APP_Framework/Applications/:add TJpgDec example,notes the macro definition (WORK_POOL_SIZE),this value depends on the resolution of the image,user set.

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chunyexixiaoyu 2021-11-18 11:15:23 +08:00
parent e33b0d0264
commit e0c78f200b
1 changed files with 151 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
#include <transform.h>
#include <tjpgd.h>
#define WORK_POOL_SIZE (4*1024+32)//This value depends on the resolution of the image
/* User defined device identifier */
typedef struct {
FILE *fp; /* File pointer for input function */
uint8_t *fbuf; /* Pointer to the frame buffer for output function */
uint16_t wfbuf; /* Width of the frame buffer [pix] */
/* User defined input funciton */
unsigned int in_func (JDEC* jd, uint8_t* buff, unsigned int nbyte)
IODEV *dev = (IODEV*)jd->device; /* Device identifier for the session (5th argument of jd_prepare function) */
if (buff) {
/* Read bytes from input stream */
return (uint16_t)fread(buff, 1, nbyte, dev->fp);
} else {
/* Remove bytes from input stream */
return fseek(dev->fp, nbyte, SEEK_CUR) ? 0 : nbyte;
/* User defined output funciton */
int out_func (JDEC* jd, void* bitmap, JRECT* rect)
IODEV *dev = (IODEV*)jd->device;
uint8_t *src, *dst;
uint16_t y, bws, bwd;
/* Put progress indicator */
if (rect->left == 0) {
printf("\r%lu%%", (rect->top << jd->scale) * 100UL / jd->height);
/* Copy the decompressed RGB rectanglar to the frame buffer (assuming RGB888 cfg) */
src = (uint8_t*)bitmap;
dst = dev->fbuf + 3 * (rect->top * dev->wfbuf + rect->left); /* Left-top of destination rectangular */
bws = 3 * (rect->right - rect->left + 1); /* Width of source rectangular [byte] */
bwd = 3 * dev->wfbuf; /* Width of frame buffer [byte] */
for (y = rect->top; y <= rect->bottom; y++) {
memcpy(dst, src, bws); /* Copy a line */
src += bws; dst += bwd; /* Next line */
return 1; /* Continue to decompress */
/* Program Jpeg_Dec */
int Jpeg_Dec (int argc, char* argv[])
void *work; /* Pointer to the decompressor work area */
JDEC jdec; /* Decompression object */
JRESULT res; /* Result code of TJpgDec API */
IODEV devid; /* User defined device identifier */
/* Open a JPEG file */
if (argc < 2)
printf("Jpeg_Dec illegal arguments ...\n");
return -1;
devid.fp = fopen(argv[1], "r+");
if (!devid.fp)
printf("Jpeg_Dec open the file failed...\n");
return -1;
/* Allocate a work area for TJpgDec */
work = malloc(WORK_POOL_SIZE);
if(work == NULL)
printf("Jpeg_Dec work malloc failed...\n");
res = -1;
goto __exit;
/* Prepare to decompress */
res = jd_prepare(&jdec, in_func, work, WORK_POOL_SIZE, &devid);
if (res == JDR_OK)
/* Ready to dcompress. Image info is available here. */
printf("Image dimensions: %u by %u. %u bytes used.\n", jdec.width, jdec.height, 3100 - jdec.sz_pool);
devid.fbuf = malloc(3 * jdec.width * jdec.height); /* Frame buffer for output image (assuming RGB888 cfg) */
if(devid.fbuf == RT_NULL)
printf("Jpeg_Dec devid.fbuf malloc failed, need to use %d Bytes ...\n", 3 * jdec.width * jdec.height);
res = -1;
goto __exit;
devid.wfbuf = jdec.width;
res = jd_decomp(&jdec, out_func, 0); /* Start to decompress with 1/1 scaling */
if (res == JDR_OK) {
/* Decompression succeeded. You have the decompressed image in the frame buffer here. */
printf("\rOK \n");
// for(int j = 0; j<3 * jdec.width * jdec.height;j++)
// {
// printf("%d,",*(devid.fbuf+j));
// }
printf("Failed to decompress: rc=%d\n", res);
if(devid.fbuf != NULL)
free(devid.fbuf); /* Discard frame buffer */
printf("Failed to prepare: rc=%d\n", res);
if(work != NULL)
free(work); /* Discard work area */
fclose(devid.fp); /* Close the JPEG file */
return res;
#ifdef __RT_THREAD_H__
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(Jpeg_Dec, Jpeg Decode Test);