## Gitee CLI > 诞生背景:对于开发者来说,日常的开发往往离不开 terminal,以往的流程一般是:编写代码 -> 提交代码 -> 创建 Pull Request -> 测试 -> Bug Fix -> 重新测试 -> 测试通过 -> Code Review -> 合入主线, > 创建 Pull Request 等一系列动作往往只能在 web 端进行操作,往往需要切换上下文,Gitee CLI 因而诞生,旨在减少上下文的切换. ## 部分功能示例 ![img.png](doc/images/preview.png) ## Usage ### 构建方式 #### Homebrew 安装 > 目前暂时还未向官方仓库提交 formula 文件,需手动添加 tab ```shell brew tap JJ-H/tap brew install gitee ``` #### 手动安装 ```shell git clone https://github.com/JJ-H/gitee_cli.git cd gitee_cli mkdir $HOME/.gitee cp config/config.yml.example $HOME/.gitee/config.yml go build -o bin/gitee main.go sudo cp ./bin/gitee /usr/local/bin/gitee ``` ### 配置说明 ```shell # 个人私人令牌,用于 V5 鉴权 access_token: xxxxxxxx api_prefix: https://gitee.com/api/v5 # 用户在 Gitee 上的 ID user_id: xxxxx # 用户名 user_name: xxx # 非仓库目录下执行 gitee cli 命令默认仓库全路径(配置你比较常用的仓库) default_path_with_namespace: test/test # cookie 用于企业版 API 鉴权(由于加密登录的问题,此处暂时需要手动复制 cookie[可使用 gitee config cookie xxxxxx]) cookies_jar: xxxxxxx ``` #### 可通过 gitee config [key] [value] 的方式设置 ```shell gitee config access_token xxxxxx # 用户 ID 可使用如下命令查询(请精准输入你的username) ➜ ~ gitee user search JJ-H 用户 ID:7484706 用户名称:JJ-H 用户主页:https://gitee.com/JJ-H ``` ### Tab 自动补全!!!(强烈建议不要跳过这一步) > 得益于框架的优秀设计,Gitee CLI 支持快速生成 Tab 自动补全脚本,目前支持 bash、fish、powershell、zsh ```shell ➜ ~ gitee completion --help Generate the autocompletion script for gitee for the specified shell. See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script. Usage: gitee completion [command] Available Commands: bash Generate the autocompletion script for bash fish Generate the autocompletion script for fish powershell Generate the autocompletion script for powershell zsh Generate the autocompletion script for zsh Flags: -h, --help help for completion Use "gitee completion [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` #### 下面以 zsh 为例 ```shell # Linux 用户 gitee completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_gitee" # 执行完毕后在 ~/.zshrc 中增加如下语句: source ${fpath[1]}/_gitee # macOS 用户 gitee completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_gitee # 执行完毕后在 ~/.zshrc 中增加如下语句: source $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_gitee ``` 重启终端,输入 gitee 按下 tab,您将得到如下自动补全提示(子命令同样支持) ```shell ➜ ~ gitee [press tab] auth -- Authenticate Gitee CLI with gitee selector build -- Build a k8s pod by note a specified pull request completion -- Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell config -- Manage Gitee CLI config, Usage: config key [value] selector -- Manage enterprises help -- Help about any command lightPr -- Create a lightPr pr -- Manage pull requests ssh-key -- Manage ssh-keys user -- User related command ``` ### 使用方式 ```shell ➜ ~ gitee --help Gitee CLI is a tool which interact with gitee server seamlessly via terminal Usage: gitee [command] Available Commands: auth Authenticate Gitee CLI with gitee selector_tui completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell config Manage Gitee CLI config, Usage: config key [value] enterprise Manage enterprises help Help about any command issue Manage issues pr Manage pull requests ssh-key Manage ssh-keys user User related command Flags: -h, --help help for gitee -v, --version version for gitee Use "gitee [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` ### Auth 相关 ```shell ➜ ~ gitee auth --help Authenticate Gitee CLI with gitee selector Usage: gitee auth [flags] Flags: -f, --cookies-file string path to a file containing cookies -h, --help help for auth ``` ### Config 相关 ```shell ➜ ~ gitee config --help Manage Gitee CLI config, Usage: config key [value] Usage: gitee config [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for config ``` ### Pull Request 相关 - 列出当前所在仓库下我审查的 Pull Request `gitee pr list [flags]` > 说明:列表模式下,按 c 将拷贝 pull request iid 至粘贴板,按 v 预览详情,按 d 预览 diff,回车使用浏览器打开 ![img.png](doc/images/gitee_pr.gif) - 根据 commit 找到对应的被合入至当前分支的 Pull Request `gitee pr list -c ` ```shell ➜ ~ gitee pr -c "80b4ef95c0d" 请在仓库目录下执行该命令! ➜ ~ cd /home/git/gitee ➜ gitee (master) ✔ gitee pr -c "80b4ef95c0d" 该 commit 由 PR: 「修改仓库模糊查询,支持namespace级联查询,修复全英文字符查询时只匹配path问题」 合入,访问地址: https://gitee.com/hightest/settings/pulls19977 ``` - 创建 pull_request ```shell ➜ ~ gitee pr create 请输入标题:feature -> master 请输入目标分支:master ? 填写 Pull Request 内容 创建 PR「feature -> master」 成功,访问地址:https://gitee.com/hightest/settings/pulls/3 ``` - 评论 Pull request,一般用于触发 webhook ```shell ➜ gitee (master) ✔ gitee pr note -i 19995 /approve 评论成功! ``` ### Issue 相关 - 创建 issue ```shell ➜ ~ gitee issue create --feature 请选择要创建的任务类型 > 需求 Press q to quit. 请输入标题 这是需求标题 ? 填写 Issue 描述 创建工作项 「需这是需求标题」成功,访问地址:https://gitee.com/kepler-planet-wireless/dashboard/issues?id=I9A7ZY ``` - issue 列表 > 说明:列表模式下,按 c 将拷贝 issue ident 至粘贴板,按 v 预览详情,按 s 变更状态,回车使用浏览器打开 ![img.png](doc/images/gitee_issue.gif) ### SSH Key 相关 ```shell ➜ ~ gitee ssh-key --help Manage ssh-keys Usage: gitee ssh-key [command] Available Commands: add Add a ssh pub key for personal delete delete a specified ssh key list List personal ssh pub keys Flags: -h, --help help for ssh-key Use "gitee ssh-key [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` - 获取当前账户所有已上传的公钥 `gitee ssh-key list` ```shell ➜ gitee (master) ✔ gitee ssh-key list +--------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | SSH KEY ID | KEY SHA | PREVIEW URL | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | 3123223 | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAAXCSAABAQC6r/S6pJsv8x | https://gitee.com/keys/3123223 | | 3233333 | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQ786AABgQCgiABu1TWbSI | https://gitee.com/keys/3233333 | | 3242234 | ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1N765SAAAIISV/On6vy1UNg | https://gitee.com/keys/3242234 | | 2322332 | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAADSDAABAQCpKcep+/DlEb | https://gitee.com/keys/2322332 | | 1233562 | ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDIASDSASAAAIA9aZBvftMp1dT | https://gitee.com/keys/1233562 | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ ``` - 添加本地 ssh pub key ```shell ➜ ~ gitee ssh-key add -t "Macbook Pro" 请选择要上传的 SSH 公钥 /Users/JJ-H/.ssh/hexo-deploy-key.pub /Users/JJ-H/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub > /Users/JJ-H/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Press q to quit. 添加 ssh key 「Macbook Pro」 成功,访问地址:https://gitee.com/keys/449311 ``` - 删除已上传的ssh 公钥 ```shell ➜ ~ gitee ssh-key delete 449311 删除公钥成功 ``` ### 其余功能各位自行通过 help 探索~ ### 参考文献 - [A Git command to jump from a commit SHA to the PR on GitHub](https://tekin.co.uk/2020/06/jump-from-a-git-commit-to-the-pr-in-one-command)