from __future__ import with_statement import copy from django.conf import compat_patch_logging_config from django.test import TestCase from django.test.utils import override_settings from django.utils.log import CallbackFilter, getLogger from django.core import mail # logging config prior to using filter with mail_admins OLD_LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'handlers': { 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' } }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, } } class PatchLoggingConfigTest(TestCase): """ Tests for backward-compat shim for #16288. These tests should be removed in Django 1.6 when that shim and DeprecationWarning are removed. """ def test_filter_added(self): """ Test that debug-false filter is added to mail_admins handler if it has no filters. """ config = copy.deepcopy(OLD_LOGGING) compat_patch_logging_config(config) self.assertEqual( config["handlers"]["mail_admins"]["filters"], ['require_debug_false']) def test_filter_configuration(self): """ Test that the debug-false filter is a CallbackFilter with a callback that works as expected (returns ``not DEBUG``). """ config = copy.deepcopy(OLD_LOGGING) compat_patch_logging_config(config) flt = config["filters"]["require_debug_false"] self.assertEqual(flt["()"], "django.utils.log.CallbackFilter") callback = flt["callback"] with self.settings(DEBUG=True): self.assertEqual(callback("record is not used"), False) with self.settings(DEBUG=False): self.assertEqual(callback("record is not used"), True) def test_no_patch_if_filters_key_exists(self): """ Test that the logging configuration is not modified if the mail_admins handler already has a "filters" key. """ config = copy.deepcopy(OLD_LOGGING) config["handlers"]["mail_admins"]["filters"] = [] new_config = copy.deepcopy(config) compat_patch_logging_config(new_config) self.assertEqual(config, new_config) def test_no_patch_if_no_mail_admins_handler(self): """ Test that the logging configuration is not modified if the mail_admins handler is not present. """ config = copy.deepcopy(OLD_LOGGING) config["handlers"].pop("mail_admins") new_config = copy.deepcopy(config) compat_patch_logging_config(new_config) self.assertEqual(config, new_config) class CallbackFilterTest(TestCase): def test_sense(self): f_false = CallbackFilter(lambda r: False) f_true = CallbackFilter(lambda r: True) self.assertEqual(f_false.filter("record"), False) self.assertEqual(f_true.filter("record"), True) def test_passes_on_record(self): collector = [] def _callback(record): collector.append(record) return True f = CallbackFilter(_callback) f.filter("a record") self.assertEqual(collector, ["a record"]) class AdminEmailHandlerTest(TestCase): @override_settings( ADMINS=(('whatever admin', ''),), EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX='-SuperAwesomeSubject-' ) def test_accepts_args(self): """ Ensure that user-supplied arguments and the EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX setting are used to compose the email subject. Refs #16736. """ message = "Custom message that says '%s' and '%s'" token1 = 'ping' token2 = 'pong' logger = getLogger('django.request') # Inspired from regressiontests/views/ send_log() # ensuring the AdminEmailHandler does not get filtered out # even with DEBUG=True. admin_email_handler = [ h for h in logger.handlers if h.__class__.__name__ == "AdminEmailHandler" ][0] # Backup then override original filters orig_filters = admin_email_handler.filters admin_email_handler.filters = [] logger.error(message, token1, token2) self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1) self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].to, ['']) self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, "-SuperAwesomeSubject-ERROR: Custom message that says 'ping' and 'pong'") # Restore original filters admin_email_handler.filters = orig_filters