import math from tqdm import trange import paddle from paddle import nn from paddle.nn import functional as F from paddle.nn import initializer as I import parakeet from parakeet.modules.attention import _split_heads, _concat_heads, drop_head, scaled_dot_product_attention from parakeet.modules.transformer import PositionwiseFFN from parakeet.modules import masking from parakeet.modules.conv import Conv1dBatchNorm from parakeet.modules import positional_encoding as pe from parakeet.modules import losses as L __all__ = ["TransformerTTS", "TransformerTTSLoss"] # Transformer TTS's own implementation of transformer class MultiheadAttention(nn.Layer): """ Multihead scaled dot product attention with drop head. See [Scheduled DropHead: A Regularization Method for Transformer Models]( for details. Another deviation is that it concats the input query and context vector before applying the output projection. """ def __init__(self, model_dim, num_heads, k_dim=None, v_dim=None, k_input_dim=None, v_input_dim=None): """ Args: model_dim (int): the feature size of query. num_heads (int): the number of attention heads. k_dim (int, optional): feature size of the key of each scaled dot product attention. If not provided, it is set to model_dim / num_heads. Defaults to None. v_dim (int, optional): feature size of the key of each scaled dot product attention. If not provided, it is set to model_dim / num_heads. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: if model_dim is not divisible by num_heads """ super(MultiheadAttention, self).__init__() if model_dim % num_heads !=0: raise ValueError("model_dim must be divisible by num_heads") depth = model_dim // num_heads k_dim = k_dim or depth v_dim = v_dim or depth k_input_dim = k_input_dim or model_dim v_input_dim = v_input_dim or model_dim self.affine_q = nn.Linear(model_dim, num_heads * k_dim) self.affine_k = nn.Linear(k_input_dim, num_heads * k_dim) self.affine_v = nn.Linear(v_input_dim, num_heads * v_dim) self.affine_o = nn.Linear(model_dim + num_heads * v_dim, model_dim) self.num_heads = num_heads self.model_dim = model_dim def forward(self, q, k, v, mask, drop_n_heads=0): """ Compute context vector and attention weights. Args: q (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_q, model_dim), the queries. k (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_k, model_dim), the keys. v (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_k, model_dim), the values. mask (Tensor): shape(batch_size, times_steps_q, time_steps_k) or broadcastable shape, dtype: float32 or float64, the mask. Returns: (out, attention_weights) out (Tensor), shape(batch_size, time_steps_q, model_dim), the context vector. attention_weights (Tensor): shape(batch_size, times_steps_q, time_steps_k), the attention weights. """ q_in = q q = _split_heads(self.affine_q(q), self.num_heads) # (B, h, T, C) k = _split_heads(self.affine_k(k), self.num_heads) v = _split_heads(self.affine_v(v), self.num_heads) if mask is not None: mask = paddle.unsqueeze(mask, 1) # unsqueeze for the h dim context_vectors, attention_weights = scaled_dot_product_attention( q, k, v, mask, context_vectors = drop_head(context_vectors, drop_n_heads, context_vectors = _concat_heads(context_vectors) # (B, T, h*C) concat_feature = paddle.concat([q_in, context_vectors], -1) out = self.affine_o(concat_feature) return out, attention_weights class TransformerEncoderLayer(nn.Layer): """ Transformer encoder layer. """ def __init__(self, d_model, n_heads, d_ffn, dropout=0.): """ Args: d_model (int): the feature size of the input, and the output. n_heads (int): the number of heads in the internal MultiHeadAttention layer. d_ffn (int): the hidden size of the internal PositionwiseFFN. dropout (float, optional): the probability of the dropout in MultiHeadAttention and PositionwiseFFN. Defaults to 0. """ super(TransformerEncoderLayer, self).__init__() self.self_mha = MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_heads) self.layer_norm1 = nn.LayerNorm([d_model], epsilon=1e-6) self.ffn = PositionwiseFFN(d_model, d_ffn, dropout) self.layer_norm2 = nn.LayerNorm([d_model], epsilon=1e-6) self.dropout = dropout def _forward_mha(self, x, mask, drop_n_heads): # PreLN scheme: Norm -> SubLayer -> Dropout -> Residual x_in = x x = self.layer_norm1(x) context_vector, attn_weights = self.self_mha(x, x, x, mask, drop_n_heads) context_vector = x_in + F.dropout(context_vector, self.dropout, return context_vector, attn_weights def _forward_ffn(self, x): # PreLN scheme: Norm -> SubLayer -> Dropout -> Residual x_in = x x = self.layer_norm2(x) x = self.ffn(x) out= x_in + F.dropout(x, self.dropout, return out def forward(self, x, mask, drop_n_heads=0): """ Args: x (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps, d_model), the decoder input. mask (Tensor): shape(batch_size, 1, time_steps), the padding mask. Returns: (x, attn_weights) x (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps, d_model), the decoded. attn_weights (Tensor), shape(batch_size, n_heads, time_steps, time_steps), self attention. """ x, attn_weights = self._forward_mha(x, mask, drop_n_heads) x = self._forward_ffn(x) return x, attn_weights class TransformerDecoderLayer(nn.Layer): """ Transformer decoder layer. """ def __init__(self, d_model, n_heads, d_ffn, dropout=0., d_encoder=None): """ Args: d_model (int): the feature size of the input, and the output. n_heads (int): the number of heads in the internal MultiHeadAttention layer. d_ffn (int): the hidden size of the internal PositionwiseFFN. dropout (float, optional): the probability of the dropout in MultiHeadAttention and PositionwiseFFN. Defaults to 0. """ super(TransformerDecoderLayer, self).__init__() self.self_mha = MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_heads) self.layer_norm1 = nn.LayerNorm([d_model], epsilon=1e-6) self.cross_mha = MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_heads, k_input_dim=d_encoder, v_input_dim=d_encoder) self.layer_norm2 = nn.LayerNorm([d_model], epsilon=1e-6) self.ffn = PositionwiseFFN(d_model, d_ffn, dropout) self.layer_norm3 = nn.LayerNorm([d_model], epsilon=1e-6) self.dropout = dropout def _forward_self_mha(self, x, mask, drop_n_heads): # PreLN scheme: Norm -> SubLayer -> Dropout -> Residual x_in = x x = self.layer_norm1(x) context_vector, attn_weights = self.self_mha(x, x, x, mask, drop_n_heads) context_vector = x_in + F.dropout(context_vector, self.dropout, return context_vector, attn_weights def _forward_cross_mha(self, q, k, v, mask, drop_n_heads): # PreLN scheme: Norm -> SubLayer -> Dropout -> Residual q_in = q q = self.layer_norm2(q) context_vector, attn_weights = self.cross_mha(q, k, v, mask, drop_n_heads) context_vector = q_in + F.dropout(context_vector, self.dropout, return context_vector, attn_weights def _forward_ffn(self, x): # PreLN scheme: Norm -> SubLayer -> Dropout -> Residual x_in = x x = self.layer_norm3(x) x = self.ffn(x) out= x_in + F.dropout(x, self.dropout, return out def forward(self, q, k, v, encoder_mask, decoder_mask, drop_n_heads=0): """ Args: q (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_q, d_model), the decoder input. k (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_k, d_model), keys. v (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_k, d_model), values encoder_mask (Tensor): shape(batch_size, 1, time_steps_k) encoder padding mask. decoder_mask (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_q, time_steps_q) or broadcastable shape, decoder padding mask. Returns: (q, self_attn_weights, cross_attn_weights) q (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_q, d_model), the decoded. self_attn_weights (Tensor), shape(batch_size, n_heads, time_steps_q, time_steps_q), decoder self attention. cross_attn_weights (Tensor), shape(batch_size, n_heads, time_steps_q, time_steps_k), decoder-encoder cross attention. """ q, self_attn_weights = self._forward_self_mha(q, decoder_mask, drop_n_heads) q, cross_attn_weights = self._forward_cross_mha(q, k, v, encoder_mask, drop_n_heads) q = self._forward_ffn(q) return q, self_attn_weights, cross_attn_weights class TransformerEncoder(nn.LayerList): def __init__(self, d_model, n_heads, d_ffn, n_layers, dropout=0.): super(TransformerEncoder, self).__init__() for _ in range(n_layers): self.append(TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model, n_heads, d_ffn, dropout)) def forward(self, x, mask, drop_n_heads=0): """ Args: x (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps, feature_size), the input tensor. mask (Tensor): shape(batch_size, 1, time_steps), the mask. drop_n_heads (int, optional): how many heads to drop. Defaults to 0. Returns: x (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps, feature_size), the context vector. attention_weights(list), list of tensors, each of shape (batch_size, n_heads, time_steps, time_steps), the attention weights. """ attention_weights = [] for layer in self: x, attention_weights_i = layer(x, mask, drop_n_heads) attention_weights.append(attention_weights_i) return x, attention_weights class TransformerDecoder(nn.LayerList): def __init__(self, d_model, n_heads, d_ffn, n_layers, dropout=0., d_encoder=None): super(TransformerDecoder, self).__init__() for _ in range(n_layers): self.append(TransformerDecoderLayer(d_model, n_heads, d_ffn, dropout, d_encoder=d_encoder)) def forward(self, q, k, v, encoder_mask, decoder_mask, drop_n_heads=0): """[summary] Args: q (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_q, d_model) k (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_k, d_encoder) v (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_k, k_encoder) encoder_mask (Tensor): shape(batch_size, 1, time_steps_k) decoder_mask (Tensor): shape(batch_size, time_steps_q, time_steps_q) drop_n_heads (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0. Returns: [type]: [description] """ self_attention_weights = [] cross_attention_weights = [] for layer in self: q, self_attention_weights_i, cross_attention_weights_i = layer(q, k, v, encoder_mask, decoder_mask, drop_n_heads) self_attention_weights.append(self_attention_weights_i) cross_attention_weights.append(cross_attention_weights_i) return q, self_attention_weights, cross_attention_weights class MLPPreNet(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, d_input, d_hidden, d_output, dropout): # (lin + relu + dropout) * n + last projection super(MLPPreNet, self).__init__() self.lin1 = nn.Linear(d_input, d_hidden) self.lin2 = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_hidden) self.lin3 = nn.Linear(d_output, d_output) self.dropout = dropout def forward(self, x, dropout): l1 = F.dropout(F.relu(self.lin1(x)), self.dropout, l2 = F.dropout(F.relu(self.lin2(l1)), self.dropout, l3 = self.lin3(l2) return l3 # NOTE: not used in class CNNPreNet(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, d_input, d_hidden, d_output, kernel_size, n_layers, dropout=0.): # (conv + bn + relu + dropout) * n + last projection super(CNNPreNet, self).__init__() self.convs = nn.LayerList() c_in = d_input for _ in range(n_layers): self.convs.append( Conv1dBatchNorm(c_in, d_hidden, kernel_size, weight_attr=I.XavierUniform(), padding="same", data_format="NLC")) c_in = d_hidden self.affine_out = nn.Linear(d_hidden, d_output) self.dropout = dropout def forward(self, x): for layer in self.convs: x = F.dropout(F.relu(layer(x)), self.dropout, x = self.affine_out(x) return x class CNNPostNet(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, d_input, d_hidden, d_output, kernel_size, n_layers): super(CNNPostNet, self).__init__() self.convs = nn.LayerList() kernel_size = kernel_size if isinstance(kernel_size, (tuple, list)) else (kernel_size, ) padding = (kernel_size[0] - 1, 0) for i in range(n_layers): c_in = d_input if i == 0 else d_hidden c_out = d_output if i == n_layers - 1 else d_hidden self.convs.append( Conv1dBatchNorm(c_in, c_out, kernel_size, weight_attr=I.XavierUniform(), padding=padding)) # for a layer that ends with a normalization layer that is targeted to # output a non zero-central output, it may take a long time to # train the scale and bias # NOTE: it can also be a non-causal conv def forward(self, x): x_in = x for i, layer in enumerate(self.convs): x = layer(x) if i != (len(self.convs) - 1): x = F.tanh(x) x = x_in + x return x class TransformerTTS(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, frontend: parakeet.frontend.Phonetics, d_encoder: int, d_decoder: int, d_mel: int, n_heads: int, d_ffn: int, encoder_layers: int, decoder_layers: int, d_prenet: int, d_postnet: int, postnet_layers: int, postnet_kernel_size: int, max_reduction_factor: int, decoder_prenet_dropout: float, dropout: float): super(TransformerTTS, self).__init__() # text frontend (text normalization and g2p) self.frontend = frontend # encoder self.encoder_prenet = nn.Embedding( frontend.vocab_size, d_encoder, padding_idx=frontend.vocab.padding_index, weight_attr=I.Uniform(-0.05, 0.05)) # position encoding matrix may be extended later self.encoder_pe = pe.positional_encoding(0, 1000, d_encoder) self.encoder_pe_scalar = self.create_parameter( [1], attr=I.Constant(1.)) self.encoder = TransformerEncoder( d_encoder, n_heads, d_ffn, encoder_layers, dropout) # decoder self.decoder_prenet = MLPPreNet(d_mel, d_prenet, d_decoder, dropout) self.decoder_pe = pe.positional_encoding(0, 1000, d_decoder) self.decoder_pe_scalar = self.create_parameter( [1], attr=I.Constant(1.)) self.decoder = TransformerDecoder( d_decoder, n_heads, d_ffn, decoder_layers, dropout, d_encoder=d_encoder) self.final_proj = nn.Linear(d_decoder, max_reduction_factor * d_mel) self.decoder_postnet = CNNPostNet( d_mel, d_postnet, d_mel, postnet_kernel_size, postnet_layers) self.stop_conditioner = nn.Linear(d_mel, 3) # specs self.padding_idx = frontend.vocab.padding_index self.d_encoder = d_encoder self.d_decoder = d_decoder self.d_mel = d_mel self.max_r = max_reduction_factor self.dropout = dropout self.decoder_prenet_dropout = decoder_prenet_dropout # start and end: though it is only used in predict # it can also be used in training dtype = paddle.get_default_dtype() self.start_vec = paddle.full([1, d_mel], 0.5, dtype=dtype) self.end_vec = paddle.full([1, d_mel], -0.5, dtype=dtype) self.stop_prob_index = 2 # mutables self.r = max_reduction_factor # set it every call self.drop_n_heads = 0 def forward(self, text, mel): encoded, encoder_attention_weights, encoder_mask = self.encode(text) mel_output, mel_intermediate, cross_attention_weights, stop_logits = self.decode(encoded, mel, encoder_mask) outputs = { "mel_output": mel_output, "mel_intermediate": mel_intermediate, "encoder_attention_weights": encoder_attention_weights, "cross_attention_weights": cross_attention_weights, "stop_logits": stop_logits, } return outputs def encode(self, text): T_enc = text.shape[-1] embed = self.encoder_prenet(text) if embed.shape[1] > self.encoder_pe.shape[0]: new_T = max(embed.shape[1], self.encoder_pe.shape[0] * 2) self.encoder_pe = pe.positional_encoding(0, new_T, self.d_encoder) pos_enc = self.encoder_pe[:T_enc, :] # (T, C) x = embed.scale(math.sqrt(self.d_encoder)) + pos_enc * self.encoder_pe_scalar x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout, # TODO(chenfeiyu): unsqueeze a decoder_time_steps=1 for the mask encoder_padding_mask = paddle.unsqueeze( masking.id_mask(text, self.padding_idx, dtype=x.dtype), 1) x, attention_weights = self.encoder(x, encoder_padding_mask, self.drop_n_heads) return x, attention_weights, encoder_padding_mask def decode(self, encoder_output, input, encoder_padding_mask): batch_size, T_dec, mel_dim = input.shape x = self.decoder_prenet(input, self.decoder_prenet_dropout) # twice its length if needed if x.shape[1] * self.r > self.decoder_pe.shape[0]: new_T = max(x.shape[1] * self.r, self.decoder_pe.shape[0] * 2) self.decoder_pe = pe.positional_encoding(0, new_T, self.d_decoder) pos_enc = self.decoder_pe[:T_dec*self.r:self.r, :] x = x.scale(math.sqrt(self.d_decoder)) + pos_enc * self.decoder_pe_scalar x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout, no_future_mask = masking.future_mask(T_dec, dtype=input.dtype) decoder_padding_mask = masking.feature_mask(input, axis=-1, dtype=input.dtype) decoder_mask = masking.combine_mask(decoder_padding_mask.unsqueeze(-1), no_future_mask) decoder_output, _, cross_attention_weights = self.decoder( x, encoder_output, encoder_output, encoder_padding_mask, decoder_mask, self.drop_n_heads) # use only parts of it output_proj = self.final_proj(decoder_output)[:, :, : self.r * mel_dim] mel_intermediate = paddle.reshape(output_proj, [batch_size, -1, mel_dim]) stop_logits = self.stop_conditioner(mel_intermediate) # cnn postnet mel_channel_first = paddle.transpose(mel_intermediate, [0, 2, 1]) mel_output = self.decoder_postnet(mel_channel_first) mel_output = paddle.transpose(mel_output, [0, 2, 1]) return mel_output, mel_intermediate, cross_attention_weights, stop_logits def predict(self, input, raw_input=True, max_length=1000, verbose=True): """Predict log scale magnitude mel spectrogram from text input. Args: input (Tensor): shape (T), dtype int, input text sequencce. max_length (int, optional): max decoder steps. Defaults to 1000. verbose (bool, optional): display progress bar. Defaults to True. """ if raw_input: text_ids = paddle.to_tensor(self.frontend(input)) text_input = paddle.unsqueeze(text_ids, 0) # (1, T) else: text_input = input decoder_input = paddle.unsqueeze(self.start_vec, 0) # (B=1, T, C) decoder_output = paddle.unsqueeze(self.start_vec, 0) # (B=1, T, C) # encoder the text sequence encoder_output, encoder_attentions, encoder_padding_mask = self.encode(text_input) for _ in trange(int(max_length // self.r) + 1): mel_output, _, cross_attention_weights, stop_logits = self.decode( encoder_output, decoder_input, encoder_padding_mask) # extract last step and append it to decoder input decoder_input = paddle.concat([decoder_input, mel_output[:, -1:, :]], 1) # extract last r steps and append it to decoder output decoder_output = paddle.concat([decoder_output, mel_output[:, -self.r:, :]], 1) # stop condition? if paddle.any(paddle.argmax(stop_logits[0, :, :], axis=-1) == self.stop_prob_index): if verbose: print("Hits stop condition.") break mel_output = decoder_output[:, 1:, :] outputs = { "mel_output": mel_output, "encoder_attention_weights": encoder_attentions, "cross_attention_weights": cross_attention_weights, } return outputs def set_constants(self, reduction_factor, drop_n_heads): self.r = reduction_factor self.drop_n_heads = drop_n_heads class TransformerTTSLoss(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, stop_loss_scale): super(TransformerTTSLoss, self).__init__() self.stop_loss_scale = stop_loss_scale def forward(self, mel_output, mel_intermediate, mel_target, stop_logits, stop_probs): mask = masking.feature_mask(mel_target, axis=-1, dtype=mel_target.dtype) mask1 = paddle.unsqueeze(mask, -1) mel_loss1 = L.masked_l1_loss(mel_output, mel_target, mask1) mel_loss2 = L.masked_l1_loss(mel_intermediate, mel_target, mask1) mel_len = mask.shape[-1] last_position = F.one_hot(mask.sum(-1).astype("int64") - 1, num_classes=mel_len) mask2 = mask + last_position.scale(self.stop_loss_scale - 1).astype(mask.dtype) stop_loss = L.masked_softmax_with_cross_entropy( stop_logits, stop_probs.unsqueeze(-1), mask2.unsqueeze(-1)) loss = mel_loss1 + mel_loss2 + stop_loss losses = dict( loss=loss, # total loss mel_loss1=mel_loss1, # ouput mel loss mel_loss2=mel_loss2, # intermediate mel loss stop_loss=stop_loss # stop prob loss ) return losses