import math import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F from paddle.nn import initializer as I from typing import Sequence from parakeet.modules import geometry as geo import itertools import numpy as np import paddle.fluid.dygraph as dg from paddle import fluid __all__ = ["WaveFlow"] def fold(x, n_group): """Fold audio or spectrogram's temporal dimension in to groups. Args: x (Tensor): shape(*, time_steps), the input tensor n_group (int): the size of a group. Returns: Tensor: shape(*, time_steps // n_group, group), folded tensor. """ *spatial_shape, time_steps = x.shape new_shape = spatial_shape + [time_steps // n_group, n_group] return paddle.reshape(x, new_shape) class UpsampleNet(nn.LayerList): def __init__(self, upsample_factors: Sequence[int]): super(UpsampleNet, self).__init__() for factor in upsample_factors: std = math.sqrt(1 / (3 * 2 * factor)) init = I.Uniform(-std, std) self.append( nn.utils.weight_norm( nn.ConvTranspose2d(1, 1, (3, 2 * factor), padding=(1, factor // 2), stride=(1, factor), weight_attr=init, bias_attr=init))) # upsample factors self.upsample_factor = self.upsample_factors = upsample_factors def forward(self, x, trim_conv_artifact=False): """ Args: x (Tensor): shape(batch_size, input_channels, time_steps), the input spectrogram. trim_conv_artifact (bool, optional): trim deconvolution artifact at each layer. Defaults to False. Returns: Tensor: shape(batch_size, input_channels, time_steps * upsample_factors). If trim_conv_artifact is True, the output time steps is less than time_steps * upsample_factors. """ x = paddle.unsqueeze(x, 1) for layer in self: x = layer(x) if trim_conv_artifact: time_cutoff = layer._kernel_size[1] - layer._stride[1] x = x[:, :, :, -time_cutoff] x = F.leaky_relu(x, 0.4) x = paddle.squeeze(x, 1) return x class ResidualBlock(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, channels, cond_channels, kernel_size, dilations): super(ResidualBlock, self).__init__() # input conv std = math.sqrt(1 / channels * init = I.Uniform(-std, std) conv = nn.Conv2d(channels, 2 * channels, kernel_size, dilation=dilations, weight_attr=init, bias_attr=init) self.conv = nn.utils.weight_norm(conv) # condition projection std = math.sqrt(1 / cond_channels) init = I.Uniform(-std, std) condition_proj = nn.Conv2d(cond_channels, 2 * channels, (1, 1), weight_attr=init, bias_attr=init) self.condition_proj = nn.utils.weight_norm(condition_proj) # parametric residual & skip connection std = math.sqrt(1 / channels) init = I.Uniform(-std, std) out_proj = nn.Conv2d(channels, 2 * channels, (1, 1), weight_attr=init, bias_attr=init) self.out_proj = nn.utils.weight_norm(out_proj) # specs self.kernel_size = self.conv._kernel_size self.dilations = self.conv._dilation def forward(self, x, condition): receptive_field = tuple( [1 + (k -1) * d for (k, d) in zip(self.kernel_size, self.dilations)]) rh, rw = receptive_field paddings = (rh - 1, 0, (rw - 1) // 2, (rw - 1) // 2) x = self.conv(F.pad2d(x, paddings)) x += self.condition_proj(condition) content, gate = paddle.chunk(x, 2, axis=1) x = paddle.tanh(content) * F.sigmoid(gate) x = self.out_proj(x) res, skip = paddle.chunk(x, 2, axis=1) return res, skip class ResidualNet(nn.LayerList): def __init__(self, n_layer, residual_channels, condition_channels, kernel_size, dilations_h): if len(dilations_h) != n_layer: raise ValueError("number of dilations_h should equals num of layers") super(ResidualNet, self).__init__() for i in range(n_layer): dilation = (dilations_h[i], 2 ** i) layer = ResidualBlock(residual_channels, condition_channels, kernel_size, dilation) self.append(layer) def forward(self, x, condition): skip_connections = [] for layer in self: x, skip = layer(x, condition) skip_connections.append(skip) out = paddle.sum(paddle.stack(skip_connections, 0), 0) return out class Flow(nn.Layer): dilations_dict = { 8: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 16: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 32: [1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2], 64: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 1, 2, 4], 128: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 1] } def __init__(self, n_layers, channels, mel_bands, kernel_size, n_group): super(Flow, self).__init__() # input projection self.first_conv = nn.utils.weight_norm( nn.Conv2d(1, channels, (1, 1), weight_attr=I.Uniform(-1., 1.), bias_attr=I.Uniform(-1., 1.))) # residual net self.resnet = ResidualNet(n_layers, channels, mel_bands, kernel_size, self.dilations_dict[n_group]) # output projection self.last_conv = nn.utils.weight_norm( nn.Conv2d(channels, 2, (1, 1), weight_attr=I.Constant(0.), bias_attr=I.Constant(0.))) def forward(self, x, condition): return self.last_conv(self.resnet(self.first_conv(x), condition)) class WaveFlow(nn.LayerList): def __init__(self, n_flows, n_layers, n_group, channels, mel_bands, kernel_size): if n_group % 2 or n_flows % 2: raise ValueError("number of flows and number of group must be even " "since a permutation along group among flows is used.") super(WaveFlow, self).__init__() for i in range(n_flows): self.append(Flow(n_layers, channels, mel_bands, kernel_size, n_group)) # permutations in h indices = list(range(n_group)) half = n_group // 2 self.perms = [] for i in range(n_flows): if i < n_flows // 2: self.perms.append(indices[::-1]) else: perm = list(reversed(indices[:half])) + list(reversed(indices[half:])) self.perms.append(perm) self.n_group = n_group def trim(self, x, condition): assert condition.shape[-1] >= x.shape[-1] pruned_len = int(x.shape[-1] // self.n_group * self.n_group) if x.shape[-1] > pruned_len: x = x[:, :pruned_len] if condition.shape[-1] > pruned_len: condition = condition[:, :, :pruned_len] return x, condition def forward(self, x, condition): # x: (B, T) # condition: (B, C, T) upsampled condition x, condition = self.trim(x, condition) # transpose to (B, C, h, T //h) layout x = paddle.unsqueeze(paddle.transpose(fold(x, self.n_group), [0, 2, 1]), 1) condition = paddle.transpose(fold(condition, self.n_group), [0, 1, 3, 2]) # flows logs_list = [] for i, layer in enumerate(self): # shiting: z[i, j] depends only on x[