/* * Copyright (c) 2020 AIIT XUOS Lab * XiUOS is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. */ /** * @file dev_touch.c * @brief register touch dev function using bus driver framework * @version 1.0 * @author AIIT XUOS Lab * @date 2021-04-24 */ #include #include static DoubleLinklistType touchdev_linklist; /*Create the touch device linklist*/ static void TouchDeviceLinkInit() { InitDoubleLinkList(&touchdev_linklist); } HardwareDevType TouchDeviceFind(const char *dev_name, enum DevType dev_type) { NULL_PARAM_CHECK(dev_name); struct HardwareDev *device = NONE; DoubleLinklistType *node = NONE; DoubleLinklistType *head = &touchdev_linklist; for (node = head->node_next; node != head; node = node->node_next){ device = SYS_DOUBLE_LINKLIST_ENTRY(node, struct HardwareDev, dev_link); if ((!strcmp(device->dev_name, dev_name)) && (dev_type == device->dev_type)) { return device; } } KPrintf("TouchDeviceFind cannot find the %s device.return NULL\n", dev_name); return NONE; } int TouchDeviceRegister(struct TouchHardwareDevice *touch_device, void *touch_param, const char *device_name) { NULL_PARAM_CHECK(touch_device); NULL_PARAM_CHECK(device_name); x_err_t ret = EOK; static x_bool dev_link_flag = RET_FALSE; if (!dev_link_flag) { TouchDeviceLinkInit(); dev_link_flag = RET_TRUE; } if (DEV_INSTALL != touch_device->haldev.dev_state) { strncpy(touch_device->haldev.dev_name, device_name, NAME_NUM_MAX); touch_device->haldev.dev_type = TYPE_TOUCH_DEV; touch_device->haldev.dev_state = DEV_INSTALL; touch_device->haldev.dev_done = (struct HalDevDone *)touch_device->dev_done; touch_device->haldev.private_data = touch_param; DoubleLinkListInsertNodeAfter(&touchdev_linklist, &(touch_device->haldev.dev_link)); } else { KPrintf("TouchDeviceRegister device has been register state%u\n", touch_device->haldev.dev_state); } return ret; } int TouchDeviceAttachToBus(const char *dev_name, const char *bus_name) { NULL_PARAM_CHECK(dev_name); NULL_PARAM_CHECK(bus_name); x_err_t ret = EOK; struct Bus *bus; struct HardwareDev *device; bus = BusFind(bus_name); if (NONE == bus) { KPrintf("TouchDeviceAttachToBus find touch bus error!name %s\n", bus_name); return ERROR; } if (TYPE_TOUCH_BUS == bus->bus_type) { device = TouchDeviceFind(dev_name, TYPE_TOUCH_DEV); if (NONE == device) { KPrintf("TouchDeviceAttachToBus find TOUCH device error!name %s\n", dev_name); return ERROR; } if (TYPE_TOUCH_DEV == device->dev_type) { ret = DeviceRegisterToBus(bus, device); if (EOK != ret) { KPrintf("TouchDeviceAttachToBus DeviceRegisterToBus error %u\n", ret); return ERROR; } } } return EOK; }