# WaveFlow with LJSpeech ## Dataset ### Download the datasaet. ```bash wget https://data.keithito.com/data/speech/LJSpeech-1.1.tar.bz2 ``` ### Extract the dataset. ```bash tar xjvf LJSpeech-1.1.tar.bz2 ``` ### Preprocess the dataset. Assume the path to save the preprocessed dataset is `ljspeech_waveflow`. Run the command below to preprocess the dataset. ```bash python preprocess.py --input=LJSpeech-1.1/ --output=ljspeech_waveflow ``` ## Train the model The training script requires 4 command line arguments. `--data` is the path of the training dataset, `--output` is the path of the output directory (we recommend to use a subdirectory in `runs` to manage different experiments.) `--device` should be "cpu" or "gpu", `--nprocs` is the number of processes to train the model in parallel. ```bash python train.py --data=ljspeech_waveflow/ --output=runs/test --device="gpu" --nprocs=1 ``` If you want distributed training, set a larger `--nprocs` (e.g. 4). Note that distributed training with cpu is not supported yet. ## Synthesize Synthesize waveform. We assume the `--input` is a directory containing several mel spectrograms(log magnitude) in `.npy` format. The output would be saved in `--output` directory, containing several `.wav` files, each with the same name as the mel spectrogram does. `--checkpoint_path` should be the path of the parameter file (`.pdparams`) to load. Note that the extention name `.pdparmas` is not included here. `--device` specifies to device to run synthesis on. ```bash python synthesize.py --input=mels/ --output=wavs/ --checkpoint_path='step-2000000' --device="gpu" --verbose ```