
283 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2006-2018, RT-Thread Development Team
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2011-3-12 Yi Qiu first version
* @file usb_host.h
* @brief define usb host function and struct
* @version 1.0
* @author AIIT XUOS Lab
* @date 2021-04-25
File name: usb_host.h
Description: define usb host function and struct
Others: take RT-Thread v4.0.2/components/drivers/include/drivers/usb_host.h for references
1. Date: 2021-04-25
Author: AIIT XUOS Lab
1. define usb host configure, function and struct
2. support bus driver framework
#ifndef USB_HOST_H
#define USB_HOST_H
#include <xiuos.h>
#include <usb_common.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define USB_MAX_DEVICE 0x20
#define USB_MAX_INTERFACE 0x08
#define USB_HUB_PORT_NUM 0x04
#define DEV_STATUS_IDLE 0x00
#define DEV_STATUS_BUSY 0x01
#define DEV_STATUS_ERROR 0x02
#define UPIPE_STATUS_OK 0x00
#define USBH_PID_SETUP 0x00
#define USBH_PID_DATA 0x01
struct uhcd;
struct uhintf;
struct uhub;
struct upipe;
struct UclassDriver
DoubleLinklistType list;
int ClassCode;
int subclass_code;
x_err_t (*enable)(void* arg);
x_err_t (*disable)(void* arg);
void* UserData;
typedef struct UclassDriver* UcdPointer;
struct uprotocal
DoubleLinklistType list;
int ProId;
x_err_t (*init)(void* arg);
x_err_t (*callback)(void* arg);
typedef struct uprotocal* UprotocalPointer;
struct uinstance
struct UdeviceDescriptor DevDesc;
UcfgDescPointer CfgDesc;
struct uhcd *hcd;
struct upipe * PipeEp0Out;
struct upipe * PipeEp0In;
DoubleLinklistType pipe;
uint8 status;
uint8 type;
uint8 index;
uint8 address;
uint8 speed;
uint8 MaxPacketSize;
uint8 port;
struct uhub* parent_hub;
struct uhintf* intf[USB_MAX_INTERFACE];
typedef struct uinstance* UinstPointer;
struct uhintf
struct uinstance* device;
UintfDescPointer IntfDesc;
UcdPointer drv;
void *UserData;
struct upipe
DoubleLinklistType list;
uint8 pipe_index;
uint32 status;
struct UendpointDescriptor ep;
UinstPointer inst;
FuncCallback callback;
void* UserData;
typedef struct upipe* upipe_t;
struct uhub
struct UhubDescriptor HubDesc;
uint8 NumPorts;
uint32 PortStatus[USB_HUB_PORT_NUM];
struct uinstance* child[USB_HUB_PORT_NUM];
x_bool IsRoothub;
uint8 buffer[8];
struct uinstance* self;
struct uhcd *hcd;
typedef struct uhub* UhubPointer;
struct uhcd_ops
x_err_t (*reset_port) (uint8 port);
int (*pipe_xfer) (upipe_t pipe, uint8 token, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout);
x_err_t (*open_pipe) (upipe_t pipe);
x_err_t (*close_pipe) (upipe_t pipe);
typedef struct uhcd_ops* uhcd_ops_t;
struct uhcd
uhcd_ops_t ops;
uint8 NumPorts;
UhubPointer roothub;
typedef struct uhcd* UhcdPointer;
enum uhost_msg_type
typedef enum uhost_msg_type uhost_msg_type;
struct UhostMsg
uhost_msg_type type;
struct uhub* hub;
FuncCallback function;
void *context;
typedef struct UhostMsg* uhost_msg_t;
/* usb host system interface */
x_err_t UsbHostInit(struct uhcd *hcd);
void UsbhHubInit(struct uhcd *hcd);
/* usb host core interface */
struct uinstance* UsbhAllocInstance(UhcdPointer uhcd);
x_err_t UsbhAttatchInstance(struct uinstance* device);
x_err_t UsbhDetachInstance(struct uinstance* device);
x_err_t UsbhGetDescriptor(struct uinstance* device, uint8 type, void* buffer, int nbytes);
x_err_t UsbhSetConfigure(struct uinstance* device, int config);
x_err_t UsbhSetAddress(struct uinstance* device);
x_err_t UsbhSetInterface(struct uinstance* device, int intf);
x_err_t UsbhClearFeature(struct uinstance* device, int endpoint, int feature);
x_err_t UsbhGetInterfaceDescriptor(UcfgDescPointer CfgDesc, int num, UintfDescPointer* IntfDesc);
x_err_t UsbhGetEndpointDescriptor(UintfDescPointer IntfDesc, int num, UepDescPointer* EpDesc);
/* usb class driver interface */
x_err_t UsbhClassDriverInit(void);
x_err_t UsbhClassDriverRegister(UcdPointer drv);
x_err_t UsbhClassDriverUnregister(UcdPointer drv);
x_err_t UsbhClassDriverEnable(UcdPointer drv, void* args);
x_err_t UsbhClassDriverDisable(UcdPointer drv, void* args);
UcdPointer UsbhClassDriverFind(int ClassCode, int subclass_code);
/* usb class driver implement */
UcdPointer UsbhClassDriverHub(void);
UcdPointer UsbhClassDriverStorage(void);
/* usb hub interface */
x_err_t UsbhHubGetDescriptor(struct uinstance* device, uint8 *buffer,
x_size_t size);
x_err_t UsbhHubGetStatus(struct uinstance* device, uint32* buffer);
x_err_t UsbhHubGetPortStatus(UhubPointer uhub, uint16 port,
uint32* buffer);
x_err_t UsbhHubClearPortFeature(UhubPointer uhub, uint16 port,
uint16 feature);
x_err_t UsbhHubSetPortFeature(UhubPointer uhub, uint16 port,
uint16 feature);
x_err_t UsbhHubResetPort(UhubPointer uhub, uint16 port);
x_err_t UsbhEventSignal(struct UhostMsg* msg);
void UsbhRootHubConnectHandler(struct uhcd *hcd, uint8 port, x_bool isHS);
void UsbhRootHubDisconnectHandler(struct uhcd *hcd, uint8 port);
/* usb host controller driver interface */
static __inline x_err_t usb_instance_add_pipe(UinstPointer inst, upipe_t pipe)
DoubleLinkListInsertNodeBefore(&inst->pipe, &pipe->list);
return EOK;
static __inline upipe_t UsbInstanceFindPipe(UinstPointer inst,uint8 ep_address)
DoubleLinklistType * l;
for(l = inst->pipe.node_next;l != &inst->pipe;l = l->node_next)
if(SYS_DOUBLE_LINKLIST_ENTRY(l,struct upipe,list)->ep.bEndpointAddress == ep_address)
return SYS_DOUBLE_LINKLIST_ENTRY(l,struct upipe,list);
return NONE;
static __inline x_err_t UsbHcdAllocPipe(UhcdPointer hcd, upipe_t* pipe, UinstPointer inst, UepDescPointer ep)
*pipe = (upipe_t)x_malloc(sizeof(struct upipe));
if(*pipe == NONE)
return ERROR;
memset(*pipe,0,sizeof(struct upipe));
(*pipe)->inst = inst;
memcpy(&(*pipe)->ep,ep,sizeof(struct UendpointDescriptor));
return hcd->ops->open_pipe(*pipe);
static __inline void UsbPipeAddCallback(upipe_t pipe, FuncCallback callback)
pipe->callback = callback;
static __inline x_err_t UsbHcdFreePipe(UhcdPointer hcd, upipe_t pipe)
return EOK;
int UsbHcdPipeXfer(UhcdPointer hcd, upipe_t pipe, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout);
static __inline int UsbHcdSetupXfer(UhcdPointer hcd, upipe_t pipe, UreqPointer setup, int timeout)
return hcd->ops->pipe_xfer(pipe, USBH_PID_SETUP, (void *)setup, 8, timeout);
#ifdef __cplusplus