=========================== Django 1.10.3 release notes =========================== *November 1, 2016* Django 1.10.3 fixes two security issues and several bugs in 1.10.2. User with hardcoded password created when running tests on Oracle ================================================================= When running tests with an Oracle database, Django creates a temporary database user. In older versions, if a password isn't manually specified in the database settings ``TEST`` dictionary, a hardcoded password is used. This could allow an attacker with network access to the database server to connect. This user is usually dropped after the test suite completes, but not when using the ``manage.py test --keepdb`` option or if the user has an active session (such as an attacker's connection). A randomly generated password is now used for each test run. Bugfixes ======== * Allowed ``User.is_authenticated`` and ``User.is_anonymous`` properties to be tested for ``set`` membership (:ticket:`27309`). * Fixed a performance regression when running ``migrate`` in projects with ``RenameModel`` operations (:ticket:`27279`). * Added ``model_name`` to the ``allow_migrate()`` calls in ``makemigrations`` (:ticket:`27200`). * Made the ``JavaScriptCatalog`` view respect the ``packages`` argument; previously it was ignored (:ticket:`27374`). * Fixed ``QuerySet.bulk_create()`` on PostgreSQL when the number of objects is a multiple plus one of ``batch_size`` (:ticket:`27385`). * Prevented ``i18n_patterns()`` from using too much of the URL as the language to fix a use case for ``prefix_default_language=False`` (:ticket:`27063`). * Replaced a possibly incorrect redirect from ``SessionMiddleware`` when a session is destroyed in a concurrent request with a ``SuspiciousOperation`` to indicate that the request can't be completed (:ticket:`27363`).