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PaddlePaddle dynamic graph implementation of Fastspeech, a feed-forward network based on Transformer. The implementation is based on FastSpeech: Fast, Robust and Controllable Text to Speech.


We experiment with the LJSpeech dataset. Download and unzip LJSpeech.

tar xjvf LJSpeech-1.1.tar.bz2

Model Architecture

FastSpeech model architecture

FastSpeech is a feed-forward structure based on Transformer, instead of using the encoder-attention-decoder based architecture. This model extracts attention alignments from an encoder-decoder based teacher model for phoneme duration prediction, which is used by a length regulator to expand the source phoneme sequence to match the length of the target mel-spectrogram sequence for parallel mel-spectrogram generation. We use the TransformerTTS as teacher model. The model consists of encoder, decoder and length regulator three parts.

Project Structure

├── config                 # yaml configuration files
├──           # script to synthesize waveform from text
├──               # script for model training

Saving & Loading have 3 arguments in common, --checkpooint, iteration and output.

  1. output is the directory for saving results. During training, checkpoints are saved in checkpoints/ in output and tensorboard log is save in log/ in output. During synthesis, results are saved in samples/ in output and tensorboard log is save in log/ in output.

  2. --checkpoint and --iteration for loading from existing checkpoint. Loading existing checkpoiont follows the following rule: If --checkpoint is provided, the checkpoint specified by --checkpoint is loaded. If --checkpoint is not provided, we try to load the model specified by --iteration from the checkpoint directory. If --iteration is not provided, we try to load the latested checkpoint from checkpoint directory.

Compute Phoneme Duration

A ground truth duration of each phoneme (number of frames in the spectrogram that correspond to that phoneme) should be provided when training a FastSpeech model.

We compute the ground truth duration of each phomemes in this way: We extract the encoder-decoder attention alignment from a trained Transformer TTS model; Each frame is considered corresponding to the phoneme that receive the most attention;

You can run alignments/ to get it.

cd alignments
python \
--use_gpu=1 \
--output='./alignments' \
--data=${DATAPATH} \
--config=${CONFIG} \
--checkpoint_transformer=${CHECKPOINT} \

where ${DATAPATH} is the path saved LJSpeech data, ${CHECKPOINT} is the pretrain model path of TransformerTTS, ${CONFIG} is the config yaml file of TransformerTTS checkpoint. It is necessary for you to prepare a pre-trained TranformerTTS checkpoint.

For more help on arguments: python --help.

Or you can use your own phoneme duration, you just need to process the data into the following format:

{'fname1': alignment1,
'fname2': alignment2,

Train FastSpeech

FastSpeech model can be trained with

python \
--use_gpu=1 \
--data=${DATAPATH} \
--alignments_path=${ALIGNMENTS_PATH} \
--output='./experiment' \
--config='configs/ljspeech.yaml' \

Or you can run the script file directly.


If you want to train on multiple GPUs, start training as follows:

python -m paddle.distributed.launch --selected_gpus=0,1,2,3 --log_dir ./mylog \
--use_gpu=1 \
--data=${DATAPATH} \
--alignments_path=${ALIGNMENTS_PATH} \
--output='./experiment' \
--config='configs/ljspeech.yaml' \

If you wish to resume from an existing model, See Saving-&-Loading for details of checkpoint loading.

For more help on arguments: python --help.


After training the FastSpeech, audio can be synthesized with

python \
--use_gpu=1 \
--alpha=1.0 \
--checkpoint='./checkpoint/fastspeech/step-120000' \
--config='configs/ljspeech.yaml' \
--config_clarine='../clarinet/configs/config.yaml' \
--checkpoint_clarinet='../clarinet/checkpoint/step-500000' \
--output='./synthesis' \

We use Clarinet to synthesis wav, so it necessary for you to prepare a pre-trained Clarinet checkpoint.

Or you can run the script file directly.


For more help on arguments: python --help.