upgrade to 1.8.3

This commit is contained in:
oppofind 2020-03-21 20:54:40 +08:00
parent dd8a594a8a
commit 3b73041a19
4 changed files with 143 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -190,8 +190,9 @@
4. 支持@Validated 分组
#### 版本号1.8.3
- 更新日期: 2020-xx
- 更新日期: 2020-03-21
- 更新内容:
1. 增加对gitee #I1C1DF支持
2. 修改smart-doc默认编码为utf-8。
1. 增加从接口方法getter或者setter方法中读取注释。
2. 修改smart-doc默认编码为utf-8解决生成文档乱码问题。
3. 增加对代码中@author tag的支持支持多作者。

View File

@ -25,112 +25,141 @@ Or a static html document. If you are tired of the numerous annotations and stro
This example already provides a static html document generated in advance. You can start the Spring Boot project and then go directly to `http://localhost:8080/doc/api.html` to view the interface documentation generated by smart-doc.
Of course you can also browse `http://localhost:8080/doc/api.html`,
which looks a html like generated by `asciidoctor-maven-plugin` plugin.
### Dependency
#### maven
## Add Maven plugin
Add smart-doc-maven-plugin in your pom.xml.
<!--Specify the configuration file used to generate the document-->
<!--smart-doc implements automatic analysis of the dependency tree to load the source code of third-party dependencies. If some framework dependency libraries are not loaded, an error is reported, then use excludes to exclude-->
<!-The format is: groupId: artifactId; refer to the following->
<!--Comment out phase if you don't need to start smart-doc when compiling-->
#### gradle
testCompile 'com.github.shalousun:smart-doc:[latest]'
### Create a unit test
Just running a unit test will allow Smart-doc to generate a very concise api document for you,
which is much simpler than swagger.
### Create a json config
Create a json configuration file in your project. The smart-doc-maven-plugin plugin will use this configuration information.
For example, create `/src/main/resources/smart-doc.json` in the project.
The configuration contents are as follows.
**Minimize configuration:**
public class ApiDocTest {
public void testBuilderControllersApi() {
ApiConfig config = new ApiConfig();
//If the strict mode is set to true, Smart-doc forces that the public method in each interface in the code has a comment.
//When AllInOne is set to true, the document generation of all interfaces is merged into a Markdown or AsciiDoc document,
// and the error code list is output to the bottom of the document.
//Set the api document output path.
//Generating Markdown documentation
"allInOne": true, // whether to merge documents into one file, generally recommended as true
"isStrict": false,//If the strict mode is set to true, Smart-doc forces that the public method in each interface in the code has a comment.
"outPath": "/src/main/resources" //Set the api document output path.
**Detailed use case:**
public class ApiDocTest {
Only three configuration items are required to use the smart-doc-maven-plugin to generate API documentation. In fact, only outPath must be configured.
public void testBuilderControllersApi() {
ApiConfig config = new ApiConfig();
//If the strict mode is set to true, Smart-doc forces that the public method in each interface in the code has a comment.
//When AllInOne is set to true, the document generation of all interfaces is merged into a Markdown or AsciiDoc document,
// and the error code list is output to the bottom of the document.
//Set the api document output path.
//since smart-doc 1.7.5
//corverd old AllIneOne.md file generated by smart-doc.
//since smart-doc 1.7.9, default is true
//since smart-doc 1.7.5
//set project name
config.setProjectName("Your project name");
// If you do not configure PackageFilters, it matches all controllers by default.
// Configure multiple controller paths to be separated by commas
//Set the request header, if there is no request header, you don't need to set it.
.setDesc("Basic auth credentials").setRequired(true).setSince("v1.1.0"),
ApiReqHeader.header().setName("user_uuid").setType("string").setDesc("User Uuid key")
//Output a list of error codes in the project, using for example:
List<ApiErrorCode> errorCodeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (ErrorCodeEnum codeEnum : ErrorCodeEnum.values()) {
ApiErrorCode errorCode = new ApiErrorCode();
//not necessary
//Set the document change record,
//it is not necessary to have the document change record take effect only when setAllInOne is set to true.
//since 1.7.5
//add data dictionary
ApiDataDictionary.dict().setTitle("Order status").setEnumClass(OrderEnum.class).setCodeField("code").setDescField("desc"),
ApiDataDictionary.dict().setTitle("Order status1").setEnumClass(OrderEnum.class).setCodeField("code").setDescField("desc")
//Generating Markdown documentation
**Detailed configuration content:**
When you need to use smart-doc to generate more API document information, you can add detailed configuration content.
  "serverUrl": "", // Set the server address, not required
  "isStrict": false, // whether to enable strict mode
  "allInOne": true, // whether to merge documents into one file, generally recommended as true
  "outPath": "D: // md2", // Specify the output path of the document
  "coverOld": true, // Whether to overwrite old files, mainly used for mardown file overwrite
  "packageFilters": "", // controller package filtering, multiple package names separated by commas
  "md5EncryptedHtmlName": false, // only used if each controller generates an html file
  "projectName": "smart-doc", // Configure your own project name
  "skipTransientField": true, // Not currently implemented
  "dataDictionaries": [// Configure the data dictionary, no need to set
      "title": "Order Status", // The name of the data dictionary
      "enumClassName": "com.power.doc.enums.OrderEnum", // Data dictionary enumeration class name
      "codeField": "code", // The field name corresponding to the data dictionary dictionary code
      "descField": "desc" // Data dictionary object description information dictionary
  "errorCodeDictionaries": [{// error code list, no need to set
    "title": "title",
    "enumClassName": "com.power.doc.enums.ErrorCodeEnum", // Error code enumeration class
    "codeField": "code", // Code field name of the error code
    "descField": "desc" // Field name corresponding to the error code description
  "revisionLogs": [// Set document change records, no need to set
      "version": "1.0", // Document version number
      "status": "update", // Change operation status, generally: create, update, etc.
      "author": "author", // Document change author
      "remarks": "desc" // Change description
  "customResponseFields": [// Customly add fields and comments. If api-doc encounters a field with the same name later, directly add a comment to the corresponding field. It is not necessary.
      "name": "code", // Override the response code field
      "desc": "Response code", // Override field comment of response code
      "value": "00000" // Set the value of the response code
  "requestHeaders": [// Set global request headers, no need to set
      "name": "token",
      "type": "string",
      "desc": "desc",
      "required": false,
      "since": "-"
**Note:** The above json configuration is completely converted into json using the smart-doc's ApiConfig.
So the project configuration can also refer to the introduction of smart-doc.
### Generated document
#### Use Maven command
// Generate html
mvn -Dfile.encoding = UTF-8 smart-doc: html
// Generate markdown
mvn -Dfile.encoding = UTF-8 smart-doc: markdown
// Generate adoc
mvn -Dfile.encoding = UTF-8 smart-doc: adoc
// Generate postman collection
mvn -Dfile.encoding = UTF-8 smart-doc: postman
**Note:** Under the window system, if you use the maven command line to perform document generation,
non-English characters may be garbled, so you need to specify `-Dfile.encoding = UTF-8` during execution.
View maven's coding
# mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.3.3 (7994120775791599e205a5524ec3e0dfe41d4a06; 2015-04-22T19:57:37+08:00)
Maven home: D:\ProgramFiles\maven\bin\..
Java version: 1.8.0_191, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: D:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\jre
Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: GBK
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "dos"
#### Use IntelliJ IDEA
On Use IntelliJ IDE, if you have added smart-doc-maven-plugin to the project,
you can directly find the plugin smart-doc plugin and click to generate API documentation.
## Use Junit Test
You can generate documentation by adding smart-doc dependencies directly to your project and then writing unit tests to start smart-doc.
But we still recommend that you use the smart-doc-maven-plugin plugin.
[Use smart-doc by junit test](https://github.com/smart-doc-group/smart-doc/wiki/Use-smart-doc-by-junit-test)
### Generated document example
#### Interface header rendering
![header](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2019/1231/223538_be45f8a9_144669.png "header.png")
@ -138,14 +167,17 @@ public class ApiDocTest {
![request-params](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2019/1231/223710_88933f55_144669.png "request.png")
#### Response parameter example renderings
![response-fields](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2019/1231/223817_32bea6dc_144669.png "response.png")
## Use Maven Plugin
Smart-doc provides a maven plugin to quickly integrate into the project to generate documentation.
It is recommended that you use plugins instead of the unit tests above. [smart-doc-maven-plugin](https://github.com/shalousun/smart-doc-maven-plugin)
## Building
you can build with the following commands. (Java 1.8 is required to build the master branch)
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
## Contributors
Thanks to the following people who have submitted major pull requests:
- [@zuonidelaowang](https://github.com/zuonidelaowang)
- [@su-qiu](https://github.com/su-qiu)
- [@qinkangdeid](https://github.com/qinkangdeid)
## Other reference
- [Smart-doc manual](https://github.com/shalousun/smart-doc/wiki)

View File

@ -156,8 +156,12 @@ mvn -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 smart-doc:postman
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
## Releases
## Contributors
- [@zuonidelaowang](https://github.com/zuonidelaowang)
- [@su-qiu](https://github.com/su-qiu)
- [@qinkangdeid](https://github.com/qinkangdeid)
## Other reference
- [smart-doc功能使用介绍](https://my.oschina.net/u/1760791/blog/2250962)
- [smart-doc官方wiki](https://gitee.com/sunyurepository/smart-doc/wikis/Home?sort_id=1652800)

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@