============== Managing files ============== **New in Django development version** This document describes Django's file access APIs. By default, Django stores files locally, using the ``MEDIA_ROOT`` and ``MEDIA_URL`` settings_. The examples below assume that you're using these defaults. However, Django provides ways to write custom `file storage systems`_ that allow you to completely customize where and how Django stores files. The second half of this document describes how these storage systems work. .. _file storage systems: `File storage`_ .. _settings: ../settings/ Using files in models ===================== When you use a `FileField`_ or `ImageField`_, Django provides a set of APIs you can use to deal with that file. .. _filefield: ../model-api/#filefield .. _imagefield: ../model-api/#imagefield Consider the following model, using a ``FileField`` to store a photo:: class Car(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2) photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='cars') Any ``Car`` instance will have a ``photo`` attribute that you can use to get at the details of the attached photo:: >>> car = Car.object.get(name="57 Chevy") >>> car.photo >>> car.photo.name u'chevy.jpg' >>> car.photo.path u'/media/cars/chevy.jpg' >>> car.photo.url u'http://media.example.com/cars/chevy.jpg' This object -- ``car.photo`` in the example -- is a ``File`` object, which means it has all the methods and attributes described below. The ``File`` object =================== Internally, Django uses a ``django.core.files.File`` any time it needs to represent a file. This object is a thin wrapper around Python's `built-in file object`_ with some Django-specific additions. .. _built-in file object: http://docs.python.org/lib/bltin-file-objects.html Creating ``File`` instances --------------------------- Most of the time you'll simply use a ``File`` that Django's given you (i.e. a file attached to an model as above, or perhaps an `uploaded file`_). .. _uploaded file: ../uploading_files/ If you need to construct a ``File`` yourself, the easiest way is to create one using a Python built-in ``file`` object:: >>> from django.core.files import File # Create a Python file object using open() >>> f = open('/tmp/hello.world', 'w') >>> myfile = File(f) Now you can use any of the ``File`` attributes and methods defined below. ``File`` attributes and methods ------------------------------- Django's ``File`` has the following attributes and methods: ``File.path`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The absolute path to the file's location on a local filesystem. Custom `file storage systems`_ may not store files locally; files stored on these systems will have a ``path`` of ``None``. ``File.url`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The URL where the file can be retrieved. This is often useful in templates_; for example, a bit of a template for displaying a ``Car`` (see above) might look like:: {{ car.name }} .. _templates: ../templates/ ``File.size`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The size of the file in bytes. ``File.open(mode=None)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open or reopen the file (which by definition also does ``File.seek(0)``). The ``mode`` argument allows the same values as Python's standard ``open()``. When reopening a file, ``mode`` will override whatever mode the file was originally opened with; ``None`` means to reopen with the original mode. ``File.read(num_bytes=None)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read content from the file. The optional ``size`` is the number of bytes to read; if not specified, the file will be read to the end. ``File.__iter__()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iterate over the file yielding one line at a time. ``File.chunks(chunk_size=None)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iterate over the file yielding "chunks" of a given size. ``chunk_size`` defaults to 64 KB. This is especially useful with very large files since it allows them to be streamed off disk and avoids storing the whole file in memory. ``File.multiple_chunks(chunk_size=None)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns ``True`` if the file is large enough to require multiple chunks to access all of its content give some ``chunk_size``. ``File.write(content)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Writes the specified content string to the file. Depending on the storage system behind the scenes, this content might not be fully committed until ``close()`` is called on the file. ``File.close()`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Close the file. .. TODO: document the rest of the File methods. Additional ``ImageField`` attributes ------------------------------------ ``File.width`` and ``File.height`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These attributes provide the dimensions of the image. Additional methods on files attached to objects ----------------------------------------------- Any ``File`` that's associated with an object (as with ``Car.photo``, above) will also have a couple of extra methods: ``File.save(name, content, save=True)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saves a new file with the file name and contents provided. This will not replace the existing file, but will create a new file and update the object to point to it. If ``save`` is ``True``, the model's ``save()`` method will be called once the file is saved. That is, these two lines:: >>> car.photo.save('myphoto.jpg', contents, save=False) >>> car.save() are the same as this one line:: >>> car.photo.save('myphoto.jpg', contents, save=True) ``File.delete(save=True)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remove the file from the model instance and delete the underlying file. The ``save`` argument works as above. File storage ============ Behind the scenes, Django delegates decisions about how and where to store files to a file storage system. This is the object that actually understands things like file systems, opening and reading files, etc. Django's default file storage is given by the `DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE setting`_; if you don't explicitly provide a storage system, this is the one that will be used. .. _default_file_storage setting: ../settings/#default-file-storage The built-in filesystem storage class ------------------------------------- Django ships with a built-in ``FileSystemStorage`` class (defined in ``django.core.files.storage``) which implements basic local filesystem file storage. Its initializer takes two arguments: ====================== =================================================== Argument Description ====================== =================================================== ``location`` Optional. Absolute path to the directory that will hold the files. If omitted, it will be set to the value of your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` setting. ``base_url`` Optional. URL that serves the files stored at this location. If omitted, it will default to the value of your ``MEDIA_URL`` setting. ====================== =================================================== For example, the following code will store uploaded files under ``/media/photos`` regardless of what your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` setting is:: from django.db import models from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage fs = FileSystemStorage(base_url='/media/photos') class Car(models.Model): ... photo = models.ImageField(storage=fs) `Custom storage systems`_ work the same way: you can pass them in as the ``storage`` argument to a ``FileField``. .. _custom storage systems: `writing a custom storage system`_ Storage objects --------------- Though most of the time you'll want to use a ``File`` object (which delegates to the proper storage for that file), you can use file storage systems directly. You can create an instance of some custom file storage class, or -- often more useful -- you can use the global default storage system:: >>> from django.core.files.storage import default_storage >>> path = default_storage.save('/path/to/file', 'new content') >>> path u'/path/to/file' >>> default_storage.filesize(path) 11 >>> default_storage.open(path).read() 'new content' >>> default_storage.delete(path) >>> default_storage.exists(path) False Storage objects define the following methods: ``Storage.exists(name)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``True`` if a file exists given some ``name``. ``Storge.path(name)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The local filesystem path where the file can be opened using Python's standard ``open()``. For storage systems that aren't accessible from the local filesystem, this will raise ``NotImplementedError`` instead. ``Storage.size(name)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the total size, in bytes, of the file referenced by ``name``. ``Storage.url(name)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the URL where the contents of the file referenced by ``name`` can be accessed. ``Storage.open(name, mode='rb')`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opens the file given by ``name``. Note that although the returned file is guaranteed to be a ``File`` object, it might actually be some subclass. In the case of remote file storage this means that reading/writing could be quite slow, so be warned. ``Storage.save(name, content)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saves a new file using the storage system, preferably with the name specified. If there already exists a file with this name ``name``, the storage system may modify the filename as necessary to get a unique name. The actual name of the stored file will be returned. ``Storage.delete(name)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deletes the file referenced by ``name``. This method won't raise an exception if the file doesn't exist. Writing a custom storage system =============================== If you need to provide custom file storage -- a common example is storing files on some remote system -- you can do so by defining a custom storage class. You'll need to follow these steps: #. Your custom storage system must be a subclass of ``django.core.files.storage.Storage``:: from django.core.files.storage import Storage class MyStorage(Storage): ... #. Django must be able to instantiate your storage system without any arguments. This means that any settings should be taken from ``django.conf.settings``:: from django.conf import settings from django.core.files.storage import Storage class MyStorage(Storage): def __init__(self, option=None): if not option: option = settings.CUSTOM_STORAGE_OPTIONS ... #. Your storage class must implement the ``_open()`` and ``_save()`` methods, along with any other methods appropriate to your storage class. See below for more on these methods. In addition, if your class provides local file storage, it must override the ``path()`` method. Custom storage system methods ----------------------------- Your custom storage system may override any of the storage methods explained above in `storage objects`_. However, it's usually better to use the hooks specifically designed for custom storage objects. These are: ``_open(name, mode='rb')`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Required**. Called by ``Storage.open()``, this is the actual mechanism the storage class uses to open the file. This must return a ``File`` object, though in most cases, you'll want to return some subclass here that implements logic specific to the backend storage system. ``_save(name, content)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Called by ``Storage.save()``. The ``name`` will already have gone through ``get_valid_name()`` and ``get_available_name()``, and the ``content`` will be a ``File`` object itself. No return value is expected. ``get_valid_name(name)`` ------------------------ Returns a filename suitable for use with the underlying storage system. The ``name`` argument passed to this method is the original filename sent to the server, after having any path information removed. Override this to customize how non-standard characters are converted to safe filenames. The code provided on ``Storage`` retains only alpha-numeric characters, periods and underscores from the original filename, removing everything else. ``get_available_name(name)`` ---------------------------- Returns a filename that is available in the storage mechanism, possibly taking the provided filename into account. The ``name`` argument passed to this method will have already cleaned to a filename valid for the storage system, according to the ``get_valid_name()`` method described above. The code provided on ``Storage`` simply appends underscores to the filename until it finds one that's available in the destination directory.