483 lines
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483 lines
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import numpy as np
import math
import paddle
from paddle import fluid
from paddle.fluid import layers as F
from paddle.fluid import initializer as I
from paddle.fluid import dygraph as dg
from .conv import Conv1D
from .weight_norm_hook import weight_norm, remove_weight_norm
def positional_encoding(tensor, start_index, omega):
tensor: a reference tensor we use to get shape. actually only T and C are needed. Shape(B, T, C)
start_index: int, we can actually use start and length to specify them.
omega (B,): speaker position rates
return (B, T, C), position embedding
dtype = omega.dtype
_, length, dimension = tensor.shape
index = F.range(start_index, start_index + length, 1, dtype=dtype)
channel = F.range(0, dimension, 2, dtype=dtype)
p = F.unsqueeze(omega, [1, 2]) \
* F.unsqueeze(index, [1]) \
/ (10000 ** (channel / float(dimension)))
encodings = F.concat([F.sin(p), F.cos(p)], axis=2)
return encodings
class ConvBlock(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, in_channel, kernel_size, causal=False, has_bias=False,
bias_dim=None, keep_prob=1.):
super(ConvBlock, self).__init__()
self.causal = causal
self.keep_prob = keep_prob
self.in_channel = in_channel
self.has_bias = has_bias
std = np.sqrt(4 * keep_prob / (kernel_size * in_channel))
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
padding = "valid" if causal else "same"
conv = Conv1D(in_channel, 2 * in_channel, (kernel_size, ),
self.conv = weight_norm(conv)
if has_bias:
self.bias_affine = dg.Linear(bias_dim, 2 * in_channel)
def forward(self, input, bias=None, padding=None):
input: input feature (B, T, C)
padding: only used when using causal conv, we pad mannually
input_dropped = F.dropout(input, 1. - self.keep_prob,
if self.causal:
assert padding is not None
input_dropped = F.concat([padding, input_dropped], axis=1)
hidden = self.conv(input_dropped)
if self.has_bias:
assert bias is not None
transformed_bias = F.softsign(self.bias_affine(bias))
hidden_embedded = hidden + F.unsqueeze(transformed_bias, [1])
hidden_embedded = hidden
# glu
content, gate = F.split(hidden, num_or_sections=2, dim=-1)
content = hidden_embedded[:, :, :self.in_channel]
hidden = F.sigmoid(gate) * content
# # residual
hidden = F.scale(input + hidden, math.sqrt(0.5))
return hidden
class AffineBlock1(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, has_bias=False, bias_dim=0):
super(AffineBlock1, self).__init__()
std = np.sqrt(1.0 / in_channel)
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
affine = dg.Linear(in_channel, out_channel, param_attr=initializer)
self.affine = weight_norm(affine, dim=-1)
if has_bias:
self.bias_affine = dg.Linear(bias_dim, out_channel)
self.has_bias = has_bias
self.bias_dim = bias_dim
def forward(self, input, bias=None):
input -> (affine + weight_norm) ->hidden
bias -> (affine) -> softsign -> transformed_bis
hidden += transformed_bias
hidden = self.affine(input)
if self.has_bias:
assert bias is not None
transformed_bias = F.softsign(self.bias_affine(bias))
hidden += F.unsqueeze(transformed_bias, [1])
return hidden
class AffineBlock2(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel,
has_bias=False, bias_dim=0, dropout=False, keep_prob=1.):
super(AffineBlock2, self).__init__()
if has_bias:
self.bias_affine = dg.Linear(bias_dim, in_channel)
std = np.sqrt(1.0 / in_channel)
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
affine = dg.Linear(in_channel, out_channel, param_attr=initializer)
self.affine = weight_norm(affine, dim=-1)
self.has_bias = has_bias
self.bias_dim = bias_dim
self.dropout = dropout
self.keep_prob = keep_prob
def forward(self, input, bias=None):
input -> (dropout) ->hidden
bias -> (affine) -> softsign -> transformed_bis
hidden += transformed_bias
hidden -> (affine + weight_norm) -> relu -> hidden
hidden = input
if self.dropout:
hidden = F.dropout(hidden, 1. - self.keep_prob,
if self.has_bias:
assert bias is not None
transformed_bias = F.softsign(self.bias_affine(bias))
hidden += F.unsqueeze(transformed_bias, [1])
hidden = F.relu(self.affine(hidden))
return hidden
class Encoder(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, layers, in_channels, encoder_dim, kernel_size,
has_bias=False, bias_dim=0, keep_prob=1.):
super(Encoder, self).__init__()
self.pre_affine = AffineBlock1(in_channels, encoder_dim, has_bias, bias_dim)
self.convs = dg.LayerList([
ConvBlock(encoder_dim, kernel_size, False, has_bias, bias_dim, keep_prob) \
for _ in range(layers)])
self.post_affine = AffineBlock1(encoder_dim, in_channels, has_bias, bias_dim)
def forward(self, char_embed, speaker_embed=None):
hidden = self.pre_affine(char_embed, speaker_embed)
for layer in self.convs:
hidden = layer(hidden, speaker_embed)
hidden = self.post_affine(hidden, speaker_embed)
keys = hidden
values = F.scale(char_embed + hidden, np.sqrt(0.5))
return keys, values
class AttentionBlock(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, attention_dim, input_dim, position_encoding_weight=1.,
position_rate=1., reduction_factor=1, has_bias=False, bias_dim=0,
super(AttentionBlock, self).__init__()
# positional encoding
omega_default = position_rate / reduction_factor
self.omega_default = omega_default
# multispeaker case
if has_bias:
std = np.sqrt(1.0 / bias_dim)
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
self.q_pos_affine = dg.Linear(bias_dim, 1, param_attr=initializer)
self.k_pos_affine = dg.Linear(bias_dim, 1, param_attr=initializer)
self.omega_initial = self.create_parameter(shape=[1],
# mind the fact that q, k, v have the same feature dimension
# so we can init k_affine and q_affine's weight as the same matrix
# to get a better init attention
init_weight = np.random.normal(size=(input_dim, attention_dim),
scale=np.sqrt(1. / input_dim))
initializer = I.NumpyArrayInitializer(init_weight.astype(np.float32))
# 3 affine transformation to project q, k, v into attention_dim
q_affine = dg.Linear(input_dim, attention_dim,
self.q_affine = weight_norm(q_affine, dim=-1)
k_affine = dg.Linear(input_dim, attention_dim,
self.k_affine = weight_norm(k_affine, dim=-1)
std = np.sqrt(1.0 / input_dim)
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
v_affine = dg.Linear(input_dim, attention_dim, param_attr=initializer)
self.v_affine = weight_norm(v_affine, dim=-1)
std = np.sqrt(1.0 / attention_dim)
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
out_affine = dg.Linear(attention_dim, input_dim, param_attr=initializer)
self.out_affine = weight_norm(out_affine, dim=-1)
self.keep_prob = keep_prob
self.has_bias = has_bias
self.bias_dim = bias_dim
self.attention_dim = attention_dim
self.position_encoding_weight = position_encoding_weight
def forward(self, q, k, v, lengths, speaker_embed, start_index,
force_monotonic=False, prev_coeffs=None, window=None):
# add position encoding as an inductive bias
if self.has_bias: # multi-speaker model
omega_q = 2 * F.sigmoid(
F.squeeze(self.q_pos_affine(speaker_embed), axes=[-1]))
omega_k = 2 * self.omega_initial * F.sigmoid(F.squeeze(
self.k_pos_affine(speaker_embed), axes=[-1]))
else: # single-speaker case
batch_size = q.shape[0]
omega_q = F.ones((batch_size, ), dtype="float32")
omega_k = F.ones((batch_size, ), dtype="float32") * self.omega_default
q += self.position_encoding_weight * positional_encoding(q, start_index, omega_q)
k += self.position_encoding_weight * positional_encoding(k, 0, omega_k)
q, k, v = self.q_affine(q), self.k_affine(k), self.v_affine(v)
activations = F.matmul(q, k, transpose_y=True)
activations /= np.sqrt(self.attention_dim)
if self.training:
# mask the <pad> parts from the encoder
mask = F.sequence_mask(lengths, dtype="float32")
attn_bias = F.scale(1. - mask, -1000)
activations += F.unsqueeze(attn_bias, [1])
elif force_monotonic:
assert window is not None
backward_step, forward_step = window
T_enc = k.shape[1]
batch_size, T_dec, _ = q.shape
# actually T_dec = 1 here
alpha = F.fill_constant((batch_size, T_dec), value=0, dtype="int64") \
if prev_coeffs is None \
else F.argmax(prev_coeffs, axis=-1)
backward = F.sequence_mask(alpha - backward_step, maxlen=T_enc, dtype="bool")
forward = F.sequence_mask(alpha + forward_step, maxlen=T_enc, dtype="bool")
mask = F.cast(F.logical_xor(backward, forward), "float32")
# print("mask's shape:", mask.shape)
attn_bias = F.scale(1. - mask, -1000)
activations += attn_bias
# softmax
coefficients = F.softmax(activations, axis=-1)
# context vector
coefficients = F.dropout(coefficients, 1. - self.keep_prob,
contexts = F.matmul(coefficients, v)
# context normalization
enc_lengths = F.cast(F.unsqueeze(lengths, axes=[1, 2]), "float32")
contexts *= F.sqrt(enc_lengths)
# out affine
contexts = self.out_affine(contexts)
return contexts, coefficients
class Decoder(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, in_channels, reduction_factor, prenet_sizes,
layers, kernel_size, attention_dim,
position_encoding_weight=1., omega=1.,
has_bias=False, bias_dim=0, keep_prob=1.):
super(Decoder, self).__init__()
# prenet-mind the difference of AffineBlock2 and AffineBlock1
c_in = in_channels
self.prenet = dg.LayerList()
for i, c_out in enumerate(prenet_sizes):
affine = AffineBlock2(c_in, c_out, has_bias, bias_dim, dropout=(i!=0), keep_prob=keep_prob)
c_in = c_out
# causal convolutions + multihop attention
decoder_dim = prenet_sizes[-1]
self.causal_convs = dg.LayerList()
self.attention_blocks = dg.LayerList()
for i in range(layers):
conv = ConvBlock(decoder_dim, kernel_size, True, has_bias, bias_dim, keep_prob)
attn = AttentionBlock(attention_dim, decoder_dim, position_encoding_weight, omega, reduction_factor, has_bias, bias_dim, keep_prob)
# output mel spectrogram
output_dim = reduction_factor * in_channels # r * mel_dim
std = np.sqrt(1.0 / decoder_dim)
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
out_affine = dg.Linear(decoder_dim, output_dim, param_attr=initializer)
self.out_affine = weight_norm(out_affine, dim=-1)
if has_bias:
self.out_sp_affine = dg.Linear(bias_dim, output_dim)
self.has_bias = has_bias
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.decoder_dim = decoder_dim
self.reduction_factor = reduction_factor
self.out_channels = output_dim
def forward(self, inputs, keys, values, lengths, start_index, speaker_embed=None,
state=None, force_monotonic_attention=None, coeffs=None, window=(0, 4)):
hidden = inputs
for layer in self.prenet:
hidden = layer(hidden, speaker_embed)
attentions = [] # every layer of (B, T_dec, T_enc) attention
final_state = [] # layers * (B, (k-1)d, C_dec)
batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
causal_padding_shape = (batch_size, self.kernel_size - 1, self.decoder_dim)
for i in range(len(self.causal_convs)):
if state is None:
padding = F.zeros(causal_padding_shape, dtype="float32")
padding = state[i]
new_state = F.concat([padding, hidden], axis=1) # => to be used next step
# causal conv, (B, T, C)
hidden = self.causal_convs[i](hidden, speaker_embed, padding=padding)
# attn
prev_coeffs = None if coeffs is None else coeffs[i]
force_monotonic = False if force_monotonic_attention is None else force_monotonic_attention[i]
context, attention = self.attention_blocks[i](
hidden, keys, values, lengths, speaker_embed,
start_index, force_monotonic, prev_coeffs, window)
# residual connextion (B, T_dec, C_dec)
hidden = F.scale(hidden + context, np.sqrt(0.5))
attentions.append(attention) # layers * (B, T_dec, T_enc)
# new state: shift a step, layers * (B, T, C)
new_state = new_state[:, -(self.kernel_size - 1):, :]
# predict mel spectrogram (B, 1, T_dec, r * C_in)
decoded = self.out_affine(hidden)
if self.has_bias:
decoded *= F.sigmoid(F.unsqueeze(self.out_sp_affine(speaker_embed), [1]))
return decoded, hidden, attentions, final_state
class PostNet(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, layers, in_channels, postnet_dim, kernel_size, out_channels, upsample_factor, has_bias=False, bias_dim=0, keep_prob=1.):
super(PostNet, self).__init__()
self.pre_affine = AffineBlock1(in_channels, postnet_dim, has_bias, bias_dim)
self.convs = dg.LayerList([
ConvBlock(postnet_dim, kernel_size, False, has_bias, bias_dim, keep_prob) for _ in range(layers)
std = np.sqrt(1.0 / postnet_dim)
initializer = I.NormalInitializer(loc=0., scale=std)
post_affine = dg.Linear(postnet_dim, out_channels, param_attr=initializer)
self.post_affine = weight_norm(post_affine, dim=-1)
self.upsample_factor = upsample_factor
def forward(self, hidden, speaker_embed=None):
hidden = self.pre_affine(hidden, speaker_embed)
batch_size, time_steps, channels = hidden.shape # pylint: disable=unused-variable
hidden = F.expand(hidden, [1, 1, self.upsample_factor])
hidden = F.reshape(hidden, [batch_size, -1, channels])
for layer in self.convs:
hidden = layer(hidden, speaker_embed)
spec = self.post_affine(hidden)
return spec
class SpectraNet(dg.Layer):
def __init__(self, char_embedding, speaker_embedding, encoder, decoder, postnet):
super(SpectraNet, self).__init__()
self.char_embedding = char_embedding
self.speaker_embedding = speaker_embedding
self.encoder = encoder
self.decoder = decoder
self.postnet = postnet
def forward(self, text, text_lengths, speakers=None, mel=None, frame_lengths=None,
force_monotonic_attention=None, window=None):
# encode
text_embed = self.char_embedding(text)# no stress embedding here
speaker_embed = F.softsign(self.speaker_embedding(speakers)) if self.speaker_embedding is not None else None
keys, values = self.encoder(text_embed, speaker_embed)
if mel is not None:
return self.teacher_forced_train(keys, values, text_lengths, speaker_embed, mel)
return self.inference(keys, values, text_lengths, speaker_embed, force_monotonic_attention, window)
def teacher_forced_train(self, keys, values, text_lengths, speaker_embed, mel):
# build decoder inputs by shifting over by one frame and add all zero <start> frame
# the mel input is downsampled by a reduction factor
batch_size = mel.shape[0]
mel_input = F.reshape(mel, (batch_size, -1, self.decoder.reduction_factor, self.decoder.in_channels))
zero_frame = F.zeros((batch_size, 1, self.decoder.in_channels), dtype="float32")
# downsample mel input as a regularization
mel_input = F.concat([zero_frame, mel_input[:, :-1, -1, :]], axis=1)
# decoder
decoded, hidden, attentions, final_state = self.decoder(mel_input, keys, values, text_lengths, 0, speaker_embed)
attentions = F.stack(attentions) # (N, B, T_dec, T_encs)
# unfold frames
decoded = F.reshape(decoded, (batch_size, -1, self.decoder.in_channels))
# postnet
refined = self.postnet(hidden, speaker_embed)
return decoded, refined, attentions, final_state
def spec_loss(self, decoded, input, num_frames=None):
if num_frames is None:
l1_loss = F.reduce_mean(F.abs(decoded - input))
# mask the <pad> part of the decoder
num_channels = decoded.shape[-1]
l1_loss = F.abs(decoded - input)
mask = F.sequence_mask(num_frames, dtype="float32")
l1_loss *= F.unsqueeze(mask, axes=[-1])
l1_loss = F.reduce_sum(l1_loss) / F.scale(F.reduce_sum(mask), num_channels)
return l1_loss
def inference(self, keys, values, text_lengths, speaker_embed,
force_monotonic_attention, window):
MAX_STEP = 500
# layer index of the first monotonic attention
num_monotonic_attention_layers = sum(force_monotonic_attention)
first_mono_attention_layer = 0
if num_monotonic_attention_layers > 0:
for i, item in enumerate(force_monotonic_attention):
if item:
first_mono_attention_layer = i
# stop cond (if would be more complicated to support minibatch autoregressive decoding)
# so we only supports batch_size == 0 in inference
def should_continue(i, mel_input, outputs, hidden, attention, state, coeffs):
T_enc = coeffs.shape[-1]
attn_peak = F.argmax(coeffs[first_mono_attention_layer, 0, 0]) \
if num_monotonic_attention_layers > 0 \
else F.fill_constant([1], "int64", value=0)
return i < MAX_STEP and F.reshape(attn_peak, [1]) < T_enc - 1
def loop_body(i, mel_input, outputs, hiddens, attentions, state=None, coeffs=None):
# state is None coeffs is None for the first step
decoded, hidden, new_coeffs, new_state = self.decoder(
mel_input, keys, values, text_lengths, i, speaker_embed,
state, force_monotonic_attention, coeffs, window)
new_coeffs = F.stack(new_coeffs) # (N, B, T_dec=1, T_enc)
attentions.append(new_coeffs) # (N, B, T_dec=1, T_enc)
outputs.append(decoded) # (B, T_dec=1, rC_mel)
hiddens.append(hidden) # (B, T_dec=1, C_dec)
# slice the last frame out of r generated frames to be used as the input for the next step
batch_size = mel_input.shape[0]
frames = F.reshape(decoded, [batch_size, -1, self.decoder.reduction_factor, self.decoder.in_channels])
input_frame = frames[:, :, -1, :]
return (i + 1, input_frame, outputs, hiddens, attentions, new_state, new_coeffs)
i = 0
batch_size = keys.shape[0]
input_frame = F.zeros((batch_size, 1, self.decoder.in_channels), dtype="float32")
outputs = []
hiddens = []
attentions = []
loop_state = loop_body(i, input_frame, outputs, hiddens, attentions)
while should_continue(*loop_state):
loop_state = loop_body(*loop_state)
outputs, hiddens, attention = loop_state[2], loop_state[3], loop_state[4]
# concat decoder timesteps
outputs = F.concat(outputs, axis=1)
hiddens = F.concat(hiddens, axis=1)
attention = F.concat(attention, axis=2)
# unfold frames
outputs = F.reshape(outputs, (batch_size, -1, self.decoder.in_channels))
refined = self.postnet(hiddens, speaker_embed)
return outputs, refined, attention