- WaveFlow can synthesize 22.05 kHz high-fidelity speech around 40x faster than real-time on a Nvidia V100 GPU without engineered inference kernels, which is faster than [WaveGlow](https://github.com/NVIDIA/waveglow) and serveral orders of magnitude faster than WaveNet.
- WaveFlow is directly trained with maximum likelihood without probability density distillation and auxiliary losses as used in Parallel WaveNet and ClariNet, which simplifies the training pipeline and reduces the cost of development.
Note that we use [convolutional queue](https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.09482) at audio synthesis to cache the intermediate hidden states, which will speed up the autoregressive inference over the height dimension. Current implementation only supports height dimension equals 8 or 16, i.e., where there is no dilation on the height dimension. Therefore, you can only set value of `n_group` key in the yaml config file to be either 8 or 16.
Also note that `train.py`, `synthesis.py`, and `benchmark.py` all accept a `--config` parameter. To ensure consistency, you should use the same config yaml file for both training, synthesizing and benchmarking. You can also overwrite these preset hyperparameters with command line by updating parameters after `--config`.
For example `--config=${yaml} --batch_size=8` can overwrite the corresponding hyperparameters in the `${yaml}` config file. For more details about these hyperparameters, check `utils.add_config_options_to_parser`.
Additionally, you need to specify some additional parameters for `train.py`, `synthesis.py`, and `benchmark.py`, and the details can be found in `train.add_options_to_parser`, `synthesis.add_options_to_parser`, and `benchmark.add_options_to_parser`, respectively.
The saved checkpoint will have the format of `step-${iteration_number}.pdparams` for model parameters and `step-${iteration_number}.pdopt` for optimizer parameters.
1. Use `--checkpoint=./runs/waveflow/${ModelName}/checkpoint/step-500000` to provide a specific path to load. Note that you only need to provide the base name of the parameter file, which is `step-500000`, no extension name `.pdparams` or `.pdopt` is needed.
3. If you don't specify either `--checkpoint` or `--iteration`, the model will automatically load the latest checkpoint in `./runs/waveflow/${ModelName}/checkpoint`.
Use `export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3` to set the GPUs that you want to use to be visible. Then the `paddle.distributed.launch` module will use these visible GPUs to do data parallel training in multiprocessing mode.
In this example, `--output` specifies where to save the synthesized audios and `--sample` (<16)specifieswhichsampleinthevaliddataset(asplitfromthewholeLJSpeechdataset,bydefaultcontainsthefirst16audiosamples)tosynthesizebasedonthemel-spectrogramscomputedfromthegroundtruthsampleaudio,e.g.,`--sample=0`meanstosynthesizethefirstaudiointhevaliddataset.