This is the result of Christopher Medrela's 2013 Summer of Code project.
Thanks also to Preston Holmes, Tim Graham, Anssi Kääriäinen, Florian
Apolloner, and Alex Gaynor for review notes along the way.
Also: Fixes#8579, fixes#3055, fixes#19844.
When django.setup() (and then configure_logging) is called inside
catch_warnings, logging setup is negatively affected (notably
warnings.showwarning definition).
Added comments in the three empty files that are still needed.
Adjusted the test runner to add applications corresponding to test
labels to INSTALLED_APPS even when they don't have a models module.
SuspiciousOperations have been differentiated into subclasses, and
are now logged to a '*' logger. SuspiciousOperations
that reach django.core.handlers.base.BaseHandler will now return a 400
instead of a 500.
Thanks to tiwoc for the report, and Carl Meyer and Donald Stufft
for review.