import unittest import sqlparse from django.db import connection from django.test import TestCase @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', 'SQLite tests') class IntrospectionTests(TestCase): def test_get_primary_key_column(self): """ Get the primary key column regardless of whether or not it has quotation. """ testable_column_strings = ( ('id', 'id'), ('[id]', 'id'), ('`id`', 'id'), ('"id"', 'id'), ('[id col]', 'id col'), ('`id col`', 'id col'), ('"id col"', 'id col') ) with connection.cursor() as cursor: for column, expected_string in testable_column_strings: sql = 'CREATE TABLE test_primary (%s int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)' % column with self.subTest(column=column): try: cursor.execute(sql) field = connection.introspection.get_primary_key_column(cursor, 'test_primary') self.assertEqual(field, expected_string) finally: cursor.execute('DROP TABLE test_primary') @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'sqlite', 'SQLite tests') class ParsingTests(TestCase): def parse_definition(self, sql, columns): """Parse a column or constraint definition.""" statement = sqlparse.parse(sql)[0] tokens = (token for token in statement.flatten() if not token.is_whitespace) with connection.cursor(): return connection.introspection._parse_column_or_constraint_definition(tokens, set(columns)) def assertConstraint(self, constraint_details, cols, unique=False, check=False): self.assertEqual(constraint_details, { 'unique': unique, 'columns': cols, 'primary_key': False, 'foreign_key': None, 'check': check, 'index': False, }) def test_unique_column(self): tests = ( ('"ref" integer UNIQUE,', ['ref']), ('ref integer UNIQUE,', ['ref']), ('"customname" integer UNIQUE,', ['customname']), ('customname integer UNIQUE,', ['customname']), ) for sql, columns in tests: with self.subTest(sql=sql): constraint, details, check, _ = self.parse_definition(sql, columns) self.assertIsNone(constraint) self.assertConstraint(details, columns, unique=True) self.assertIsNone(check) def test_unique_constraint(self): tests = ( ('CONSTRAINT "ref" UNIQUE ("ref"),', 'ref', ['ref']), ('CONSTRAINT ref UNIQUE (ref),', 'ref', ['ref']), ('CONSTRAINT "customname1" UNIQUE ("customname2"),', 'customname1', ['customname2']), ('CONSTRAINT customname1 UNIQUE (customname2),', 'customname1', ['customname2']), ) for sql, constraint_name, columns in tests: with self.subTest(sql=sql): constraint, details, check, _ = self.parse_definition(sql, columns) self.assertEqual(constraint, constraint_name) self.assertConstraint(details, columns, unique=True) self.assertIsNone(check) def test_unique_constraint_multicolumn(self): tests = ( ('CONSTRAINT "ref" UNIQUE ("ref", "customname"),', 'ref', ['ref', 'customname']), ('CONSTRAINT ref UNIQUE (ref, customname),', 'ref', ['ref', 'customname']), ) for sql, constraint_name, columns in tests: with self.subTest(sql=sql): constraint, details, check, _ = self.parse_definition(sql, columns) self.assertEqual(constraint, constraint_name) self.assertConstraint(details, columns, unique=True) self.assertIsNone(check) def test_check_column(self): tests = ( ('"ref" varchar(255) CHECK ("ref" != \'test\'),', ['ref']), ('ref varchar(255) CHECK (ref != \'test\'),', ['ref']), ('"customname1" varchar(255) CHECK ("customname2" != \'test\'),', ['customname2']), ('customname1 varchar(255) CHECK (customname2 != \'test\'),', ['customname2']), ) for sql, columns in tests: with self.subTest(sql=sql): constraint, details, check, _ = self.parse_definition(sql, columns) self.assertIsNone(constraint) self.assertIsNone(details) self.assertConstraint(check, columns, check=True) def test_check_constraint(self): tests = ( ('CONSTRAINT "ref" CHECK ("ref" != \'test\'),', 'ref', ['ref']), ('CONSTRAINT ref CHECK (ref != \'test\'),', 'ref', ['ref']), ('CONSTRAINT "customname1" CHECK ("customname2" != \'test\'),', 'customname1', ['customname2']), ('CONSTRAINT customname1 CHECK (customname2 != \'test\'),', 'customname1', ['customname2']), ) for sql, constraint_name, columns in tests: with self.subTest(sql=sql): constraint, details, check, _ = self.parse_definition(sql, columns) self.assertEqual(constraint, constraint_name) self.assertIsNone(details) self.assertConstraint(check, columns, check=True) def test_check_column_with_operators_and_functions(self): tests = ( ('"ref" integer CHECK ("ref" BETWEEN 1 AND 10),', ['ref']), ('"ref" varchar(255) CHECK ("ref" LIKE \'test%\'),', ['ref']), ('"ref" varchar(255) CHECK (LENGTH(ref) > "max_length"),', ['ref', 'max_length']), ) for sql, columns in tests: with self.subTest(sql=sql): constraint, details, check, _ = self.parse_definition(sql, columns) self.assertIsNone(constraint) self.assertIsNone(details) self.assertConstraint(check, columns, check=True) def test_check_and_unique_column(self): tests = ( ('"ref" varchar(255) CHECK ("ref" != \'test\') UNIQUE,', ['ref']), ('ref varchar(255) UNIQUE CHECK (ref != \'test\'),', ['ref']), ) for sql, columns in tests: with self.subTest(sql=sql): constraint, details, check, _ = self.parse_definition(sql, columns) self.assertIsNone(constraint) self.assertConstraint(details, columns, unique=True) self.assertConstraint(check, columns, check=True)