Converted GIS lookups for Oracle

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Claude Paroz 2014-09-19 21:06:33 +02:00
parent 2bd1bbc424
commit 65c1a37490
1 changed files with 40 additions and 123 deletions

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@ -8,74 +8,47 @@
the WKT constructors.
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from import DatabaseOperations
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.base import BaseSpatialOperations
from import OracleSpatialAdapter
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.utils import SpatialFunction
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.utils import SpatialOperator
from django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend import Geometry
from django.contrib.gis.measure import Distance
from django.utils import six
class SDOOperation(SpatialFunction):
"Base class for SDO* Oracle operations."
sql_template = "%(function)s(%(geo_col)s, %(geometry)s) %(operator)s '%(result)s'"
def __init__(self, func, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('operator', '=')
kwargs.setdefault('result', 'TRUE')
super(SDOOperation, self).__init__(func, **kwargs)
class SDODistance(SpatialFunction):
"Class for Distance queries."
sql_template = ('%(function)s(%(geo_col)s, %(geometry)s, %(tolerance)s) '
'%(operator)s %(result)s')
def __init__(self, op, tolerance=0.05):
super(SDODistance, self).__init__(self.dist_func,
operator=op, result='%s')
class SDOOperator(SpatialOperator):
sql_template = "%(func)s(%(lhs)s, %(rhs)s) = 'TRUE'"
class SDODWithin(SpatialFunction):
dwithin_func = 'SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE'
sql_template = "%(function)s(%(geo_col)s, %(geometry)s, %%s) = 'TRUE'"
def __init__(self):
super(SDODWithin, self).__init__(self.dwithin_func)
class SDODistance(SpatialOperator):
sql_template = "SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(%%(lhs)s, %%(rhs)s, %s) %%(op)s %%%%s" % DEFAULT_TOLERANCE
class SDOGeomRelate(SpatialFunction):
"Class for using SDO_GEOM.RELATE."
relate_func = 'SDO_GEOM.RELATE'
sql_template = ("%(function)s(%(geo_col)s, '%(mask)s', %(geometry)s, "
"%(tolerance)s) %(operator)s '%(mask)s'")
def __init__(self, mask, tolerance=0.05):
# SDO_GEOM.RELATE(...) has a peculiar argument order: column, mask, geom, tolerance.
# Moreover, the runction result is the mask (e.g., 'DISJOINT' instead of 'TRUE').
super(SDOGeomRelate, self).__init__(self.relate_func, operator='=',
mask=mask, tolerance=tolerance)
class SDODWithin(SpatialOperator):
sql_template = "SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE(%(lhs)s, %(rhs)s, %%s) = 'TRUE'"
class SDORelate(SpatialFunction):
"Class for using SDO_RELATE."
mask_regex = re.compile(r'^(%s)(\+(%s))*$' % (masks, masks), re.I)
sql_template = "%(function)s(%(geo_col)s, %(geometry)s, 'mask=%(mask)s') = 'TRUE'"
relate_func = 'SDO_RELATE'
class SDODisjoint(SpatialOperator):
sql_template = "SDO_GEOM.RELATE(%%(lhs)s, 'DISJOINT', %%(rhs)s, %s) = 'DISJOINT'" % DEFAULT_TOLERANCE
def __init__(self, mask):
if not self.mask_regex.match(mask):
raise ValueError('Invalid %s mask: "%s"' % (self.relate_func, mask))
super(SDORelate, self).__init__(self.relate_func, mask=mask)
# Valid distance types and substitutions
dtypes = (Decimal, Distance, float) + six.integer_types
class SDORelate(SpatialOperator):
sql_template = "SDO_RELATE(%(lhs)s, %(rhs)s, 'mask=%(mask)s') = 'TRUE'"
def check_relate_argument(self, arg):
mask_regex = re.compile(r'^(%s)(\+(%s))*$' % (masks, masks), re.I)
if not isinstance(arg, six.string_types) or not mask_regex.match(arg):
raise ValueError('Invalid SDO_RELATE mask: "%s"' % arg)
def as_sql(self, connection, lookup, template_params, sql_params):
template_params['mask'] = sql_params.pop()
return super(SDORelate, self).as_sql(connection, lookup, template_params, sql_params)
class OracleOperations(DatabaseOperations, BaseSpatialOperations):
@ -113,33 +86,26 @@ class OracleOperations(DatabaseOperations, BaseSpatialOperations):
# SDO_GEOMETRY(...) parser in Python, let me know =)
distance_functions = {
'distance_gt': (SDODistance('>'), dtypes),
'distance_gte': (SDODistance('>='), dtypes),
'distance_lt': (SDODistance('<'), dtypes),
'distance_lte': (SDODistance('<='), dtypes),
'dwithin': (SDODWithin(), dtypes),
gis_operators = {
'contains': SDOOperator(func='SDO_CONTAINS'),
'coveredby': SDOOperator(func='SDO_COVEREDBY'),
'covers': SDOOperator(func='SDO_COVERS'),
'disjoint': SDODisjoint(),
'intersects': SDOOperator(func='SDO_OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT'), # TODO: Is this really the same as ST_Intersects()?
'equals': SDOOperator(func='SDO_EQUAL'),
'exact': SDOOperator(func='SDO_EQUAL'),
'overlaps': SDOOperator(func='SDO_OVERLAPS'),
'same_as': SDOOperator(func='SDO_EQUAL'),
'relate': SDORelate(), # Oracle uses a different syntax, e.g., 'mask=inside+touch'
'touches': SDOOperator(func='SDO_TOUCH'),
'within': SDOOperator(func='SDO_INSIDE'),
'distance_gt': SDODistance(op='>'),
'distance_gte': SDODistance(op='>='),
'distance_lt': SDODistance(op='<'),
'distance_lte': SDODistance(op='<='),
'dwithin': SDODWithin(),
geometry_functions = {
'contains': SDOOperation('SDO_CONTAINS'),
'coveredby': SDOOperation('SDO_COVEREDBY'),
'covers': SDOOperation('SDO_COVERS'),
'disjoint': SDOGeomRelate('DISJOINT'),
'intersects': SDOOperation('SDO_OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT'), # TODO: Is this really the same as ST_Intersects()?
'equals': SDOOperation('SDO_EQUAL'),
'exact': SDOOperation('SDO_EQUAL'),
'overlaps': SDOOperation('SDO_OVERLAPS'),
'same_as': SDOOperation('SDO_EQUAL'),
'relate': (SDORelate, six.string_types), # Oracle uses a different syntax, e.g., 'mask=inside+touch'
'touches': SDOOperation('SDO_TOUCH'),
'within': SDOOperation('SDO_INSIDE'),
gis_terms = {'isnull'}
truncate_params = {'relate': None}
def geo_quote_name(self, name):
@ -244,55 +210,6 @@ class OracleOperations(DatabaseOperations, BaseSpatialOperations):
return 'SDO_GEOMETRY(%%s, %s)' % f.srid
def check_relate_argument(self, arg):
mask_regex = re.compile(r'^(%s)(\+(%s))*$' % (masks, masks), re.I)
if not self.mask_regex.match(arg):
raise ValueError('Invalid SDO_RELATE mask: "%s"' % (self.relate_func, arg))
def spatial_lookup_sql(self, lvalue, lookup_type, value, field, qn):
"Returns the SQL WHERE clause for use in Oracle spatial SQL construction."
geo_col, db_type = lvalue
# See if an Oracle Geometry function matches the lookup type next
lookup_info = self.geometry_functions.get(lookup_type, False)
if lookup_info:
# Lookup types that are tuples take tuple arguments, e.g., 'relate' and
# 'dwithin' lookup types.
if isinstance(lookup_info, tuple):
# First element of tuple is lookup type, second element is the type
# of the expected argument (e.g., str, float)
sdo_op, arg_type = lookup_info
geom = value[0]
# Ensuring that a tuple _value_ was passed in from the user
if not isinstance(value, tuple):
raise ValueError('Tuple required for `%s` lookup type.' % lookup_type)
if len(value) != 2:
raise ValueError('2-element tuple required for %s lookup type.' % lookup_type)
# Ensuring the argument type matches what we expect.
if not isinstance(value[1], arg_type):
raise ValueError('Argument type should be %s, got %s instead.' % (arg_type, type(value[1])))
if lookup_type == 'relate':
# The SDORelate class handles construction for these queries,
# and verifies the mask argument.
return sdo_op(value[1]).as_sql(geo_col, self.get_geom_placeholder(field, geom))
# Otherwise, just call the `as_sql` method on the SDOOperation instance.
return sdo_op.as_sql(geo_col, self.get_geom_placeholder(field, geom))
# Lookup info is a SDOOperation instance, whose `as_sql` method returns
# the SQL necessary for the geometry function call. For example:
# SDO_CONTAINS("geoapp_country"."poly", SDO_GEOMTRY('POINT(5 23)', 4326)) = 'TRUE'
return lookup_info.as_sql(geo_col, self.get_geom_placeholder(field, value))
elif lookup_type == 'isnull':
# Handling 'isnull' lookup type
return "%s IS %sNULL" % (geo_col, ('' if value else 'NOT ')), []
raise TypeError("Got invalid lookup_type: %s" % repr(lookup_type))
def spatial_aggregate_sql(self, agg):
Returns the spatial aggregate SQL template and function for the