_index: "根據網頁索引號切換到指定窗口",
swicth_to_default: "切換到初始窗口",
ws_tip1: "指定尺寸,根據輸入的寬度和高度,設置窗口的大小",
size: "尺寸:",
by_pixel: "以像素為單位",
width: "寬度",
height: "高度",
times: "循環次數",
set_times: "設置循環的次數,可輸入變量",
wait_text: "等待文本",
wait_timeout: "等待超時",
wait_for_text: "等待元素等於給定的定值(Text)",
wait_for_ele_pre: "等待元素存在",
wait_for_ele_visible: "等待元素顯示",
wait_for_ele_not_visible: "等待元素不顯示",
wait_for_ele_not_pre: "等待元素不存在",
wait_for_ele_edi: "等待元素可編輯",
wait_for_ele_not_edi: "等待元素不可編輯",
wait_tip: "針對元素的Text屬性指頁面展示出來的文本內容等待超時時間為15000ms",
exe_first: "先執行後判斷",
while_t_1: "先執行後判斷類似 doWhile ,先執行一次循環體再判斷條件",
while_t_2: "變量請使用${var},字符串請加單引號,如:${name} === '張三'",
loop_time_out: "循環超時時間",
operation: '操作',
use_pixel: '指定尺寸(像素為單位)',
fullscreen: '全屏',
program_controller: '流程控製',
input_operation: '輸入操作',
mouse_operation: '鼠標操作',
element_operation: '元素操作',
dialog_operation: '彈窗操作',
browser_operation: '瀏覽器操作',