# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math import numpy as np import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F import parakeet from parakeet.modules.conv import Conv1dBatchNorm from parakeet.modules.attention import LocationSensitiveAttention from parakeet.modules import masking from parakeet.utils import checkpoint __all__ = ["Tacotron2", "Tacotron2Loss"] class DecoderPreNet(nn.Layer): """Decoder prenet module for Tacotron2. Parameters ---------- d_input: int The input feature size. d_hidden: int The hidden size. d_output: int The output feature size. dropout_rate: float The droput probability. """ def __init__(self, d_input: int, d_hidden: int, d_output: int, dropout_rate: float): super().__init__() self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.linear1 = nn.Linear(d_input, d_hidden, bias_attr=False) self.linear2 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_output, bias_attr=False) def forward(self, x): """Calculate forward propagation. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)] Batch of the sequences of padded mel spectrogram. Returns ------- output: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)] Batch of the sequences of padded hidden state. """ x = F.dropout(F.relu(self.linear1(x)), self.dropout_rate) output = F.dropout(F.relu(self.linear2(x)), self.dropout_rate) return output class DecoderPostNet(nn.Layer): """Decoder postnet module for Tacotron2. Parameters ---------- d_mels: int The number of mel bands. d_hidden: int The hidden size of postnet. kernel_size: int The kernel size of the conv layer in postnet. num_layers: int The number of conv layers in postnet. dropout: float The droput probability. """ def __init__(self, d_mels: int, d_hidden: int, kernel_size: int, num_layers: int, dropout: float): super().__init__() self.dropout = dropout self.num_layers = num_layers padding = int((kernel_size - 1) / 2), self.conv_batchnorms = nn.LayerList() k = math.sqrt(1.0 / (d_mels * kernel_size)) self.conv_batchnorms.append( Conv1dBatchNorm( d_mels, d_hidden, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Uniform( low=-k, high=k)), data_format='NLC')) k = math.sqrt(1.0 / (d_hidden * kernel_size)) self.conv_batchnorms.extend([ Conv1dBatchNorm( d_hidden, d_hidden, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Uniform( low=-k, high=k)), data_format='NLC') for i in range(1, num_layers - 1) ]) self.conv_batchnorms.append( Conv1dBatchNorm( d_hidden, d_mels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Uniform( low=-k, high=k)), data_format='NLC')) def forward(self, input): """Calculate forward propagation. Parameters ---------- input: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)] Output sequence of features from decoder. Returns ------- output: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)] Output sequence of features after postnet. """ for i in range(len(self.conv_batchnorms) - 1): input = F.dropout( F.tanh(self.conv_batchnorms[i](input), self.dropout)) output = F.dropout(self.conv_batchnorms[self.num_layers - 1](input), self.dropout) return output class Tacotron2Encoder(nn.Layer): """Tacotron2 encoder module for Tacotron2. Parameters ---------- d_hidden: int The hidden size in encoder module. conv_layers: int The number of conv layers. kernel_size: int The kernel size of conv layers. p_dropout: float The droput probability. """ def __init__(self, d_hidden: int, conv_layers: int, kernel_size: int, p_dropout: float): super().__init__() k = math.sqrt(1.0 / (d_hidden * kernel_size)) self.conv_batchnorms = paddle.nn.LayerList([ Conv1dBatchNorm( d_hidden, d_hidden, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=int((kernel_size - 1) / 2), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Uniform( low=-k, high=k)), data_format='NLC') for i in range(conv_layers) ]) self.p_dropout = p_dropout self.hidden_size = int(d_hidden / 2) self.lstm = nn.LSTM( d_hidden, self.hidden_size, direction="bidirectional") def forward(self, x, input_lens=None): """Calculate forward propagation of tacotron2 encoder. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor [shape=(B, T)] Batch of the sequencees of padded character ids. text_lens: Tensor [shape=(B,)], optional Batch of lengths of each text input batch. Defaults to None. Returns ------- output : Tensor [shape=(B, T, C)] Batch of the sequences of padded hidden states. """ for conv_batchnorm in self.conv_batchnorms: x = F.dropout(F.relu(conv_batchnorm(x)), self.p_dropout) #(B, T, C) output, _ = self.lstm(inputs=x, sequence_length=input_lens) return output class Tacotron2Decoder(nn.Layer): """Tacotron2 decoder module for Tacotron2. Parameters ---------- d_mels: int The number of mel bands. reduction_factor: int The reduction factor of tacotron. d_encoder: int The hidden size of encoder. d_prenet: int The hidden size in decoder prenet. d_attention_rnn: int The attention rnn layer hidden size. d_decoder_rnn: int The decoder rnn layer hidden size. d_attention: int The hidden size of the linear layer in location sensitive attention. attention_filters: int The filter size of the conv layer in location sensitive attention. attention_kernel_size: int The kernel size of the conv layer in location sensitive attention. p_prenet_dropout: float The droput probability in decoder prenet. p_attention_dropout: float The droput probability in location sensitive attention. p_decoder_dropout: float The droput probability in decoder. """ def __init__(self, d_mels: int, reduction_factor: int, d_encoder: int, d_prenet: int, d_attention_rnn: int, d_decoder_rnn: int, d_attention: int, attention_filters: int, attention_kernel_size: int, p_prenet_dropout: float, p_attention_dropout: float, p_decoder_dropout: float): super().__init__() self.d_mels = d_mels self.reduction_factor = reduction_factor self.d_encoder = d_encoder self.d_attention_rnn = d_attention_rnn self.d_decoder_rnn = d_decoder_rnn self.p_attention_dropout = p_attention_dropout self.p_decoder_dropout = p_decoder_dropout self.prenet = DecoderPreNet( d_mels * reduction_factor, d_prenet, d_prenet, dropout_rate=p_prenet_dropout) self.attention_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(d_prenet + d_encoder, d_attention_rnn) self.attention_layer = LocationSensitiveAttention( d_attention_rnn, d_encoder, d_attention, attention_filters, attention_kernel_size) self.decoder_rnn = nn.LSTMCell(d_attention_rnn + d_encoder, d_decoder_rnn) self.linear_projection = nn.Linear(d_decoder_rnn + d_encoder, d_mels * reduction_factor) self.stop_layer = nn.Linear(d_decoder_rnn + d_encoder, 1) def _initialize_decoder_states(self, key): """init states be used in decoder """ batch_size = key.shape[0] MAX_TIME = key.shape[1] self.attention_hidden = paddle.zeros( shape=[batch_size, self.d_attention_rnn], dtype=key.dtype) self.attention_cell = paddle.zeros( shape=[batch_size, self.d_attention_rnn], dtype=key.dtype) self.decoder_hidden = paddle.zeros( shape=[batch_size, self.d_decoder_rnn], dtype=key.dtype) self.decoder_cell = paddle.zeros( shape=[batch_size, self.d_decoder_rnn], dtype=key.dtype) self.attention_weights = paddle.zeros( shape=[batch_size, MAX_TIME], dtype=key.dtype) self.attention_weights_cum = paddle.zeros( shape=[batch_size, MAX_TIME], dtype=key.dtype) self.attention_context = paddle.zeros( shape=[batch_size, self.d_encoder], dtype=key.dtype) self.key = key #[B, T, C] self.processed_key = self.attention_layer.key_layer(key) #[B, T, C] def _decode(self, query): """decode one time step """ cell_input = paddle.concat([query, self.attention_context], axis=-1) # The first lstm layer _, (self.attention_hidden, self.attention_cell) = self.attention_rnn( cell_input, (self.attention_hidden, self.attention_cell)) self.attention_hidden = F.dropout(self.attention_hidden, self.p_attention_dropout) # Loaction sensitive attention attention_weights_cat = paddle.stack( [self.attention_weights, self.attention_weights_cum], axis=-1) self.attention_context, self.attention_weights = self.attention_layer( self.attention_hidden, self.processed_key, self.key, attention_weights_cat, self.mask) self.attention_weights_cum += self.attention_weights # The second lstm layer decoder_input = paddle.concat( [self.attention_hidden, self.attention_context], axis=-1) _, (self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell) = self.decoder_rnn( decoder_input, (self.decoder_hidden, self.decoder_cell)) self.decoder_hidden = F.dropout( self.decoder_hidden, p=self.p_decoder_dropout) # decode output one step decoder_hidden_attention_context = paddle.concat( [self.decoder_hidden, self.attention_context], axis=-1) decoder_output = self.linear_projection( decoder_hidden_attention_context) stop_logit = self.stop_layer(decoder_hidden_attention_context) return decoder_output, stop_logit, self.attention_weights def forward(self, keys, querys, mask): """Calculate forward propagation of tacotron2 decoder. Parameters ---------- keys: Tensor[shape=(B, T_key, C)] Batch of the sequences of padded output from encoder. querys: Tensor[shape(B, T_query, C)] Batch of the sequences of padded mel spectrogram. mask: Tensor Mask generated with text length. Shape should be (B, T_key, T_query) or broadcastable shape. Returns ------- mel_output: Tensor [shape=(B, T_query, C)] Output sequence of features. stop_logits: Tensor [shape=(B, T_query)] Output sequence of stop logits. alignments: Tensor [shape=(B, T_query, T_key)] Attention weights. """ querys = paddle.reshape( querys, [querys.shape[0], querys.shape[1] // self.reduction_factor, -1]) querys = paddle.concat( [ paddle.zeros( shape=[querys.shape[0], 1, querys.shape[-1]], dtype=querys.dtype), querys ], axis=1) querys = self.prenet(querys) self._initialize_decoder_states(keys) self.mask = mask mel_outputs, stop_logits, alignments = [], [], [] while len(mel_outputs) < querys.shape[ 1] - 1: # Ignore the last time step query = querys[:, len(mel_outputs), :] mel_output, stop_logit, attention_weights = self._decode(query) mel_outputs += [mel_output] stop_logits += [stop_logit] alignments += [attention_weights] alignments = paddle.stack(alignments, axis=1) stop_logits = paddle.concat(stop_logits, axis=1) mel_outputs = paddle.stack(mel_outputs, axis=1) return mel_outputs, stop_logits, alignments def infer(self, key, stop_threshold=0.5, max_decoder_steps=1000): """Calculate forward propagation of tacotron2 decoder. Parameters ---------- keys: Tensor [shape=(B, T_key, C)] Batch of the sequences of padded output from encoder. stop_threshold: float, optional Stop synthesize when stop logit is greater than this stop threshold. Defaults to 0.5. max_decoder_steps: int, optional Number of max step when synthesize. Defaults to 1000. Returns ------- mel_output: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)] Output sequence of features. stop_logits: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel)] Output sequence of stop logits. alignments: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, T_key)] Attention weights. """ query = paddle.zeros( shape=[key.shape[0], self.d_mels * self.reduction_factor], dtype=key.dtype) #[B, C] self._initialize_decoder_states(key) self.mask = None mel_outputs, stop_logits, alignments = [], [], [] while True: query = self.prenet(query) mel_output, stop_logit, alignment = self._decode(query) mel_outputs += [mel_output] stop_logits += [stop_logit] alignments += [alignment] if F.sigmoid(stop_logit) > stop_threshold: break elif len(mel_outputs) == max_decoder_steps: print("Warning! Reached max decoder steps!!!") break query = mel_output alignments = paddle.stack(alignments, axis=1) stop_logits = paddle.concat(stop_logits, axis=1) mel_outputs = paddle.stack(mel_outputs, axis=1) return mel_outputs, stop_logits, alignments class Tacotron2(nn.Layer): """Tacotron2 model for end-to-end text-to-speech (E2E-TTS). This is a model of Spectrogram prediction network in Tacotron2 described in `Natural TTS Synthesis by Conditioning WaveNet on Mel Spectrogram Predictions `_, which converts the sequence of characters into the sequence of mel spectrogram. Parameters ---------- frontend : parakeet.frontend.Phonetics Frontend used to preprocess text. d_mels: int Number of mel bands. d_encoder: int Hidden size in encoder module. encoder_conv_layers: int Number of conv layers in encoder. encoder_kernel_size: int Kernel size of conv layers in encoder. d_prenet: int Hidden size in decoder prenet. d_attention_rnn: int Attention rnn layer hidden size in decoder. d_decoder_rnn: int Decoder rnn layer hidden size in decoder. attention_filters: int Filter size of the conv layer in location sensitive attention. attention_kernel_size: int Kernel size of the conv layer in location sensitive attention. d_attention: int Hidden size of the linear layer in location sensitive attention. d_postnet: int Hidden size of postnet. postnet_kernel_size: int Kernel size of the conv layer in postnet. postnet_conv_layers: int Number of conv layers in postnet. reduction_factor: int Reduction factor of tacotron2. p_encoder_dropout: float Droput probability in encoder. p_prenet_dropout: float Droput probability in decoder prenet. p_attention_dropout: float Droput probability in location sensitive attention. p_decoder_dropout: float Droput probability in decoder. p_postnet_dropout: float Droput probability in postnet. """ def __init__(self, frontend: parakeet.frontend.Phonetics, d_mels: int=80, d_encoder: int=512, encoder_conv_layers: int=3, encoder_kernel_size: int=5, d_prenet: int=256, d_attention_rnn: int=1024, d_decoder_rnn: int=1024, attention_filters: int=32, attention_kernel_size: int=31, d_attention: int=128, d_postnet: int=512, postnet_kernel_size: int=5, postnet_conv_layers: int=5, reduction_factor: int=1, p_encoder_dropout: float=0.5, p_prenet_dropout: float=0.5, p_attention_dropout: float=0.1, p_decoder_dropout: float=0.1, p_postnet_dropout: float=0.5): super().__init__() self.frontend = frontend std = math.sqrt(2.0 / (self.frontend.vocab_size + d_encoder)) val = math.sqrt(3.0) * std # uniform bounds for std self.embedding = nn.Embedding( self.frontend.vocab_size, d_encoder, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Uniform( low=-val, high=val))) self.encoder = Tacotron2Encoder(d_encoder, encoder_conv_layers, encoder_kernel_size, p_encoder_dropout) self.decoder = Tacotron2Decoder( d_mels, reduction_factor, d_encoder, d_prenet, d_attention_rnn, d_decoder_rnn, d_attention, attention_filters, attention_kernel_size, p_prenet_dropout, p_attention_dropout, p_decoder_dropout) self.postnet = DecoderPostNet( d_mels=d_mels * reduction_factor, d_hidden=d_postnet, kernel_size=postnet_kernel_size, num_layers=postnet_conv_layers, dropout=p_postnet_dropout) def forward(self, text_inputs, mels, text_lens, output_lens=None): """Calculate forward propagation of tacotron2. Parameters ---------- text_inputs: Tensor [shape=(B, T_text)] Batch of the sequencees of padded character ids. mels: Tensor [shape(B, T_mel, C)] Batch of the sequences of padded mel spectrogram. text_lens: Tensor [shape=(B,)] Batch of lengths of each text input batch. output_lens: Tensor [shape=(B,)], optional Batch of lengths of each mels batch. Defaults to None. Returns ------- outputs : Dict[str, Tensor] mel_output: output sequence of features (B, T_mel, C); mel_outputs_postnet: output sequence of features after postnet (B, T_mel, C); stop_logits: output sequence of stop logits (B, T_mel); alignments: attention weights (B, T_mel, T_text). """ embedded_inputs = self.embedding(text_inputs) encoder_outputs = self.encoder(embedded_inputs, text_lens) mask = paddle.tensor.unsqueeze( paddle.fluid.layers.sequence_mask( x=text_lens, dtype=encoder_outputs.dtype), [-1]) mel_outputs, stop_logits, alignments = self.decoder( encoder_outputs, mels, mask=mask) mel_outputs_postnet = self.postnet(mel_outputs) mel_outputs_postnet = mel_outputs + mel_outputs_postnet if output_lens is not None: mask = paddle.tensor.unsqueeze( paddle.fluid.layers.sequence_mask(x=output_lens), [-1]) #[B, T, 1] mel_outputs = mel_outputs * mask #[B, T, C] mel_outputs_postnet = mel_outputs_postnet * mask #[B, T, C] stop_logits = stop_logits * mask[:, :, 0] + (1 - mask[:, :, 0] ) * 1e3 #[B, T] outputs = { "mel_output": mel_outputs, "mel_outputs_postnet": mel_outputs_postnet, "stop_logits": stop_logits, "alignments": alignments } return outputs @paddle.no_grad() def infer(self, text_inputs, stop_threshold=0.5, max_decoder_steps=1000): """Generate the mel sepctrogram of features given the sequences of character ids. Parameters ---------- text_inputs: Tensor [shape=(B, T_text)] Batch of the sequencees of padded character ids. stop_threshold: float, optional Stop synthesize when stop logit is greater than this stop threshold. Defaults to 0.5. max_decoder_steps: int, optional Number of max step when synthesize. Defaults to 1000. Returns ------- outputs : Dict[str, Tensor] mel_output: output sequence of sepctrogram (B, T_mel, C); mel_outputs_postnet: output sequence of sepctrogram after postnet (B, T_mel, C); stop_logits: output sequence of stop logits (B, T_mel); alignments: attention weights (B, T_mel, T_text). """ embedded_inputs = self.embedding(text_inputs) encoder_outputs = self.encoder(embedded_inputs) mel_outputs, stop_logits, alignments = self.decoder.infer( encoder_outputs, stop_threshold=stop_threshold, max_decoder_steps=max_decoder_steps) mel_outputs_postnet = self.postnet(mel_outputs) mel_outputs_postnet = mel_outputs + mel_outputs_postnet outputs = { "mel_output": mel_outputs, "mel_outputs_postnet": mel_outputs_postnet, "stop_logits": stop_logits, "alignments": alignments } return outputs @paddle.no_grad() def predict(self, text, stop_threshold=0.5, max_decoder_steps=1000): """Generate the mel sepctrogram of features given the sequenc of characters. Parameters ---------- text: str Sequence of characters. stop_threshold: float, optional Stop synthesize when stop logit is greater than this stop threshold. Defaults to 0.5. max_decoder_steps: int, optional Number of max step when synthesize. Defaults to 1000. Returns ------- outputs : Dict[str, Tensor] mel_outputs_postnet: output sequence of sepctrogram after postnet (T_mel, C); alignments: attention weights (T_mel, T_text). """ ids = np.asarray(self.frontend(text)) ids = paddle.unsqueeze(paddle.to_tensor(ids, dtype='int64'), [0]) outputs = self.infer(ids, stop_threshold, max_decoder_steps) return outputs['mel_outputs_postnet'][0].numpy(), outputs[ 'alignments'][0].numpy() @classmethod def from_pretrained(cls, frontend, config, checkpoint_path): """Build a tacotron2 model from a pretrained model. Parameters ---------- frontend: parakeet.frontend.Phonetics Frontend used to preprocess text. config: yacs.config.CfgNode Model configs. checkpoint_path: Path or str The path of pretrained model checkpoint, without extension name. Returns ------- Tacotron2 The model build from pretrined result. """ model = cls(frontend, d_mels=config.data.d_mels, d_encoder=config.model.d_encoder, encoder_conv_layers=config.model.encoder_conv_layers, encoder_kernel_size=config.model.encoder_kernel_size, d_prenet=config.model.d_prenet, d_attention_rnn=config.model.d_attention_rnn, d_decoder_rnn=config.model.d_decoder_rnn, attention_filters=config.model.attention_filters, attention_kernel_size=config.model.attention_kernel_size, d_attention=config.model.d_attention, d_postnet=config.model.d_postnet, postnet_kernel_size=config.model.postnet_kernel_size, postnet_conv_layers=config.model.postnet_conv_layers, reduction_factor=config.model.reduction_factor, p_encoder_dropout=config.model.p_encoder_dropout, p_prenet_dropout=config.model.p_prenet_dropout, p_attention_dropout=config.model.p_attention_dropout, p_decoder_dropout=config.model.p_decoder_dropout, p_postnet_dropout=config.model.p_postnet_dropout) checkpoint.load_parameters(model, checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path) return model class Tacotron2Loss(nn.Layer): """ Tacotron2 Loss module """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, mel_outputs, mel_outputs_postnet, stop_logits, mel_targets, stop_tokens): """Calculate tacotron2 loss. Parameters ---------- mel_outputs: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)] Output mel spectrogram sequence. mel_outputs_postnet: Tensor [shape(B, T_mel, C)] Output mel spectrogram sequence after postnet. stop_logits: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel)] Output sequence of stop logits befor sigmoid. mel_targets: Tensor [shape=(B, T_mel, C)] Target mel spectrogram sequence. stop_tokens: Tensor [shape=(B,)] Target stop token. Returns ------- losses : Dict[str, Tensor] loss: the sum of the other three losses; mel_loss: MSE loss compute by mel_targets and mel_outputs; post_mel_loss: MSE loss compute by mel_targets and mel_outputs_postnet; stop_loss: stop loss computed by stop_logits and stop token. """ mel_loss = paddle.nn.MSELoss()(mel_outputs, mel_targets) post_mel_loss = paddle.nn.MSELoss()(mel_outputs_postnet, mel_targets) stop_loss = paddle.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()(stop_logits, stop_tokens) total_loss = mel_loss + post_mel_loss + stop_loss losses = dict( loss=total_loss, mel_loss=mel_loss, post_mel_loss=post_mel_loss, stop_loss=stop_loss) return losses