""" 30. Validation This is an experimental feature! Each model instance has a validate() method that returns a dictionary of validation errors in the instance's fields. This method has a side effect of converting each field to its appropriate Python data type. """ from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): is_child = models.BooleanField() name = models.CharField(maxlength=20) birthdate = models.DateField() favorite_moment = models.DateTimeField() email = models.EmailField() def __str__(self): return self.name __test__ = {'API_TESTS':""" >>> import datetime >>> valid_params = { ... 'is_child': True, ... 'name': 'John', ... 'birthdate': datetime.date(2000, 5, 3), ... 'favorite_moment': datetime.datetime(2002, 4, 3, 13, 23), ... 'email': 'john@example.com' ... } >>> p = Person(**valid_params) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, id='23')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.id 23 >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, id='foo')) >>> p.validate() {'id': ['This value must be an integer.']} >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, id=None)) >>> p.validate() {} >>> repr(p.id) 'None' >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, is_child='t')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.is_child True >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, is_child='f')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.is_child False >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, is_child=True)) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.is_child True >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, is_child=False)) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.is_child False >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, is_child='foo')) >>> p.validate() {'is_child': ['This value must be either True or False.']} >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, name=u'Jose')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.name u'Jose' >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, name=227)) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.name '227' >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, birthdate=datetime.date(2000, 5, 3))) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.birthdate datetime.date(2000, 5, 3) >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, birthdate=datetime.datetime(2000, 5, 3))) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.birthdate datetime.date(2000, 5, 3) >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, birthdate='2000-05-03')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.birthdate datetime.date(2000, 5, 3) >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, birthdate='2000-5-3')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.birthdate datetime.date(2000, 5, 3) >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, birthdate='foo')) >>> p.validate() {'birthdate': ['Enter a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.']} >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, favorite_moment=datetime.datetime(2002, 4, 3, 13, 23))) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.favorite_moment datetime.datetime(2002, 4, 3, 13, 23) >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, favorite_moment=datetime.datetime(2002, 4, 3))) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.favorite_moment datetime.datetime(2002, 4, 3, 0, 0) >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, email='john@example.com')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.email 'john@example.com' >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, email=u'john@example.com')) >>> p.validate() {} >>> p.email u'john@example.com' >>> p = Person(**dict(valid_params, email=22)) >>> p.validate() {'email': ['Enter a valid e-mail address.']} # Make sure that Date and DateTime return validation errors and don't raise Python errors. >>> Person(name='John Doe', is_child=True, email='abc@def.com').validate() {'favorite_moment': ['This field is required.'], 'birthdate': ['This field is required.']} """}