
536 lines
31 KiB

# encoding=utf-8
26. Invalid models
This example exists purely to point out errors in models.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import connection, models
class FieldErrors(models.Model):
charfield = models.CharField()
charfield2 = models.CharField(max_length=-1)
charfield3 = models.CharField(max_length="bad")
decimalfield = models.DecimalField()
decimalfield2 = models.DecimalField(max_digits=-1, decimal_places=-1)
decimalfield3 = models.DecimalField(max_digits="bad", decimal_places="bad")
decimalfield4 = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=10)
decimalfield5 = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=10)
choices = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices='bad')
choices2 = models.CharField(max_length=10, choices=[(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)])
index = models.CharField(max_length=10, db_index='bad')
field_ = models.CharField(max_length=10)
nullbool = models.BooleanField(null=True)
generic_ip_notnull_blank = models.GenericIPAddressField(null=False, blank=True)
class Target(models.Model):
tgt_safe = models.CharField(max_length=10)
clash1 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
clash2 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
clash1_set = models.CharField(max_length=10)
class Clash1(models.Model):
src_safe = models.CharField(max_length=10)
foreign = models.ForeignKey(Target)
m2m = models.ManyToManyField(Target)
class Clash2(models.Model):
src_safe = models.CharField(max_length=10)
foreign_1 = models.ForeignKey(Target, related_name='id')
foreign_2 = models.ForeignKey(Target, related_name='src_safe')
m2m_1 = models.ManyToManyField(Target, related_name='id')
m2m_2 = models.ManyToManyField(Target, related_name='src_safe')
class Target2(models.Model):
clash3 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
foreign_tgt = models.ForeignKey(Target)
clashforeign_set = models.ForeignKey(Target)
m2m_tgt = models.ManyToManyField(Target)
clashm2m_set = models.ManyToManyField(Target)
class Clash3(models.Model):
src_safe = models.CharField(max_length=10)
foreign_1 = models.ForeignKey(Target2, related_name='foreign_tgt')
foreign_2 = models.ForeignKey(Target2, related_name='m2m_tgt')
m2m_1 = models.ManyToManyField(Target2, related_name='foreign_tgt')
m2m_2 = models.ManyToManyField(Target2, related_name='m2m_tgt')
class ClashForeign(models.Model):
foreign = models.ForeignKey(Target2)
class ClashM2M(models.Model):
m2m = models.ManyToManyField(Target2)
class SelfClashForeign(models.Model):
src_safe = models.CharField(max_length=10)
selfclashforeign = models.CharField(max_length=10)
selfclashforeign_set = models.ForeignKey("SelfClashForeign")
foreign_1 = models.ForeignKey("SelfClashForeign", related_name='id')
foreign_2 = models.ForeignKey("SelfClashForeign", related_name='src_safe')
class ValidM2M(models.Model):
src_safe = models.CharField(max_length=10)
validm2m = models.CharField(max_length=10)
# M2M fields are symmetrical by default. Symmetrical M2M fields
# on self don't require a related accessor, so many potential
# clashes are avoided.
validm2m_set = models.ManyToManyField("self")
m2m_1 = models.ManyToManyField("self", related_name='id')
m2m_2 = models.ManyToManyField("self", related_name='src_safe')
m2m_3 = models.ManyToManyField('self')
m2m_4 = models.ManyToManyField('self')
class SelfClashM2M(models.Model):
src_safe = models.CharField(max_length=10)
selfclashm2m = models.CharField(max_length=10)
# Non-symmetrical M2M fields _do_ have related accessors, so
# there is potential for clashes.
selfclashm2m_set = models.ManyToManyField("self", symmetrical=False)
m2m_1 = models.ManyToManyField("self", related_name='id', symmetrical=False)
m2m_2 = models.ManyToManyField("self", related_name='src_safe', symmetrical=False)
m2m_3 = models.ManyToManyField('self', symmetrical=False)
m2m_4 = models.ManyToManyField('self', symmetrical=False)
class Model(models.Model):
"But it's valid to call a model Model."
year = models.PositiveIntegerField() # 1960
make = models.CharField(max_length=10) # Aston Martin
name = models.CharField(max_length=10) # DB 4 GT
class Car(models.Model):
colour = models.CharField(max_length=5)
model = models.ForeignKey(Model)
class MissingRelations(models.Model):
rel1 = models.ForeignKey("Rel1")
rel2 = models.ManyToManyField("Rel2")
class MissingManualM2MModel(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=5)
missing_m2m = models.ManyToManyField(Model, through="MissingM2MModel")
class Person(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=5)
class Group(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=5)
primary = models.ManyToManyField(Person, through="Membership", related_name="primary")
secondary = models.ManyToManyField(Person, through="Membership", related_name="secondary")
tertiary = models.ManyToManyField(Person, through="RelationshipDoubleFK", related_name="tertiary")
class GroupTwo(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=5)
primary = models.ManyToManyField(Person, through="Membership")
secondary = models.ManyToManyField(Group, through="MembershipMissingFK")
class Membership(models.Model):
person = models.ForeignKey(Person)
group = models.ForeignKey(Group)
not_default_or_null = models.CharField(max_length=5)
class MembershipMissingFK(models.Model):
person = models.ForeignKey(Person)
class PersonSelfRefM2M(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=5)
friends = models.ManyToManyField('self', through="Relationship")
too_many_friends = models.ManyToManyField('self', through="RelationshipTripleFK")
class PersonSelfRefM2MExplicit(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=5)
friends = models.ManyToManyField('self', through="ExplicitRelationship", symmetrical=True)
class Relationship(models.Model):
first = models.ForeignKey(PersonSelfRefM2M, related_name="rel_from_set")
second = models.ForeignKey(PersonSelfRefM2M, related_name="rel_to_set")
date_added = models.DateTimeField()
class ExplicitRelationship(models.Model):
first = models.ForeignKey(PersonSelfRefM2MExplicit, related_name="rel_from_set")
second = models.ForeignKey(PersonSelfRefM2MExplicit, related_name="rel_to_set")
date_added = models.DateTimeField()
class RelationshipTripleFK(models.Model):
first = models.ForeignKey(PersonSelfRefM2M, related_name="rel_from_set_2")
second = models.ForeignKey(PersonSelfRefM2M, related_name="rel_to_set_2")
third = models.ForeignKey(PersonSelfRefM2M, related_name="too_many_by_far")
date_added = models.DateTimeField()
class RelationshipDoubleFK(models.Model):
first = models.ForeignKey(Person, related_name="first_related_name")
second = models.ForeignKey(Person, related_name="second_related_name")
third = models.ForeignKey(Group, related_name="rel_to_set")
date_added = models.DateTimeField()
class AbstractModel(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=10)
class Meta:
abstract = True
class AbstractRelationModel(models.Model):
fk1 = models.ForeignKey('AbstractModel')
fk2 = models.ManyToManyField('AbstractModel')
class UniqueM2M(models.Model):
""" Model to test for unique ManyToManyFields, which are invalid. """
unique_people = models.ManyToManyField(Person, unique=True)
class NonUniqueFKTarget1(models.Model):
""" Model to test for non-unique FK target in yet-to-be-defined model: expect an error """
tgt = models.ForeignKey('FKTarget', to_field='bad')
class UniqueFKTarget1(models.Model):
""" Model to test for unique FK target in yet-to-be-defined model: expect no error """
tgt = models.ForeignKey('FKTarget', to_field='good')
class FKTarget(models.Model):
bad = models.IntegerField()
good = models.IntegerField(unique=True)
class NonUniqueFKTarget2(models.Model):
""" Model to test for non-unique FK target in previously seen model: expect an error """
tgt = models.ForeignKey(FKTarget, to_field='bad')
class UniqueFKTarget2(models.Model):
""" Model to test for unique FK target in previously seen model: expect no error """
tgt = models.ForeignKey(FKTarget, to_field='good')
class NonExistingOrderingWithSingleUnderscore(models.Model):
class Meta:
ordering = ("does_not_exist",)
class InvalidSetNull(models.Model):
fk = models.ForeignKey('self', on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
class InvalidSetDefault(models.Model):
fk = models.ForeignKey('self', on_delete=models.SET_DEFAULT)
class UnicodeForeignKeys(models.Model):
"""Foreign keys which can translate to ascii should be OK, but fail if
they're not."""
good = models.ForeignKey('FKTarget')
also_good = models.ManyToManyField('FKTarget', related_name='unicode2')
# In Python 3 this should become legal, but currently causes unicode errors
# when adding the errors in core/management/
#bad = models.ForeignKey('★')
class PrimaryKeyNull(models.Model):
my_pk_field = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, null=True)
class OrderByPKModel(models.Model):
Model to test that ordering by pk passes validation.
Refs #8291
name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)
class Meta:
ordering = ('pk',)
class SwappableModel(models.Model):
"""A model that can be, but isn't swapped out.
References to this model *shoudln't* raise any validation error.
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
class SwappedModel(models.Model):
"""A model that is swapped out.
References to this model *should* raise a validation error.
Requires TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL to be defined in the test environment;
this is guaranteed by the test runner using @override_settings.
The foreign keys and m2m relations on this model *shouldn't*
install related accessors, so there shouldn't be clashes with
the equivalent names on the replacement.
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
foreign = models.ForeignKey(Target, related_name='swappable_fk_set')
m2m = models.ManyToManyField(Target, related_name='swappable_m2m_set')
class Meta:
swappable = 'TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL'
class ReplacementModel(models.Model):
"""A replacement model for swapping purposes."""
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
foreign = models.ForeignKey(Target, related_name='swappable_fk_set')
m2m = models.ManyToManyField(Target, related_name='swappable_m2m_set')
class BadSwappableValue(models.Model):
"""A model that can be swapped out; during testing, the swappable
value is not of the format app.model
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
class BadSwappableModel(models.Model):
"""A model that can be swapped out; during testing, the swappable
value references an unknown model.
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Meta:
class HardReferenceModel(models.Model):
fk_1 = models.ForeignKey(SwappableModel, related_name='fk_hardref1')
fk_2 = models.ForeignKey('invalid_models.SwappableModel', related_name='fk_hardref2')
fk_3 = models.ForeignKey(SwappedModel, related_name='fk_hardref3')
fk_4 = models.ForeignKey('invalid_models.SwappedModel', related_name='fk_hardref4')
m2m_1 = models.ManyToManyField(SwappableModel, related_name='m2m_hardref1')
m2m_2 = models.ManyToManyField('invalid_models.SwappableModel', related_name='m2m_hardref2')
m2m_3 = models.ManyToManyField(SwappedModel, related_name='m2m_hardref3')
m2m_4 = models.ManyToManyField('invalid_models.SwappedModel', related_name='m2m_hardref4')
class BadIndexTogether1(models.Model):
class Meta:
index_together = [
class DuplicateColumnNameModel1(models.Model):
A field (bar) attempts to use a column name which is already auto-assigned
earlier in the class. This should raise a validation error.
foo = models.IntegerField()
bar = models.IntegerField(db_column='foo')
class Meta:
db_table = 'foobar'
class DuplicateColumnNameModel2(models.Model):
A field (foo) attempts to use a column name which is already auto-assigned
later in the class. This should raise a validation error.
foo = models.IntegerField(db_column='bar')
bar = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
db_table = 'foobar'
class DuplicateColumnNameModel3(models.Model):
"""Two fields attempt to use each others' names.
This is not a desirable scenario but valid nonetheless.
It should not raise a validation error.
foo = models.IntegerField(db_column='bar')
bar = models.IntegerField(db_column='foo')
class Meta:
db_table = 'foobar3'
class DuplicateColumnNameModel4(models.Model):
"""Two fields attempt to use the same db_column value.
This should raise a validation error.
foo = models.IntegerField(db_column='baz')
bar = models.IntegerField(db_column='baz')
class Meta:
db_table = 'foobar'
model_errors = """invalid_models.fielderrors: "charfield": CharFields require a "max_length" attribute that is a positive integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "charfield2": CharFields require a "max_length" attribute that is a positive integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "charfield3": CharFields require a "max_length" attribute that is a positive integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "decimalfield": DecimalFields require a "decimal_places" attribute that is a non-negative integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "decimalfield": DecimalFields require a "max_digits" attribute that is a positive integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "decimalfield2": DecimalFields require a "decimal_places" attribute that is a non-negative integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "decimalfield2": DecimalFields require a "max_digits" attribute that is a positive integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "decimalfield3": DecimalFields require a "decimal_places" attribute that is a non-negative integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "decimalfield3": DecimalFields require a "max_digits" attribute that is a positive integer.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "decimalfield4": DecimalFields require a "max_digits" attribute value that is greater than or equal to the value of the "decimal_places" attribute.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "choices": "choices" should be iterable (e.g., a tuple or list).
invalid_models.fielderrors: "choices2": "choices" should be a sequence of two-item iterables (e.g. list of 2 item tuples).
invalid_models.fielderrors: "choices2": "choices" should be a sequence of two-item iterables (e.g. list of 2 item tuples).
invalid_models.fielderrors: "index": "db_index" should be either None, True or False.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "field_": Field names cannot end with underscores, because this would lead to ambiguous queryset filters.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "nullbool": BooleanFields do not accept null values. Use a NullBooleanField instead.
invalid_models.fielderrors: "generic_ip_notnull_blank": GenericIPAddressField can not accept blank values if null values are not allowed, as blank values are stored as null.
invalid_models.clash1: Accessor for field 'foreign' clashes with field 'Target.clash1_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign'.
invalid_models.clash1: Accessor for field 'foreign' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash1.m2m'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign'.
invalid_models.clash1: Reverse query name for field 'foreign' clashes with field 'Target.clash1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign'.
invalid_models.clash1: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m' clashes with field 'Target.clash1_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m'.
invalid_models.clash1: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash1.foreign'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m'.
invalid_models.clash1: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m' clashes with field 'Target.clash1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m'.
invalid_models.clash2: Accessor for field 'foreign_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Accessor for field 'foreign_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.m2m_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.m2m_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Accessor for field 'foreign_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.m2m_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.clash2: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.m2m_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.clash2: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.foreign_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.foreign_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash2: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.foreign_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.clash2: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash2.foreign_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for field 'foreign_1' clashes with field 'Target2.foreign_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for field 'foreign_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.m2m_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_1' clashes with field 'Target2.foreign_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.m2m_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for field 'foreign_2' clashes with m2m field 'Target2.m2m_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for field 'foreign_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.m2m_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_2' clashes with m2m field 'Target2.m2m_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.m2m_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with field 'Target2.foreign_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.foreign_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with field 'Target2.foreign_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.foreign_1'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with m2m field 'Target2.m2m_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.foreign_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with m2m field 'Target2.m2m_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.clash3: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with accessor for field 'Clash3.foreign_2'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.clashforeign: Accessor for field 'foreign' clashes with field 'Target2.clashforeign_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign'.
invalid_models.clashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m' clashes with m2m field 'Target2.clashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for field 'foreign_tgt' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.m2m_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_tgt'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for field 'foreign_tgt' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.clashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_tgt'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for field 'foreign_tgt' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.clashforeign_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_tgt'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for field 'clashforeign_set' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.m2m_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'clashforeign_set'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for field 'clashforeign_set' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.clashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'clashforeign_set'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for field 'clashforeign_set' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.foreign_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'clashforeign_set'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_tgt' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'Target2.clashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_tgt'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_tgt' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.foreign_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_tgt'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_tgt' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.clashforeign_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_tgt'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for m2m field 'clashm2m_set' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'Target2.m2m_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'clashm2m_set'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for m2m field 'clashm2m_set' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.foreign_tgt'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'clashm2m_set'.
invalid_models.target2: Accessor for m2m field 'clashm2m_set' clashes with accessor for field 'Target2.clashforeign_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'clashm2m_set'.
invalid_models.selfclashforeign: Accessor for field 'selfclashforeign_set' clashes with field 'SelfClashForeign.selfclashforeign_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'selfclashforeign_set'.
invalid_models.selfclashforeign: Reverse query name for field 'selfclashforeign_set' clashes with field 'SelfClashForeign.selfclashforeign'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'selfclashforeign_set'.
invalid_models.selfclashforeign: Accessor for field 'foreign_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.selfclashforeign: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_1'.
invalid_models.selfclashforeign: Accessor for field 'foreign_2' clashes with field 'SelfClashForeign.src_safe'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.selfclashforeign: Reverse query name for field 'foreign_2' clashes with field 'SelfClashForeign.src_safe'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'foreign_2'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'selfclashm2m_set' clashes with m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'selfclashm2m_set'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Reverse query name for m2m field 'selfclashm2m_set' clashes with field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'selfclashm2m_set'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'selfclashm2m_set' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.m2m_3'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'selfclashm2m_set'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'selfclashm2m_set' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.m2m_4'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'selfclashm2m_set'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with field 'SelfClashM2M.src_safe'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_1' clashes with field ''. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_1'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_2' clashes with field 'SelfClashM2M.src_safe'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_2'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_3' clashes with m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_3'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_3' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_3'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_3' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.m2m_4'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_3'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_4' clashes with m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_4'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_4' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m_set'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_4'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Accessor for m2m field 'm2m_4' clashes with accessor for m2m field 'SelfClashM2M.m2m_3'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_4'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_3' clashes with field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_3'.
invalid_models.selfclashm2m: Reverse query name for m2m field 'm2m_4' clashes with field 'SelfClashM2M.selfclashm2m'. Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'm2m_4'.
invalid_models.missingrelations: 'rel1' has a relation with model Rel1, which has either not been installed or is abstract.
invalid_models.missingrelations: 'rel2' has an m2m relation with model Rel2, which has either not been installed or is abstract.
invalid_models.grouptwo: 'primary' is a manually-defined m2m relation through model Membership, which does not have foreign keys to Person and GroupTwo
invalid_models.grouptwo: 'secondary' is a manually-defined m2m relation through model MembershipMissingFK, which does not have foreign keys to Group and GroupTwo
invalid_models.missingmanualm2mmodel: 'missing_m2m' specifies an m2m relation through model MissingM2MModel, which has not been installed The model Group has two manually-defined m2m relations through the model Membership, which is not permitted. Please consider using an extra field on your intermediary model instead. Intermediary model RelationshipDoubleFK has more than one foreign key to Person, which is ambiguous and is not permitted.
invalid_models.personselfrefm2m: Many-to-many fields with intermediate tables cannot be symmetrical.
invalid_models.personselfrefm2m: Intermediary model RelationshipTripleFK has more than two foreign keys to PersonSelfRefM2M, which is ambiguous and is not permitted.
invalid_models.personselfrefm2mexplicit: Many-to-many fields with intermediate tables cannot be symmetrical.
invalid_models.abstractrelationmodel: 'fk1' has a relation with model AbstractModel, which has either not been installed or is abstract.
invalid_models.abstractrelationmodel: 'fk2' has an m2m relation with model AbstractModel, which has either not been installed or is abstract.
invalid_models.uniquem2m: ManyToManyFields cannot be unique. Remove the unique argument on 'unique_people'.
invalid_models.nonuniquefktarget1: Field 'bad' under model 'FKTarget' must have a unique=True constraint.
invalid_models.nonuniquefktarget2: Field 'bad' under model 'FKTarget' must have a unique=True constraint.
invalid_models.nonexistingorderingwithsingleunderscore: "ordering" refers to "does_not_exist", a field that doesn't exist.
invalid_models.invalidsetnull: 'fk' specifies on_delete=SET_NULL, but cannot be null.
invalid_models.invalidsetdefault: 'fk' specifies on_delete=SET_DEFAULT, but has no default value.
invalid_models.hardreferencemodel: 'fk_3' defines a relation with the model 'invalid_models.SwappedModel', which has been swapped out. Update the relation to point at settings.TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL.
invalid_models.hardreferencemodel: 'fk_4' defines a relation with the model 'invalid_models.SwappedModel', which has been swapped out. Update the relation to point at settings.TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL.
invalid_models.hardreferencemodel: 'm2m_3' defines a relation with the model 'invalid_models.SwappedModel', which has been swapped out. Update the relation to point at settings.TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL.
invalid_models.hardreferencemodel: 'm2m_4' defines a relation with the model 'invalid_models.SwappedModel', which has been swapped out. Update the relation to point at settings.TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL.
invalid_models.badswappablevalue: TEST_SWAPPED_MODEL_BAD_VALUE is not of the form 'app_label.app_name'.
invalid_models.badswappablemodel: Model has been swapped out for 'not_an_app.Target' which has not been installed or is abstract.
invalid_models.badindextogether1: "index_together" refers to field_that_does_not_exist, a field that doesn't exist.
invalid_models.duplicatecolumnnamemodel1: Field 'bar' has column name 'foo' that is already used.
invalid_models.duplicatecolumnnamemodel2: Field 'bar' has column name 'bar' that is already used.
invalid_models.duplicatecolumnnamemodel4: Field 'bar' has column name 'baz' that is already used.
if not connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls:
model_errors += """invalid_models.primarykeynull: "my_pk_field": Primary key fields cannot have null=True.