1104 lines
57 KiB
1104 lines
57 KiB
package com.power.doc.builder;
import com.power.common.util.CollectionUtil;
import com.power.common.util.JsonFormatUtil;
import com.power.common.util.StringUtil;
import com.power.common.util.UrlUtil;
import com.power.doc.constants.AnnotationConstants;
import com.power.doc.constants.DocTags;
import com.power.doc.constants.GlobalConstants;
import com.power.doc.model.*;
import com.power.doc.utils.DocClassUtil;
import com.power.doc.utils.DocUtil;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.JavaProjectBuilder;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class SourceBuilder {
private static final String IGNORE_TAG = "ignore";
private static final String GET_MAPPING = "GetMapping";
private static final String POST_MAPPING = "PostMapping";
private static final String PUT_MAPPING = "PutMapping";
private static final String DELETE_MAPPING = "DeleteMapping";
private static final String REQUEST_MAPPING = "RequestMapping";
private static final String REQUEST_BODY = "RequestBody";
private static final String REQUEST_PARAM = "RequestParam";
private static final String JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
private static final String MAP_CLASS = "java.util.Map";
public Map<String, JavaClass> javaFilesMap = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, CustomRespField> fieldMap = new HashMap<>();
private JavaProjectBuilder builder;
private Collection<JavaClass> javaClasses;
private boolean isStrict;//严格模式
private String packageMatch;
private List<ApiReqHeader> headers;
private String appUrl;
* if isStrict value is true,it while check all method
* @param isStrict strict flag
public SourceBuilder(boolean isStrict) {
this.isStrict = isStrict;
* use custom config
* @param config config
public SourceBuilder(ApiConfig config) {
if (null == config) {
throw new NullPointerException("ApiConfig can't be null.");
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(config.getServerUrl())) {
this.appUrl = "http://{server}";
} else {
this.appUrl = config.getServerUrl();
this.packageMatch = config.getPackageFilters();
this.isStrict = config.isStrict();
this.headers = config.getRequestHeaders();
if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(config.getCustomResponseFields())) {
for (CustomRespField field : config.getCustomResponseFields()) {
fieldMap.put(field.getName(), field);
* 加载项目的源代码
* @param paths list of SourcePath
private void loadJavaFiles(List<SourcePath> paths) {
JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(paths)) {
builder.addSourceTree(new File("src/main/java"));
} else {
for (SourcePath path : paths) {
if (null == path) {
String strPath = path.getPath();
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(strPath)) {
strPath = strPath.replace("\\", "/");
builder.addSourceTree(new File(strPath));
this.builder = builder;
this.javaClasses = builder.getClasses();
for (JavaClass cls : javaClasses) {
javaFilesMap.put(cls.getFullyQualifiedName(), cls);
* 检测controller上的注解
* @param cls
* @return
private boolean checkController(JavaClass cls) {
List<JavaAnnotation> classAnnotations = cls.getAnnotations();
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : classAnnotations) {
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getName();
if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_CONTROLLER.equals(annotationName)
|| AnnotationConstants.SHORT_REST_CONTROLLER.equals(annotationName)
|| GlobalConstants.REST_CONTROLLER_FULLY.equals(annotationName)
|| GlobalConstants.CONTROLLER_FULLY.equals(annotationName)
) {
return true;
return false;
* 检查是否是rest controller
* @param cls The JavaClass object
* @return boolean
private boolean isRestController(JavaClass cls) {
List<JavaAnnotation> classAnnotations = cls.getAnnotations();
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : classAnnotations) {
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getName();
if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_REST_CONTROLLER.equals(annotationName)) {
return true;
return false;
public List<ApiDoc> getControllerApiData() {
List<ApiDoc> apiDocList = new ArrayList<>();
for (JavaClass cls : javaClasses) {
if (checkController(cls)) {
String controllerName = cls.getName();
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(packageMatch)) {
if (DocUtil.isMatch(packageMatch, cls.getCanonicalName())) {
List<ApiMethodDoc> apiMethodDocs = buildControllerMethod(cls);
ApiDoc apiDoc = new ApiDoc();
} else {
List<ApiMethodDoc> apiMethodDocs = buildControllerMethod(cls);
ApiDoc apiDoc = new ApiDoc();
return apiDocList;
* 包括包名
* @param controller controller的名称
* @return ApiDoc
public ApiDoc getSingleControllerApiData(String controller) {
if (!javaFilesMap.containsKey(controller)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find " + controller + " in your project");
JavaClass cls = builder.getClassByName(controller);
if (checkController(cls)) {
String controllerName = cls.getName();
List<ApiMethodDoc> apiMethodDocs = buildControllerMethod(cls);
ApiDoc apiDoc = new ApiDoc();
return apiDoc;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(controller + " is not a Controller in your project");
public List<ApiMethodDoc> buildControllerMethod(final JavaClass cls) {
List<JavaAnnotation> classAnnotations = cls.getAnnotations();
String baseUrl = null;
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : classAnnotations) {
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getName();
if (REQUEST_MAPPING.equals(annotationName) || GlobalConstants.REQUEST_MAPPING_FULLY.equals(annotationName)) {
baseUrl = annotation.getNamedParameter("value").toString();
baseUrl = baseUrl.replaceAll("\"", "");
List<JavaMethod> methods = cls.getMethods();
List<ApiMethodDoc> methodDocList = new ArrayList<>(methods.size());
for (JavaMethod method : methods) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(method.getComment()) && isStrict) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find comment for method " + method.getName() + " in " + cls.getCanonicalName());
ApiMethodDoc apiMethodDoc = new ApiMethodDoc();
List<JavaAnnotation> annotations = method.getAnnotations();
String url = null;
String methodType = null;
int methodCounter = 0;
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : annotations) {
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getName();
if (REQUEST_MAPPING.equals(annotationName) || GlobalConstants.REQUEST_MAPPING_FULLY.equals(annotationName)) {
url = DocUtil.handleMappingValue(annotation);
if (null != annotation.getNamedParameter("method")) {
methodType = annotation.getNamedParameter("method").toString();
methodType = DocUtil.handleHttpMethod(methodType);
} else {
methodType = "GET";
} else if (GET_MAPPING.equals(annotationName) || GlobalConstants.GET_MAPPING_FULLY.equals(annotationName)) {
url = DocUtil.handleMappingValue(annotation);
methodType = "GET";
} else if (POST_MAPPING.equals(annotationName) || GlobalConstants.POST_MAPPING_FULLY.equals(annotationName)) {
url = DocUtil.handleMappingValue(annotation);
methodType = "POST";
} else if (PUT_MAPPING.equals(annotationName) || GlobalConstants.PUT_MAPPING_FULLY.equals(annotationName)) {
url = DocUtil.handleMappingValue(annotation);
methodType = "PUT";
} else if (DELETE_MAPPING.equals(annotationName) || GlobalConstants.DELETE_MAPPING_FULLY.equals(annotationName)) {
url = DocUtil.handleMappingValue(annotation);
methodType = "DELETE";
if (methodCounter > 0) {
// if ("void".equals(method.getReturnType().getFullyQualifiedName())) {
// throw new RuntimeException(method.getName() + " method in " + cls.getCanonicalName() + " can't be return type 'void'");
// }
if (null != method.getTagByName(IGNORE_TAG)) {
url = url.replaceAll("\"", "").trim();
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(baseUrl)) {
baseUrl = StringUtils.equals("/", baseUrl.subSequence(0, 1)) ? baseUrl : "/" + baseUrl;
apiMethodDoc.setUrl(this.appUrl + (baseUrl + "/" + url).replace("//", "/"));
} else {
url = StringUtils.equals("/", url.subSequence(0, 1)) ? url : "/" + url;
apiMethodDoc.setUrl(this.appUrl + (url).replace("//", "/"));
String comment = getCommentTag(method, "param", cls.getCanonicalName());
String requestJson = buildReqJson(method, apiMethodDoc);
apiMethodDoc.setResponseUsage(buildReturnJson(method, this.fieldMap));
String str = buildMethodReturn(method, cls.getGenericFullyQualifiedName());
return methodDocList;
* create request headers
* @param headers Api request headers
* @return headers
private String createHeaders(List<ApiReqHeader> headers) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(headers)) {
headers = new ArrayList<>(0);
for (ApiReqHeader header : headers) {
return builder.toString();
private String buildMethodReturn(JavaMethod method, String controllerName) {
String returnType = method.getReturnType().getGenericCanonicalName();
String typeName = method.getReturnType().getFullyQualifiedName();
if (DocClassUtil.isMvcIgnoreParams(typeName)) {
if (GlobalConstants.MODE_AND_VIEW_FULLY.equals(typeName)) {
return null;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("smart-doc can't support " + typeName + " as method return in " + controllerName);
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(typeName)) {
return primitiveReturnRespComment(DocClassUtil.processTypeNameForParams(typeName));
if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(typeName)) {
if (returnType.contains("<")) {
String gicName = returnType.substring(returnType.indexOf("<") + 1, returnType.lastIndexOf(">"));
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName)) {
return primitiveReturnRespComment("array of " + DocClassUtil.processTypeNameForParams(gicName));
String param = buildParams(gicName, "", 0, null, fieldMap, true);
return param;
} else {
return null;
if (DocClassUtil.isMap(typeName)) {
String[] keyValue = DocClassUtil.getMapKeyValueType(returnType);
if (keyValue.length == 0) {
return null;
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(keyValue[1])) {
return primitiveReturnRespComment("key value");
String param = buildParams(keyValue[1], "", 0, null, fieldMap, true);
return param;
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(returnType)) {
String param = buildParams(returnType, "", 0, null, fieldMap, true);
return param;
return null;
* @param className class name
* @param pre pre
* @param i counter
* @param isRequired required flag
* @param responseFieldMap response map
* @param isResp response flag
* @return params
private String buildParams(String className, String pre, int i, String isRequired,
Map<String, CustomRespField> responseFieldMap, boolean isResp) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(className)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Class name can't be null or empty.");
StringBuilder params0 = new StringBuilder();
String simpleName = DocClassUtil.getSimpleName(className);
String[] globGicName = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(className);
JavaClass cls = builder.getClassByName(simpleName);
List<JavaField> fields = getFields(cls, 0);
int n = 0;
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(simpleName)) {
} else if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(simpleName) || DocClassUtil.isArray(simpleName)) {
if (!DocClassUtil.isCollection(globGicName[0])) {
String gicName = globGicName[0];
if (DocClassUtil.isArray(gicName)) {
gicName = gicName.substring(0, gicName.indexOf("["));
params0.append(buildParams(gicName, pre, i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else if (DocClassUtil.isMap(simpleName)) {
if (globGicName.length == 2) {
params0.append(buildParams(globGicName[1], pre, i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_OBJECT_FULLY.equals(className)) {
params0.append(pre + "any object|object|");
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(isRequired)) {
params0.append("any object.").append("\n");
} else {
params0.append("any object.").append("|").append(false).append("\n");
} else {
for (JavaField field : fields) {
String fieldName = field.getName();
if (!"serialVersionUID".equals(fieldName)) {
String typeSimpleName = field.getType().getSimpleName();
String subTypeName = field.getType().getFullyQualifiedName();
String fieldGicName = field.getType().getGenericCanonicalName();
List<JavaAnnotation> javaAnnotations = field.getAnnotations();
List<DocletTag> paramTags = field.getTags();
String since = "";//since tag value
if (!isResp) {
for (DocletTag docletTag : paramTags) {
if (DocClassUtil.isIgnoreTag(docletTag.getName())) {
continue out;
} else if (DocTags.SINCE.equals(docletTag.getName())) {
since = docletTag.getValue();
} else {
for (DocletTag docletTag : paramTags) {
if (DocTags.SINCE.equals(docletTag.getName())) {
since = docletTag.getValue();
String strRequired = "false";
int annotationCounter = 0;
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : javaAnnotations) {
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getSimpleName();
if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_JSON_IGNORE.equals(annotationName) && isResp) {
continue out;
} else if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_JSON_FIELD.equals(annotationName) && isResp) {
if (null != annotation.getProperty("serialize")) {
if ("false".equals(annotation.getProperty("serialize").toString())) {
continue out;
} else if (null != annotation.getProperty("name")) {
fieldName = annotation.getProperty("name").toString().replace("\"", "");
} else if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_JSON_PROPERTY.equals(annotationName) && isResp) {
if (null != annotation.getProperty("value")) {
fieldName = annotation.getProperty("value").toString().replace("\"", "");
} else if (DocClassUtil.isJSR303Required(annotationName)) {
strRequired = "true";
break an;
if (annotationCounter < 1) {
for (DocletTag docletTag : paramTags) {
if (DocClassUtil.isRequiredTag(docletTag.getName())) {
strRequired = "true";
break doc;
//cover comment
CustomRespField customResponseField = responseFieldMap.get(field.getName());
String comment;
if (null != customResponseField && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(customResponseField.getDesc())) {
comment = customResponseField.getDesc();
} else {
comment = field.getComment();
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(comment)) {
comment = comment.replace("\n", "<br>");
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(subTypeName)) {
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(comment)) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(isRequired)) {
} else {
} else {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(isRequired)) {
params0.append("No comments found.").append("|").append(since).append("\n");
} else {
params0.append("No comments found.").append("|").append(strRequired)
} else {
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(comment)) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(isRequired)) {
} else {
} else {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(isRequired)) {
params0.append("No comments found.").append("|").append(since).append("\n");
} else {
params0.append("No comments found|").append(strRequired)
StringBuilder preBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
preBuilder.append(" ");
if (DocClassUtil.isMap(subTypeName)) {
String gNameTemp = field.getType().getGenericCanonicalName();
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_MAP_FULLY.equals(gNameTemp)) {
params0.append(preBuilder + "any object|object|any object\n");
String valType = DocClassUtil.getMapKeyValueType(gNameTemp)[1];
if (!DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(valType)) {
if (valType.length() == 1) {
String gicName = (n < globGicName.length) ? globGicName[n] : globGicName[globGicName.length - 1];
if (!DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName) && !simpleName.equals(gicName)) {
params0.append(buildParams(gicName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else {
params0.append(buildParams(valType, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(subTypeName)) {
String gNameTemp = field.getType().getGenericCanonicalName();
String[] gNameArr = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(gNameTemp);
if (gNameArr.length == 0) {
continue out;
String gName = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(gNameTemp)[0];
if (!DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gName)) {
if (!simpleName.equals(gName) && !gName.contains(simpleName)) {
if (gName.length() == 1) {
int len = globGicName.length;
if (len > 0) {
String gicName = (n < len) ? globGicName[n] : globGicName[len - 1];
if (!DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName) && !simpleName.equals(gicName)) {
params0.append(buildParams(gicName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else {
params0.append(buildParams(gName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else if (subTypeName.length() == 1 || GlobalConstants.JAVA_OBJECT_FULLY.equals(subTypeName)) {
if (!simpleName.equals(className)) {
if (n < globGicName.length) {
String gicName = globGicName[n];
String simple = DocClassUtil.getSimpleName(gicName);
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(simple)) {
//do nothing
} else if (gicName.contains("<")) {
if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(simple)) {
String gName = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(gicName)[0];
if (!DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gName)) {
params0.append(buildParams(gName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else if (DocClassUtil.isMap(simple)) {
String valType = DocClassUtil.getMapKeyValueType(gicName)[1];
if (!DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(valType)) {
params0.append(buildParams(valType, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else {
params0.append(buildParams(gicName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else {
params0.append(buildParams(gicName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else {
params0.append(buildParams(subTypeName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else if (DocClassUtil.isArray(subTypeName)) {
fieldGicName = fieldGicName.substring(0, fieldGicName.indexOf("["));
if (className.equals(fieldGicName)) {
//do nothing
} else if (!DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(fieldGicName)) {
params0.append(buildParams(fieldGicName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
} else if (simpleName.equals(subTypeName)) {
//do nothing
} else {
params0.append(buildParams(fieldGicName, preBuilder.toString(), i + 1, isRequired, responseFieldMap, isResp));
return params0.toString();
private String primitiveReturnRespComment(String typeName) {
StringBuilder comments = new StringBuilder();
comments.append("no param name|")
.append("The interface directly returns the ")
.append(typeName).append(" type value.\n");
return comments.toString();
* 构建返回的json
* @param method The JavaMethod object
* @return String
private String buildReturnJson(JavaMethod method, Map<String, CustomRespField> responseFieldMap) {
if ("void".equals(method.getReturnType().getFullyQualifiedName())) {
return "this api return nothing.";
String returnType = method.getReturnType().getGenericCanonicalName();
String typeName = method.getReturnType().getFullyQualifiedName();
return JsonFormatUtil.formatJson(buildJson(typeName, returnType, responseFieldMap, true));
* @param typeName type name
* @param genericCanonicalName genericCanonicalName
* @param responseFieldMap map of response fields data
* @param isResp response flag
* @return String
private String buildJson(String typeName, String genericCanonicalName, Map<String, CustomRespField> responseFieldMap, boolean isResp) {
if (DocClassUtil.isMvcIgnoreParams(typeName)) {
if (GlobalConstants.MODE_AND_VIEW_FULLY.equals(typeName)) {
return "forward or redirect to a page view.";
} else {
return "error restful return.";
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(typeName)) {
return DocUtil.jsonValueByType(typeName);
StringBuilder data0 = new StringBuilder();
JavaClass cls = builder.getClassByName(typeName);
String[] globGicName = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(genericCanonicalName);
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(typeName) || DocClassUtil.isArray(typeName)) {
if (globGicName.length == 0) {
data.append("{\"object\":\"any object\"}");
return data.toString();
String gNameTemp = globGicName[0];
String gName = DocClassUtil.isArray(typeName) ? gNameTemp.substring(0, gNameTemp.indexOf("[")) : globGicName[0];
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_OBJECT_FULLY.equals(gName)) {
data.append("{\"waring\":\"You may use java.util.Object instead of display generics in the List\"}");
} else if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gName)) {
} else if (gName.contains("<")) {
String simple = DocClassUtil.getSimpleName(gName);
String json = buildJson(simple, gName, responseFieldMap, isResp);
} else if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(gName)) {
data.append("\"any object\"");
} else {
String json = buildJson(gName, gName, responseFieldMap, isResp);
return data.toString();
} else if (DocClassUtil.isMap(typeName)) {
String gNameTemp = genericCanonicalName;
String[] getKeyValType = DocClassUtil.getMapKeyValueType(gNameTemp);
if (getKeyValType.length == 0) {
return data.toString();
if (!GlobalConstants.JAVA_STRING_FULLY.equals(getKeyValType[0])) {
throw new RuntimeException("Map's key can only use String for json,but you use " + getKeyValType[0]);
String gicName = gNameTemp.substring(gNameTemp.indexOf(",") + 1, gNameTemp.lastIndexOf(">"));
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_OBJECT_FULLY.equals(gicName)) {
data.append("{").append("\"mapKey\":").append("{\"waring\":\"You may use java.util.Object for Map value; smart-doc can't be handle.\"}").append("}");
} else if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName)) {
} else if (gicName.contains("<")) {
String simple = DocClassUtil.getSimpleName(gicName);
String json = buildJson(simple, gicName, responseFieldMap, isResp);
} else {
data.append("{").append("\"mapKey\":").append(buildJson(gicName, gNameTemp, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("}");
return data.toString();
} else if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_OBJECT_FULLY.equals(typeName)) {
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_OBJECT_FULLY.equals(typeName)) {
data.append("{\"object\":\" any object\"},");
// throw new RuntimeException("Please do not return java.lang.Object directly in api interface.");
} else {
List<JavaField> fields = getFields(cls, 0);
int i = 0;
for (JavaField field : fields) {
String fieldName = field.getName();
if (!"serialVersionUID".equals(fieldName)) {
List<DocletTag> paramTags = field.getTags();
if (!isResp) {
for (DocletTag docletTag : paramTags) {
if (DocClassUtil.isIgnoreTag(docletTag.getName())) {
continue out;
List<JavaAnnotation> annotations = field.getAnnotations();
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : annotations) {
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getSimpleName();
if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_JSON_IGNORE.equals(annotationName) && isResp) {
continue out;
} else if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_JSON_FIELD.equals(annotationName) && isResp) {
if (null != annotation.getProperty("serialize")) {
if ("false".equals(annotation.getProperty("serialize").toString())) {
continue out;
} else if (null != annotation.getProperty("name")) {
fieldName = annotation.getProperty("name").toString().replace("\"", "");
} else if (AnnotationConstants.SHORT_JSON_PROPERTY.equals(annotationName) && isResp) {
if (null != annotation.getProperty("value")) {
fieldName = annotation.getProperty("value").toString().replace("\"", "");
String typeSimpleName = field.getType().getSimpleName();
String subTypeName = field.getType().getFullyQualifiedName();
String fieldGicName = field.getType().getGenericCanonicalName();
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(typeSimpleName)) {
CustomRespField customResponseField = responseFieldMap.get(fieldName);
if (null != customResponseField) {
Object val = customResponseField.getValue();
if (null != val) {
if ("String".equals(typeSimpleName)) {
} else {
} else {
data0.append(DocUtil.getValByTypeAndFieldName(typeSimpleName, field.getName())).append(",");
} else {
data0.append(DocUtil.getValByTypeAndFieldName(typeSimpleName, field.getName())).append(",");
} else {
if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(subTypeName) || DocClassUtil.isArray(subTypeName)) {
fieldGicName = DocClassUtil.isArray(subTypeName) ? fieldGicName.substring(0, fieldGicName.indexOf("[")) : fieldGicName;
if (DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(fieldGicName).length == 0) {
data0.append("{\"object\":\"any object\"},");
continue out;
String gicName = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(fieldGicName)[0];
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_STRING_FULLY.equals(gicName)) {
data0.append("[").append("\"").append(buildJson(gicName, fieldGicName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("\"]").append(",");
} else if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_LIST_FULLY.equals(gicName)) {
data0.append("{\"object\":\"any object\"},");
} else if (gicName.length() == 1) {
if (globGicName.length == 0) {
data0.append("{\"object\":\"any object\"},");
continue out;
String gicName1 = (i < globGicName.length) ? globGicName[i] : globGicName[globGicName.length - 1];
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_STRING_FULLY.equals(gicName1)) {
data0.append("[").append("\"").append(buildJson(gicName1, gicName1, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("\"]").append(",");
} else {
if (!typeName.equals(gicName1)) {
data0.append("[").append(buildJson(DocClassUtil.getSimpleName(gicName1), gicName1, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("]").append(",");
} else {
} else {
if (!typeName.equals(gicName) && !gicName.contains(typeName)) {
if (MAP_CLASS.equals(gicName)) {
continue out;
data0.append("[").append(buildJson(gicName, fieldGicName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("]").append(",");
} else {
} else if (DocClassUtil.isMap(subTypeName)) {
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_MAP_FULLY.equals(subTypeName)) {
continue out;
String gicName = fieldGicName.substring(fieldGicName.indexOf(",") + 1, fieldGicName.indexOf(">"));
if (gicName.length() == 1) {
String gicName1 = (i < globGicName.length) ? globGicName[i] : globGicName[globGicName.length - 1];
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_STRING_FULLY.equals(gicName1)) {
data0.append("{").append("\"mapKey\":\"").append(buildJson(gicName1, gicName1, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("\"},");
} else {
if (!typeName.equals(gicName1)) {
data0.append("{").append("\"mapKey\":").append(buildJson(DocClassUtil.getSimpleName(gicName1), gicName1, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("},");
} else {
} else {
data0.append("{").append("\"mapKey\":").append(buildJson(gicName, fieldGicName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("},");
} else if (subTypeName.length() == 1) {
if (!typeName.equals(genericCanonicalName)) {
String gicName = globGicName[i];
if (gicName.contains("<")) {
String simple = DocClassUtil.getSimpleName(gicName);
data0.append(buildJson(simple, gicName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append(",");
} else {
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName)) {
} else {
data0.append(buildJson(gicName, gicName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append(",");
} else {
data0.append("{\"waring\":\"You may have used non-display generics.\"},");
} else if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_OBJECT_FULLY.equals(subTypeName)) {
if (i < globGicName.length) {
String gicName = globGicName[i];
if (!typeName.equals(genericCanonicalName)) {
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName)) {
data0.append("\"").append(buildJson(gicName, genericCanonicalName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append("\",");
} else {
data0.append(buildJson(gicName, gicName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append(",");
} else {
data0.append("{\"waring\":\"You may have used non-display generics.\"},");
} else {
data0.append("{\"waring\":\"You may have used non-display generics.\"},");
} else if (typeName.equals(subTypeName)) {
} else {
data0.append(buildJson(subTypeName, fieldGicName, responseFieldMap, isResp)).append(",");
if (data0.toString().contains(",")) {
return data0.toString();
private String buildReqJson(JavaMethod method, ApiMethodDoc apiMethodDoc) {
List<JavaParameter> parameterList = method.getParameters();
if (parameterList.size() < 1) {
return "No request parameters are required.";
boolean containsBrace = apiMethodDoc.getUrl().contains("{");
Map<String, String> paramsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (JavaParameter parameter : parameterList) {
JavaType javaType = parameter.getType();
String simpleTypeName = javaType.getValue();
String gicTypeName = javaType.getGenericCanonicalName();
String typeName = javaType.getFullyQualifiedName();
String paraName = parameter.getName();
if (!DocClassUtil.isMvcIgnoreParams(typeName)) {
List<JavaAnnotation> annotations = parameter.getAnnotations();
int requestBodyCounter = 0;
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : annotations) {
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getSimpleName();
if (REQUEST_BODY.equals(annotationName) || GlobalConstants.REQUEST_BODY_FULLY.equals(annotationName)) {
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(simpleTypeName)) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
return builder.toString();
} else {
return buildJson(typeName, gicTypeName, this.fieldMap, false);
if (requestBodyCounter < 1) {
paramsMap.put(paraName, DocUtil.getValByTypeAndFieldName(simpleTypeName, paraName,
String url;
if (containsBrace) {
url = DocUtil.formatAndRemove(apiMethodDoc.getUrl(), paramsMap);
url = UrlUtil.urlJoin(url, paramsMap);
} else {
url = UrlUtil.urlJoin(apiMethodDoc.getUrl(), paramsMap);
return url;
* Get tag
* @param javaMethod The JavaMethod method
* @param tagName The doc tag name
* @param className The class name
* @return String
private String getCommentTag(final JavaMethod javaMethod, final String tagName, final String className) {
Map<String, CustomRespField> responseFieldMap = new HashMap<>();
List<DocletTag> paramTags = javaMethod.getTagsByName(tagName);
Map<String, String> paramTagMap = new HashMap<>();
for (DocletTag docletTag : paramTags) {
String value = docletTag.getValue();
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: #" + javaMethod.getName()
+ "() - bad @param javadoc from " + className);
String pName;
String pValue;
int idx = value.indexOf("\n");
if (idx > -1) {
pName = value.substring(0, idx);
pValue = value.substring(idx + 1);
} else {
pName = (value.indexOf(" ") > -1) ? value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" ")) : value;
pValue = value.indexOf(" ") > -1 ? value.substring(value.indexOf(' ') + 1) : "No comments found.";
paramTagMap.put(pName, pValue);
List<JavaParameter> parameterList = javaMethod.getParameters();
if (parameterList.size() > 0) {
StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();
int requestBodyCounter = 0;
StringBuilder reqBodyParams = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder reqParam = new StringBuilder();
for (JavaParameter parameter : parameterList) {
String paramName = parameter.getName();
String typeName = parameter.getType().getGenericCanonicalName();
String simpleName = parameter.getType().getValue().toLowerCase();
String fullTypeName = parameter.getType().getFullyQualifiedName();
if (!DocClassUtil.isMvcIgnoreParams(typeName)) {
if (!paramTagMap.containsKey(paramName) && DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(fullTypeName) && isStrict) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Unable to find javadoc @param for actual param \""
+ paramName + "\" in method " + javaMethod.getName() + " from " + className);
String comment = paramTagMap.get(paramName);
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(comment)) {
comment = "No comments found.";
List<JavaAnnotation> annotations = parameter.getAnnotations();
if (annotations.size() == 0) {
//default set required is true
if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(fullTypeName) || DocClassUtil.isArray(fullTypeName)) {
String[] gicNameArr = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(typeName);
String gicName = gicNameArr[0];
if (DocClassUtil.isArray(gicName)) {
gicName = gicName.substring(0, gicName.indexOf("["));
String typeTemp = "";
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName)) {
typeTemp = " of " + DocClassUtil.processTypeNameForParams(gicName);
} else {
String strPrams = buildParams(gicNameArr[0], "└─", 1, "true", responseFieldMap, false);
} else if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(simpleName)) {
} else if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_MAP_FULLY.equals(typeName)) {
} else {
reqParam.append(buildParams(fullTypeName, "", 0, "true", responseFieldMap, false));
for (JavaAnnotation annotation : annotations) {
String required = "true";
if (null != annotation.getProperty("required")) {
required = annotation.getProperty("required").toString();
String annotationName = annotation.getType().getName();
if (REQUEST_BODY.equals(annotationName)) {
if (requestBodyCounter > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("You have use @RequestBody Passing multiple variables for method "
+ javaMethod.getName() + " in " + className + ",@RequestBody annotation could only bind one variables.");
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(fullTypeName)) {
} else {
if (DocClassUtil.isCollection(fullTypeName) || DocClassUtil.isArray(fullTypeName)) {
String[] gicNameArr = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(typeName);
String gicName = gicNameArr[0];
if (DocClassUtil.isArray(gicName)) {
gicName = gicName.substring(0, gicName.indexOf("["));
if (DocClassUtil.isPrimitive(gicName)) {
} else {
String strPrams = buildParams(gicNameArr[0], "", 0, "true", responseFieldMap, false);
} else if (DocClassUtil.isMap(fullTypeName)) {
if (GlobalConstants.JAVA_MAP_FULLY.equals(typeName)) {
continue out;
String[] gicNameArr = DocClassUtil.getSimpleGicName(typeName);
String strPrams = buildParams(gicNameArr[1], "", 0, "true", responseFieldMap, false);
} else {
reqBodyParams.append(buildParams(typeName, "", 0, "true", responseFieldMap, false));
} else {
if (requestBodyCounter > 0) {
return params.toString();
return params.toString();
return null;
* Get fields
* @param cls1 The JavaClass object
* @param i Recursive counter
* @return list of JavaField
private List<JavaField> getFields(JavaClass cls1, int i) {
List<JavaField> fieldList = new ArrayList<>();
if (null == cls1) {
return fieldList;
} else if ("Object".equals(cls1.getSimpleName()) || "Timestamp".equals(cls1.getSimpleName()) ||
"Date".equals(cls1.getSimpleName()) || "Locale".equals(cls1.getSimpleName())) {
return fieldList;
} else {
JavaClass pcls = cls1.getSuperJavaClass();
fieldList.addAll(getFields(pcls, i));
return fieldList;