from django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.admin.options import ModelAdmin from models import Band class TestAdminOrdering(TestCase): """ Let's make sure that ModelAdmin.queryset uses the ordering we define in ModelAdmin rather that ordering defined in the model's inner Meta class. """ def setUp(self): b1 = Band(name='Aerosmith', bio='', rank=3) b2 = Band(name='Radiohead', bio='', rank=1) b3 = Band(name='Van Halen', bio='', rank=2) def test_default_ordering(self): """ The default ordering should be by name, as specified in the inner Meta class. """ ma = ModelAdmin(Band, None) names = [ for b in ma.queryset(None)] self.assertEqual([u'Aerosmith', u'Radiohead', u'Van Halen'], names) def test_specified_ordering(self): """ Let's use a custom ModelAdmin that changes the ordering, and make sure it actually changes. """ class BandAdmin(ModelAdmin): ordering = ('rank',) # default ordering is ('name',) ma = BandAdmin(Band, None) names = [ for b in ma.queryset(None)] self.assertEqual([u'Radiohead', u'Van Halen', u'Aerosmith'], names)