PaddlePaddle dynamic graph implementation of WaveNet, a convolutional network based vocoder. WaveNet is originally proposed in [WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio]( However, in this experiment, the implementation follows the teacher model in [ClariNet: Parallel Wave Generation in End-to-End Text-to-Speech](
`` and `` have 3 arguments in common, `--checkpooint`, `iteration` and `output`.
1.`output` is the directory for saving results.
During training, checkpoints are saved in `checkpoints/` in `output` and tensorboard log is save in `log/` in `output`. Other possible outputs are saved in `states/` in `outuput`.
During synthesizing, audio files and other possible outputs are save in `synthesis/` in `output`.
So after training and synthesizing with the same output directory, the file structure of the output directory looks like this.
├── checkpoints/ # checkpoint directory (including *.pdparams, *.pdopt and a text file `checkpoint` that records the latest checkpoint)
├── states/ # audio files generated at validation and other possible outputs
├── log/ # tensorboard log
└── synthesis/ # synthesized audio files and other possible outputs
2.`--checkpoint` and `--iteration` for loading from existing checkpoint. Loading existing checkpoiont follows the following rule:
If `--checkpoint` is provided, the checkpoint specified by `--checkpoint` is loaded.
If `--checkpoint` is not provided, we try to load the model specified by `--iteration` from the checkpoint directory. If `--iteration` is not provided, we try to load the latested checkpoint from checkpoint directory.
-`--config` is the configuration file to use. The provided configurations can be used directly. And you can change some values in the configuration file and train the model with a different config.
-`--device` is the device (gpu id) to use for training. `-1` means CPU.
-`--data` is the path of the LJspeech dataset. In principle, a dataset is not needed for synthesis, but since the input is mel spectrogram, we need to get mel spectrogram from audio files.