# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.http import HttpRequest from django.template import ( Context, RequestContext, Template, Variable, VariableDoesNotExist, ) from django.template.context import RenderContext from django.test import RequestFactory, SimpleTestCase, override_settings class ContextTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_context(self): c = Context({"a": 1, "b": "xyzzy"}) self.assertEqual(c["a"], 1) self.assertEqual(c.push(), {}) c["a"] = 2 self.assertEqual(c["a"], 2) self.assertEqual(c.get("a"), 2) self.assertEqual(c.pop(), {"a": 2}) self.assertEqual(c["a"], 1) self.assertEqual(c.get("foo", 42), 42) with c.push(): c['a'] = 2 self.assertEqual(c['a'], 2) self.assertEqual(c['a'], 1) with c.push(a=3): self.assertEqual(c['a'], 3) self.assertEqual(c['a'], 1) def test_resolve_on_context_method(self): """ #17778 -- Variable shouldn't resolve RequestContext methods """ empty_context = Context() with self.assertRaises(VariableDoesNotExist): Variable('no_such_variable').resolve(empty_context) with self.assertRaises(VariableDoesNotExist): Variable('new').resolve(empty_context) self.assertEqual( Variable('new').resolve(Context({'new': 'foo'})), 'foo', ) def test_render_context(self): test_context = RenderContext({'fruit': 'papaya'}) # Test that push() limits access to the topmost dict test_context.push() test_context['vegetable'] = 'artichoke' self.assertEqual(list(test_context), ['vegetable']) self.assertNotIn('fruit', test_context) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): test_context['fruit'] self.assertIsNone(test_context.get('fruit')) def test_flatten_context(self): a = Context() a.update({'a': 2}) a.update({'b': 4}) a.update({'c': 8}) self.assertEqual(a.flatten(), { 'False': False, 'None': None, 'True': True, 'a': 2, 'b': 4, 'c': 8 }) def test_context_comparable(self): """ #21765 -- equality comparison should work """ test_data = {'x': 'y', 'v': 'z', 'd': {'o': object, 'a': 'b'}} self.assertEqual(Context(test_data), Context(test_data)) a = Context() b = Context() self.assertEqual(a, b) # update only a a.update({'a': 1}) self.assertNotEqual(a, b) # update both to check regression a.update({'c': 3}) b.update({'c': 3}) self.assertNotEqual(a, b) # make contexts equals again b.update({'a': 1}) self.assertEqual(a, b) def test_copy_request_context_twice(self): """ #24273 -- Copy twice shouldn't raise an exception """ RequestContext(HttpRequest()).new().new() class RequestContextTests(SimpleTestCase): @override_settings(TEMPLATES=[{ 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'OPTIONS': { 'loaders': [ ('django.template.loaders.locmem.Loader', { 'child': '{{ var|default:"none" }}', }), ], }, }]) def test_include_only(self): """ #15721 -- ``{% include %}`` and ``RequestContext`` should work together. """ request = RequestFactory().get('/') ctx = RequestContext(request, {'var': 'parent'}) self.assertEqual(Template('{% include "child" %}').render(ctx), 'parent') self.assertEqual(Template('{% include "child" only %}').render(ctx), 'none') def test_stack_size(self): """ #7116 -- Optimize RequetsContext construction """ request = RequestFactory().get('/') ctx = RequestContext(request, {}) # The stack should now contain 3 items: # [builtins, supplied context, context processor] self.assertEqual(len(ctx.dicts), 3) def test_context_comparable(self): # Create an engine without any context processors. test_data = {'x': 'y', 'v': 'z', 'd': {'o': object, 'a': 'b'}} # test comparing RequestContext to prevent problems if somebody # adds __eq__ in the future request = RequestFactory().get('/') self.assertEqual( RequestContext(request, dict_=test_data), RequestContext(request, dict_=test_data), )